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Essential intelligence and tools for legal professionals.

We provide essential intelligence for law firms to understand advisory relationships; execute detailed research on companies, industries and deals; and uncover corporate connections. Know the details. Act with precision. Retain the business.

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Track legal trends and streamline research across your law firm.

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Power Your Firm's Edge with S&P Capital IQ Pro

Whether you’re focused on research, advice, or litigation, we have the solutions you need.

Build your research library and expand your toolkit for critical workflows like conflict resolution, M&A transactions, transfer pricing, and business development. Our essential solutions for law firms provide the tools needed to best serve and retain clients, lay the groundwork for new cases, or pivot into new markets.

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  • Company Financials & Fundamentals
  • Private Company Data
  • Professionals & Compensation Data
  • Corporate Trees
  • Ratings and Credit Intelligence

The right strategy starts with in-depth research. Get what you need faster.

Company coverage that represents 99% of the world’s market capitalization. 

  • S&P Capital IQ financials from 88,000 public companies with 45,000 active public companies, representing 99% of the world’s market capitalization
  • Public and private company hierarchies for 7 million entities, including mapping to Legal Entity Identifiers, CUSIP numbers, S&P Global Credit Ratings, and more
  • Operational data in key industries like Airline, Banking, Hotels & Gaming, Healthcare Facilities, Homebuilding, Insurance, Internet Media, Managed Care, Mining, Oil & Gas, Pharmaceutical, Real Estate, Asset Managers, Restaurant, Retail, Semiconductor Equipment, and Telecom, Cable & Wireless
  • Sovereign profiles for 190+ countries worldwide
  • Profiles on 30,000+ private equity and venture capitalist firms, including investment professionals, limited partners, investment criteria, and fund data

The right strategy starts with in-depth research. Get what you need faster.

Private company data that gives you greater insight

  • Access approximately 50,000 listed and 15M+ private companies across the Americas, Europe, Middle East, Africa, Australia, and Asia
  • Headcount data for U.S.-based private companies is sourced directly from the Department of Labor; holding period data helps you understand how long investments are being held by private capital firms; and tearsheet revenue and EBITDA for private companies is now available in the Excel Add-In
  • Our proprietary private company intelligence is supported by data from industry experts and governments agencies, including the United States, Brazil, New Zealand, Western Europe, Australia, South Korea, and more

The right strategy starts with in-depth research. Get what you need faster.

Professional data from ExecuComp™ to better understand and connect with stakeholders.

  • Profiles for 7.3M+ public and private professionals, including 2.6M+ board members and 4.7M+ executives globally.
  • Annual compensation data from 1992 on the top five executive officers, including 850K + executives and 250+ data types including salary, bonus, directors fees, and stock options.

The right strategy starts with in-depth research. Get what you need faster.

Corporate trees that show the relationships between the companies and individuals you care about.

  • View detailed profiles on 7.3M+ public and private company executives, board members, and investment professionals globally
  • Map an individual’s relationship network based on employment history, education, and board memberships using our Relationship Tree solution
  • Overlay your own contact and relationship data to see your connections to an individual or company

The right strategy starts with in-depth research. Get what you need faster.

Credit ratings to track company/counterparty risk and identify potential downgrade of companies that may need litigation services.

  • S&P Global Ratings for 53,000 corporates, 61,000 financial institutions, 6,800 insurance companies, 970,200 sovereigns, and 85,200 structured finance entities
  • Moody’s Credit Ratings and Investors Services for rated fixed-income issuers and securities

  • Sector-Focused News and Research
  • Comparables
  • Corporate Yield Curves
  • League Tables
  • SNL Sector Data

Gain a 360-degree view of your clients’ universe with contextual insight.

News, events, and filings with up-to-the-minute notifications for instant market updates on your focus industries.

  • Proprietary, sector-specific news coverage fueled by a 300+ editorial staff across 5 continents
  • Key developments from 20,000+ news sources, including events like announced and completed transactions, company forecasts and ratings, lawsuits, corporate structure changes, and dividends and splits
  • Transcripts covering 5,500+ companies across company-specific events, including live streaming coverage of 65%+ of earnings calls

Gain a 360-degree view of your clients’ universe with contextual insight.

Comparables to estimate the value of similar assets and companies.

  • Detailed estimates covering 19,000+ active companies from 670+ active contributors
  • 40+ data measures including EPS, Revenue, EBITDA, and more
  • Detailed information about debt and equity aspects of a company’s capital structure covering 82,000+ public and private companies, with equity capital structure data that covers 113,000+ public and select private companies worldwide

Gain a 360-degree view of your clients’ universe with contextual insight.

Corporate yield curves to benchmark debt and predict changes in the economy.

  • Comprehensive content including underlying bond constituent ISINs, prices and Z-spreads, standard deviations, observed and derived indicators, and number of market price observations and issuers 
  • All 11 GICS® sectors with 5+ years of history
  • 7 ratings, including AAA-CCC

Gain a 360-degree view of your clients’ universe with contextual insight.

League tables to gather competitive intelligence, generate leads for new business, and publicize “wins” for your firm.

  • Rankings for financial advisory and legal firms with the most M&A activity in the United States, Bermuda, and Canada are published quarterly
  • Aggregated by deal value and number of deals from January 1 through the end of each quarter
  • Mergers, acquisitions, or sales of companies in Bank & Thrift, Insurance, Specialty Finance, Securities & Investments, Investment Companies, Financial Technology, Real Estate, Energy, Technology, Media, Telecommunications, and more
  • Deal information gathered from press releases, financial reports, merger presentations, regulatory filings, company websites, and proprietary financial adviser and legal counsel surveys

Gain a 360-degree view of your clients’ universe with contextual insight.

SNL sector intelligence for deep insights into your practice’s industries of focus.

  • Sector-specific metrics and ratios for banking, insurance, real estate, energy, TMT, and metals & mining
  • Regulatory data for 45,000 holding companies, subsidiaries and credit unions
  • 6,500 public companies and 50,000 private firms worldwide

Solutions that work as hard as you do.

Your focus is on serving your clients. Our focus is on you.

Essential solutions, built with your workflow in mind.

Solutions for law professionals made simple. Client retention done right.

Talk to our experts.

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We're proud of our recent awards!

  • Best Corporate Actions Data Initiative, 2023
  • Best Overall Sell-Side Technology Provider, 2023
  • Most Innovative Regulatory Solution (Climate Risk & Transaction Reporting), 2023
  • Best Overall Data Product or Service, 2023

And, we delight in supporting our customers with 24x7x365 customer service and a 98% customer service satisfaction rate.

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