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Climate Portfolio Analytics

Discover a multi-sector, multi-asset class approach to climate portfolio analysis.

Discover comprehensive portfolio climate indicators

Get an in-depth climate analysis of your investment portfolio.

Trucost Carbon Footprint

What quantity of GHG emissions are emitted by a portfolio’s holdings?

Trucost Environmental Footprint

What is the environmental impact of my portfolio?

Trucost Paris Alignment

Are holdings emitting too much GHG? How much is too much?

Trucost Carbon Earnings at Risk

What costs will be imposed on holdings from a price on GHG?

Trucost Physical Risk

Which holdings’ assets are exposed to physical risks?

Market Intelligence and Oliver Wyman Climate Credit Analytics

What are the impacts of physical risks and the transition to a low-carbon economy on portfolio holdings?

Apply a multi-sector, multi-asset class approach to climate portfolio analysis

A key advantage of Trucost's Paris Alignment Dataset is its ability to be applied widely across a range of industries and asset classes in a consistent fashion, with directly comparable results. Multiple portfolios with different sectoral compositions, and even different asset classes, can be compared against one another at the aggregated portfolio level and individual constituent levels, without resorting to widely divergent methodologies or having large data gaps.

Trucost has off-the-shelf coverage of equity and fixed income issuers. This coverage can be extended based on an investor's individual needs for alternative asset classes, as long as the issuer is a corporate issuer and has a modicum of data available.

Get Insights: Investor Portfolio Alignment with the Paris Agreement

Asset Class Coverage

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