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Reducing our carbon emissions to net zero may be our biggest challenge yet.

There’s no single action that will lead us to carbon neutrality. But there is a single source of essential sustainability intelligence providing unparalleled data and insight to accelerate your journey.


Net zero.
Now what?

We are here to help. Our unparalleled data and insight is tried-and-tested throughout the global value chain, helping companies, banks, investment managers and asset owners to accelerate their net zero journeys, from quantifying net zero baselines and setting targets to reporting progress and financing ambition.

Zero in on your net zero with essential intelligence and specialist support from a trusted partner.

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Discover essential intelligence

  • Nature Positive

    Access curated & comprehensive Nature & Biodiversity Risk data intelligence to efficiently assess company operations & investment portfolios.

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  • Data Coverage

    Our comprehensive coverage across global markets provides financial institutions, corporations and governments an unmatched level of clarity and confidence.

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  • Asset Level Physical Risk

    Discover comprehensive data coverage and hyper-local insight on weather related risks and trends across asset locations, investment portfolios and supply chains

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  • Climate & Environmental

    Assess environmental footprints, take a deep dive into high impact sectors, conduct climate scenario analysis and evaluate your alignment with market frameworks.

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  • Energy Transition

    Gain a comprehensive view of where the move to sustainable energy is and where it’s headed with our Platts Energy Transition services.

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  • Climate Analytics

    Discover a multi-sector, multi-asset class approach to climate portfolio analysis.

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  • Loan Book

    Stress test your loan book exposure to climate-related risks associated with the move to a net zero economy.

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  • Indices

    Our solutions range from core ESG and low-carbon climate approaches to thematic and fixed income strategies.

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  • Footprinting

    Pinpoint and measure important sustainability performance indicators across company operations, supply chain tiers and product life cycles.

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  • Science-Based Target Setting

    Set robust science-based targets to strengthen your commitment to managing climate-related issues and align your strategy with the goal of the Paris Agreement.

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  • TCFD Reporting

    Quantify climate-related financial risks and opportunities to engage with company stakeholders to turn metrics into action.

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  • Data Delivery & Workflow Tools

    Access essential sustainability data intelligence via a single, streamlined desktop platform and tech-forward productivity tools.

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See All Solutions

Zero in on your net zero next steps


Get comprehensive carbon footprints that quantify greenhouse gas emissions across the entire global value chain including company operations, supply chains, product lifecycles, multi-asset investment portfolios, and bank loan books – and take a deep dive into high impact business activities with in-depth analytics on coal exposure, fossil fuel reserves, utilities and mining.

Our data shows that for most business activities, the largest proportion of the carbon footprint is concealed in supply chains or in the product use and disposal phase.

Source: S&P Global Trucost. Data as at November 2020. For illustrative purposes. Data showcase is based on companies listed on the S&P Global 1200 index, selected to represent a global supply chain, equity portfolio or loan book. The index covers 31 countries and approximately 70 percent of global stock market capitalization.

Zero in on your net zero next steps


Track the alignment of investment portfolios and companies against the Paris Agreement goals of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees and 2 degrees Celsius, with forward looking analytical tools spanning 14,000 companies representing 99% of global market capitalization. Find out which companies and sectors are compatible with a <2 degrees Celsius world and identify the scale of reductions required by 2025 and beyond.

Our data shows that major global companies are on track for >3ºC warming, falling 72% short of required emissions reductions to achieve the Paris Agreement.

Paris Alignment

Source: S&P Global Trucost. Data as at November 2020. For illustrative purposes. Data showcase is based on companies listed on the S&P Global 1200 index, selected to represent a global supply chain, equity portfolio or loan book. The index covers 31 countries and approximately 70 percent of global stock market capitalization.

Zero in on your net zero next steps


Uncover risk scenarios, reveal transition pathways, and optimize your net zero opportunities with in-depth data intelligence.

Trucost Physical Risk Data

Understand the exposure of owned facilities and capital assets to climate change physical risks under low, moderate, and high climate change scenarios at 2025, 2030, and 2050. Pinpoint asset exposure to wildfires, flooding, drought, heatwaves, extreme cold, and hurricanes.

Trucost Paris Alignment Data

Understand company alignment with Paris Agreement energy transition pathway to limit global warming to well below 2°C from pre-industrial levels and alignment with net zero.

Trucost Carbon Earnings at Risk Data

Stress test a company’s current ability to absorb future carbon prices and understand potential earnings at risk from carbon pricing on a portfolio level.

Trucost Carbon Pricing Tool

Understand your exposure to current pricing schemes in more than 45 jurisdictions, together with potential future carbon pricing scenarios required to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement to navigate carbon pricing risk and introduce internal carbon pricing to inform financial decision making.

Market Intelligence Climate Credit Analytics, in partnership with Oliver Wyman

Access counterparty- and portfolio-level analysis of climate related financial and credit risks – and translate climate scenarios into drivers of financial performance.

Platts Integrated Energy Model

Study the evolution of the global energy system, computing long-term pricing under various scenarios through to 2040 with an integrated view of global energy markets encompassing 143 countries (13 regions), 9 end-use sectors, 30 fuel types, and emissions detail.

