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S&P Global Foundation grants over $1 million to support humanitarian efforts in Ukraine

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S&P Global Foundation grants over $1 million to support humanitarian efforts in Ukraine

The health and safety of our people, customers and the communities in which we live and work is always a top priority at S&P Global. As a global company operating in multiple countries, we understand the importance of upholding and protecting universal human rights. When the conflict in Ukraine created a need for massive humanitarian aid, our S&P Global Foundation swiftly provided funding to organizations that support on-the-ground needs of those most affected. 

The S&P Global Foundation has funded direct grants to the following eight nonprofit/nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) to support immediate, on-the-ground needs in Ukraine and neighboring countries:  

These NGOs have a proven track record in responding to humanitarian and other types of disasters and have worked to address the emergent needs in Ukraine and countries receiving Ukrainian refugees.

These grants brought the Foundation’s direct grantmaking for Ukraine to more than US $1 million, along with more than US $135,000 donated by S&P Global colleagues through the Disaster Relief Matching Gift Program since March 1, 2022.

If you have any questions about Foundation grants, please reach out to