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The intelligence you seek. One platform to discover it.

Uncover opportunities and address market challenges head-on with the data, tools and insights of S&P Capital IQ Pro, our integrated Essential Intelligence®️ platform.

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with vision-critical
data and insights .

S&P Capital IQ Pro is an integrated market intelligence platform designed to meet the dynamic and evolving needs of Financial Institutions and Corporations. Drive growth and create value. Anticipate risk and confidently navigate global events. And accelerate your decision-making with advanced business analytics, data visualizations, and AI-based tools.

The intelligence you seek.
One platform to discover it.

The S&P Capital IQ Pro platform puts a world of information at your fingertips. Dive in to explore how our data, workflows, and tools can empower you to address market challenges head-on.

What can an intelligence platform do for you?


Meet market volatility with confidence.

Get the most out of your Capital IQ Pro subscription.

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Turn market insights into action, faster.


Industry-defining data

30+ years of excellence. 35+ million reports. Coverage of 52+ million private and 62+ thousand public companies. All in one integrated experience. We reveal the numbers and market insights that matter, so you can make decisions with greater conviction. Our legacy helps you anticipate what’s next.

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Expert insights

Access market research and insights you can’t find anywhere else, everywhere you go. Extract information from millions of filings, broker research reports and earnings call transcripts with our AI-powered Document Viewer. Use smart filters and alerts to access valuable insights as they happen, so you can make critical decisions when it matters most.

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Unrivaled sector coverage

Every sector is unique, so we ensure you get the deep industry insights and rich perspectives that you need to make more confident decisions. Broaden your sector market intelligence with exclusive data-driven industry news and research from our expert analysts and thought leaders.

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Advanced visualization tools

Seeing isn’t just believing. It’s understanding what to do next. Navigate data-driven markets with rich visualization tools that help you spot what others can’t. Bring complex datasets to life with dynamic visualizations from ChartIQ and Mapping. Then explore trends and relationships across a breadth of traditional, alternative, and sector-specific data to reveal a complete picture of new opportunities.

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Credit risk innovation

Get the whole credit story, faster, with S&P Global Ratings’ credit ratings and research on RatingsDirect® on S&P Capital IQ Pro. Explore current and historical data on 23,000+ entities, 500,000+ securities, and 960,000+ research articles.*

Easily assess the credit risk of millions of public and private companies with RiskGauge, a holistic credit risk score comprising elements of a company’s fundamentals-, market signals- and macroeconomic statistically-driven scores. Deepen your analysis further with access to comprehensive business credit reports.

* Data as of June 2023

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Sustainability Intelligence

Turn your net zero commitments into action with essential sustainability data and analytics. Assess environmental footprints, take a deep dive into high impact sectors, conduct climate scenario analysis, and evaluate your alignment with market frameworks designed to inform the transition to a low carbon, sustainable, and equitable future.

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We're proud of our recent awards!

  • Best Corporate Actions Data Initiative, 2023
  • Best Overall Sell-Side Technology Provider, 2023
  • Most Innovative Regulatory Solution (Climate Risk & Transaction Reporting), 2023
  • Best Overall Data Product or Service, 2023

And, we delight in supporting our customers with 24x7x365 customer service and a 98% customer service satisfaction rate.

If your company has a current subscription for S&P Capital IQ Pro, you can register as a new user for access to the platform(s) covered by your license at S&P Capital IQ Pro or S&P Capital IQ


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