Platts Future Energy Outlooks

Discover a pragmatic view of the long-term trajectory of energy and commodity markets, with rich insights about the interconnected nature of technology, policy and consumer preference to explain what trade-offs are likely and what the world will look like when they occur.

Zero in on your net zero next steps


Set meaningful science-based business targets aligned with global climate goals, including the Paris Agreement and net zero – and identify engagement opportunities with investee companies and suppliers to manage risk and identify value creation opportunities in the transition to net zero.

Our data helps to identify engagement opportunities with investee companies and suppliers.

Source: S&P Global Sustainable1 2021 “Top Contributors: Sample (Condensed) Data,” for illustrative purposes.

*Climate Action 100+ is an investor initiative to ensure the world’s largest corporate greenhouse gas emitters take necessary action on climate change. These include 100 ‘systemically important emitters’, alongside more than 60 others with significant opportunity to drive the clean energy transition. For more information see

**Unpriced Carbon Cost (UCC) is the difference between what a company pays for emitting carbon today and what it may pay in the future.

Zero in on your net zero next steps


Respond to demands for transparency on net zero target setting and near-term action planning in a way that aligns with best practice standards, including the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). Tailored workshops help to engage internal stakeholders on integrating TCFD data intelligence in strategic decision-making.

Our data informs S&P Global's annual performance data on energy consumption and carbon emissions.

Source: S&P Global Impact Report, 2020

Zero in on your net zero next steps


Let our innovative indices and specialist second party opinions guide your net zero investment and financing strategies.

Net Zero Indices

For climate-focused investors seeking to align with the guidelines set out by the Paris Agreement to achieve net zero emissions by 2050, we offer a robust and growing series of market indices. The S&P PACT™ Indices (S&P Paris-Aligned & Climate Transition Indices) incorporate the European Union's requirements for Low Carbon Benchmarks and utilize robust datasets and science-based assessments of companies’ climate risks and opportunities. Learn more about indexing net zero.

Second Party Opinions

Our Sustainable Financing Opinions help companies provide investors with greater insight into how their investments will impact and align with environmental, social and sustainability goals. Explore how a specialist analyst perspective could add value to your sustainability strategy and financing communications.

Use of Proceeds Financing

Assesses a sustainable finance framework or transaction - where the proceeds will be used exclusively to finance or refinance environmental or social projects - for alignment with third-party principles and standards: ICMA’s Green, Social Bond Principles or Sustainability Bond Guidelines, ASEAN Green Bond Standards, and to LMA/APLMA/LSTA’s Green or Social Loan Principles.

Sustainability Linked Financing

Assesses a sustainable finance framework or transaction - where the proceeds will be used for general corporate purposes but incorporate measurable, forward-looking sustainability key performance indicators and sustainable performance targets into the financial and/or structural characteristics of the instrument - for alignment with accepted market principles: ICMA’s Sustainability-Linked Bond Principles and to LMA’s Sustainability-Linked Loan Principles.

Need insights to inform your net zero journey?

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Case studies

  • A Super Fund Charts Its Path to Net Zero

    Case Study
  • A Bank Relies on Extensive Energy Data to Guide its Path to Net Zero

    Case Study
  • Leveraging Analytical Insight to Inform a Company’s Net Zero Story

    Case Study
  • Integrating Net Zero Analysis in a Company’s Reporting System

    Case Study
  • An Oil and Gas Company Plans for Net Zero

    Case Study
  • A Bank Takes Steps to Be Net-Zero by 2050

    Case Study

The Climate Service is now a part of S&P Global


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Our journey

Alyson Genovese

Alyson Genovese, Global Head of Corporate Responsibility at S&P Global shares her personal insights on S&P Global’s journey to net zero.

The executive team believes that S&P Global must be held to a very high standard with respect to its own ESG stance and reporting.

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Quality Commitment

Environmental data. Firmly rooted in quality.

Should you find a discrepancy in our environmental data, five trees will be planted as a symbol of our commitment to continual improvement.

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Need essential sustainability intelligence?


We’re here to help you accelerate your journey to net zero. Get connected with a specialist who can advise you on your next steps.


Why S&P Global?

Accelerate Your Sustainability Journey

Gain unparalleled insight into critical topics like ESG performance, net zero, energy transition, sustainable financing, regulatory compliance and more.

Discover End-to-End Market Perspectives

Leverage intelligence that is tried-and-tested throughout the global value chain, applying deep knowledge of corporate sustainability assessments that scales analytics for asset owners, investment managers and banks.

Connect Your Workflows

Link sustainability data with financial data and market intelligence, and dig deep with screening tools, real time updates, data visualizations and customized dashboards.

Increase Your Productivity

Access data when and how you want it with flexible delivery options that include a leading desktop solution, APIs, data feeds and cloud access, underpinned by robust data linking, AI and machine-learning technologies.

Rely on a Deep Heritage of Innovation

Put 20+ years of experience behind your sustainability strategy, getting ahead of disclosure trends with active corporate engagement and granular data modelling, and delivering enhanced solutions recognized by numerous industry awards.

Enjoy Superior Customer Service

Know you have 24x7x365 backup and specialist assistance from ESG specialists and research analysts across our global offices.