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Navigating the Green Asset Ratio (GAR) What can it tell us about the sustainability performance of banks

Mar 14, 2024
60 minutes

Investors are demanding more sustainability related disclosure, and regulators are also closely monitoring the impact of climate change on companies and financial institutions. European banks, as major lenders across various sectors, play a crucial role in supporting companies in their sustainability transition.

In principle, the GAR is a simple ratio quantifying EU Taxonomy-aligned assets as a percentage of total covered assets; its primary objective is to help stakeholders understand financial undertakings’ contribution to European environmental and climate objectives. As banks disclose their GAR alignment for the first time, what does it tell us about their sustainability performance and efforts to finance the green transition? Can GAR be considered an indicator of progress on meeting institutions’ sustainability commitments? In this upcoming webinar you can learn how to navigate GAR and also what to expect from the upcoming revision to improve its usability.

Join our esteemed panel of experts as they discuss:

  • What is GAR and how useful it is expected to be?
  • How do banks navigate the challenge of completing the initial round of disclosures?
  • How well will GAR work with other disclosures and what other KPIs should be looked at to complete the picture?
  • What role will it play in banks’ transition planning?
  • What opportunities does GAR present?
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S&P Global Contributor
Gautham works as an Associate Director at S&P Global, leading the development of new datasets on environmental and climate issues. Full Bio
S&P Global Contributor
Born in 1982, Andrei Gurin studied European law in France (Panthéon-Sorbonne) and in the UK (King’s College London). Full Bio
S&P Global Contributor
Adrian Schwantes works on Sustainable Finance within the Association of German Banks (BdB). Full Bio
S&P Global Contributor
Alexia Femia is a Sustainable Finance Policy Adviser at the European Banking Federation (EBF). Full Bio

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