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I need to align with TCFD

Quantify climate-related financial risks and opportunities and engage with company stakeholders to turn metrics into action, with our TCFD solutions.

How can we help you align?

Our climate analytics and specialist support services inform every step of the TCFD reporting journey.

Read our latest TCFD report here

Align with the TCFD recommendations


  • Carbon Footprint
  • Scenario Analysis
  • Opportunities
  • Targets
  • Engage and Report
Speak to a specialist

Quantify your baseline

Companies need to quantify carbon emissions across their value chains – including business operations, supply chains and downstream products in use. Financial institutions need to quantify carbon emissions linked to their capital allocation – across companies in equity and debt portfolios, bank loan books, or investments in other asset classes such as infrastructure and real estate.

We help you to collect the business data you already have on carbon emissions, and we provide carbon emissions data to accelerate the process and fill in data gaps.

Apply scenario analysis

Our climate datasets and analytics inform scenario analysis of the financial impact of climate-related risks across different time horizons.

  • Pinpoint asset exposure to water stress, flooding, heatwave, cold wave, hurricane, wildfire and sea level rise under low, moderate and high climate change scenarios with physical climate risk data.
  • Assess exposure to operating costs and margins from more than 130 regional carbon pricing policies and future pricing scenarios with carbon pricing risk data intelligence.
  • Assess carbon pricing risk exposure of customers and customer segments with market risk data intelligence.
  • Assess technology risk exposure from business activities considered to be candidate sectors for substantial carbon mitigation with technology risk data intelligence.
  • Assess a range of factors including emission profile, transition pathway alignment, climate disclosure and commitments with reputation risk data intelligence.

Identify opportunities

Consider the opportunities that could arise from the transition to a low carbon economy, including how well your existing product portfolio and future development plans are positioned for the low carbon transition.

Our climate data intelligence can also help to develop a business case to increase capital expenditure on carbon management projects.

Set targets

Set robust, science-based targets to strengthen your commitment to managing climate-related issues and align your strategy with the goal of the Paris Agreement to keep global temperature increases to well below 2 degrees Celsius.

Understanding by how much and how quickly you need to reduce carbon emissions to align with the Paris Agreement can help to engage internal stakeholders and inform low-carbon innovation.

Engage stakeholders publish a TCFD Report

Engage business stakeholders and turn metrics into action and with our management interviews and climate scenario analysis workshops, and publish the results of your TCFD analysis with our reporting services.

Are you ready for TCFD?

Take our short quiz to assess your readiness, and see how you stack up to your peers.

Take Quiz

Zero In On Your Net Zero

Set science-based targets aligned with global climate goals – and disclose activities in line with the TCFD.

Report your progress

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Fill out the form so we can connect you to the right person.

We're proud of our recent awards!

  • Best Corporate Actions Data Initiative, 2023
  • Best Overall Sell-Side Technology Provider, 2023
  • Most Innovative Regulatory Solution (Climate Risk & Transaction Reporting), 2023
  • Best Overall Data Product or Service, 2023

And, we delight in supporting our customers with 24x7x365 customer service and a 98% customer service satisfaction rate.

If your company has a current subscription for S&P Capital IQ Pro, you can register as a new user for access to the platform(s) covered by your license at S&P Capital IQ Pro or S&P Capital IQ


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