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I need strategies to help meet regulatory and reporting standards.

See how S&P Global Market Intelligence’s industry-leading data and models can help you meet analytical and operational challenges from evolving regulatory requirements and accounting standards.

Learn about our regulatory and reporting solutions

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Keeping up with the rising bar of regulation.

As regulators and legislators respond to unpredictable global economic, business, and geopolitical landscapes, they will continue to reshape today’s operating frameworks, creating new challenges for firms. With our help, you can turn these challenges into a positive differentiator.

Assess credit risk with convenience.

Evaluate Probability of Default, calculate Loss Given Default, and estimate expected credit losses with our Credit Assessment Scorecards. Our suite of IFRS 9 solutions can help you comply with IFRS 9 credit impairment requirements.

Leverage our CECL Model solution to help with your CECL implementation plans. Our CECL approach applies to all financial instruments carried at amortized cost, such as loans held for investment (HFI), held to maturity (HTM) debt securities, and net investments in leases.


Case Study

  • Basel IV
  • IFRS 9
  • IFRS 16 and ASC 842
  • CECL
  • Solvency II
  • MiFID II

Basel IV

Basel IV, also known as Basel 3.1, is the latest in a series of international accords aimed at bringing greater standardization and stability to the worldwide banking system. It began implementation on January 1, 2023, although banks will have five years to fully comply.

Explore guidance on the changes to the standardized approach and solutions designed to help make implementation as straightforward as possible, and better align capital requirements.

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IFRS 9: International Financial Instruments Standard 9

An inadequate approach to IFRS 9 could leave you with an allowance that is too high, impacting deployment of capital to other revenue generating functions, or too low, potentially exposing your firm to unexpected losses in a downturn. Our suite of products can help you comply with IFRS 9 requirements, with access to default and ratings migration data, statistical models, and scorecards that assess probability of default and loss given default with macro-economic considerations.

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Lease Obligations: IFRS 16 and ASC 842

IFRS 16 is a standard on lease accounting for companies reporting under the International Financial Reporting Standard, and ASC 842 applies to those companies reporting under the US GAAP. These standards pose several challenges at a reporting level, especially for multinational companies that follow a dual-reporting system. The capitalization of operating leases will have an impact on companies’ financials and, thus, on any fundamentals-driven statistical model that uses financial ratios to estimate a company’s creditworthiness. Our fundamentals-driven statistical models in our Credit Analytics product suite will reflect these changes and can be used to maintain comparability in your credit risk analysis.

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CECL: Current Expected Credit Loss Accounting Standard Update

With fundamental data on 4M+ public and private entities, plus robust analytical credit tools, our CECL solutions enable our clients to combine historical, current, and forward-looking information to calculate life-of-loan credit loss estimates in accordance with CECL requirements.

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Solvency II

We provide essential data and credit risk models to support Standard Formula calculation, population of Quantitative Reporting Templates, Internal Model approaches, and insurers’ own risk and solvency assessments. For Insurance companies looking to third parties such as asset managers, fund administrators, and custodians for reports and data, our commercial model also supports the redistribution of data for Solvency II purposes.

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MiFID II: Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II for Investment Managers

Manage your Investment Research entitlements with greater efficiency, and understand your usage with S&P Global Market Intelligence research solutions. Our enhanced real-time research usage reports provide granular readership data across users at your organization, while our flexible entitlement capabilities help you manage research access. For more information, download our Real-Time Investment Research brochure or get in touch.

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Our specialized client support, modeling, and integration teams are available 24x7x365 to help.

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The essential research you need for regulatory change.

Turn to our critical research and real-time blog for expert insights from S&P Global Market Intelligence analysts, researchers, and strategists.

  1. Blog:
    CECL: Estimating Credit Losses Under COVID-19 and the Post-Crisis Recovery

Click here for more of the latest Credit Risk regulatory insights

There's news, and then there's deep, sector-focused news.

We publish hundreds of sector-focused stories every day to help you understand what's driving the markets and regulatory requirements. Our editorial staff writes daily on the following sectors: Macroeconomic & Policy, Financial Institutions, Insurance, Healthcare, Real Estate, Consumer, Energy, Metals & Mining (M&M), Technology, Media, and Telecommunications (TMT), and more.

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We're proud of our recent awards!

  • Best Corporate Actions Data Initiative, 2023
  • Best Overall Sell-Side Technology Provider, 2023
  • Most Innovative Regulatory Solution (Climate Risk & Transaction Reporting), 2023
  • Best Overall Data Product or Service, 2023

And, we delight in supporting our customers with 24x7x365 customer service and a 98% customer service satisfaction rate.

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