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Webinar Replays

Successfully Navigate Intercompany Financing Complexity

Thursday, September 30, 2021
45 minutes

Transfer pricing compliance is one of the most important taxation issues facing multinational organizations. As global obligations grow, we understand the importance of having access to the right data and tools to manage the pricing of cross-border transactions.

Register for our upcoming seminar, during which members of our Product Specialist team will showcase the new Credit Risk Pricing platform. You will learn:

  • How to determine an Issuer and loan-specific credit score
  • Efficiently utilize qualitative and parental support overlays
  • Evaluate arm’s length interest rates
  • Successfully leverage documentation and automation capabilities
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S&P Global Contributor
Ernest is a Senior Credit Product Specialist within the EMEA Credit Product Specialist team for S&P Global Market Intelligence, which provides multi-asset class data, research and analytics to global financial market participants.  Full Bio
S&P Global Contributor
Sid leads the GTM efforts for the Credit Analytics product globally, part of S&P Global Market Intelligence’s Credit Risk Solutions division and is based in London. Full Bio

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* Platts attempts to secure as many speaker presentations as possible, however some speakers choose not to share their materials. Therefore some presentations may not become available. Additionally speaker presentations for this event are only available for download from the networking mobile app and web link

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