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[Report]: 2021 Corporate Renewables Outlook


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[Report]: 2021 Corporate Renewables Outlook


2020 was the most active year yet for the corporate renewables market with over 20,000 MW worth of new announced corporate PPA capacity contracted.

Despite substantial industrywide disruption by the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020 was the most active year yet for the corporate renewables market with over 20,000 MW worth of new announced corporate PPA capacity contracted. To date, S&P Global Market Intelligence has identified over 400 projects with PPAs to over 120 companies totaling over 46,000 MW.

In the U.S. specifically, over 41,000 MW of corporate PPA capacity has been contracted for in 38 states. Mirroring the trend seen in the renewables market overall in the country, wind leads as the preferred technology but solar is quickly closing the gap.

Gain essential insights into U.S. corporate renewables outlook for 2021. Download report


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Corporate renewables market flourished in 2020 despite pandemic

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