This large-scale energy and resources company operates numerous subsidiaries throughout the Asia Pacific region. Business activities include the mining of coal and gold, as well as renewable energy projects. The company was looking to expand globally by identifying attractive investments in mineral projects and junior mining companies involved in gold, copper, zinc, lead, and silver.
The strategy team wanted to access a broad range of data to better understand the mining landscape and the financial performance of potential acquisition candidates. The team also wanted to streamline the investment decision-making process by creating analytical dashboards and utilizing data visualization tools. This would help facilitate the sharing of a common set of market information and industry insights with important stakeholders to keep them apprised of different initiatives.
The strategy team needed essential intelligence to support its recommendations on large-dollar acquisitions for the company.
Pain Points
The strategy team is responsible for uncovering, analyzing, and recommending potential investments to senior management, with each deal representing a significant financial commitment for the company. The team felt it needed to streamline the analytical processing of extensive mining-specific information to support its workflows. In particular, it wanted:
- Details on individual metals and mining mines, projects, and processing facilities for a wide range of commodities.
- The ability to identify attractive acquisition opportunities by analyzing the financial and asset- related data and forecast net present values of companies or projects in a timely manner.
- Access to consensus views of Wall Street analysts regarding a public company’s key financial metrics.
- Timely intelligence on company developments, such as earnings announcements, management changes, and more.
The team also wanted to receive this information via an efficient API to combine it with internal data and present it in company-specific dashboards and visualization tools to keep stakeholders abreast of the team’s initiatives. S&P Global Market Intelligence (“Market Intelligence”) was asked to present its capabilities in these areas.
The Solution
Market Intelligence discussed a comprehensive solution set that would provide a sharp focus on global mining assets and potential company acquisition candidates, plus the financials and related asset-level details needed for extensive due diligence. This would all be delivered by an efficient API to be utilized in internal applications. The solution set included:
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Details on global mining assets from exploration through to feasibility, development, and production, including:
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Company financial data to evaluate the performance of targets and peers based on:
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Consensus analyst-level details, with estimates on over 55 data measures1 for more than 100 countries and 18,000+ active companies from 670+ active contributors. Measures include:
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Key developments data offering objective and to-the-point intelligence on over 2,500 daily company announcements based on over 160 action types for public, private, and investment firms globally. Details include:
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The XpressAPI delivery solution that provides timely updates and streamlined data management tools for Market Intelligence data leveraging established industry standards for consistency and reliability. Tailoring data requests outside of desktop applications would increase the team’s bandwidth by handling frequent data updates through automation. |
Key Benefits
The strategy team believed this solution set would significantly elevate its ability to identify and vet opportunities, plus create an efficient reporting system to keep internal stakeholders up to date on its activities. In particular, the team saw enhancements in its ability to:
- Thoroughly identify potential investment opportunities with a comprehensive range of metals and mining asset data.
- Perform deep due diligence by analyzing a firm’s financial data along with analysts’ consensus estimates.
- Stay abreast of important company developments with daily updates on an extensive number of activities.
- Save time and power workflows with seamless integration of robust mining data with internal information and tools.
- Keep senior management up-to-date on activities with succinct dashboards and visualizations providing the background needed to better understand investment opportunities.
Click here to learn more about our data management service for the mining sector.
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