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Supporting the Systematic Decision-Making Process for a Global Consultancy


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Supporting the Systematic Decision-Making Process for a Global Consultancy

This consulting and advisory firm works with a wide variety of clients across multiple industries around the world.  This ranges from multinational corporations to innovative start-ups, each looking to gain insights on industry trends and support for both short- and long-term planning and decision-making.

Understanding target markets, emerging trends and competitive dynamics is critical for the consulting team to provide clients with the best guidance possible. Given this, the team wanted access to in-depth data and robust analytical tools to help clients address a wide range of complex business challenges. In addition, colleagues in the strategic planning team were looking for information to support the firm’s own growth strategy, and were also interested in acquiring additional data and analysis to round out their work.

Pain Points

The consulting team wanted access to extensive and reliable data to help clients with pressing strategic issues. It was also important to obtain this through one provider to maximize efficiencies.

Members of the consulting team wanted access to financial and firmographic information on entities across the public and private markets to provide clients with informed recommendations. To maximize efficiencies, they wanted to identify one firm that could provide consistent, standardized and clean data to:  

  • Identify growth trends across geographies and industries to highlight opportunities and risks for clients.
  • Dig deep on company financials to benchmark a client’s performance relative to its peers.
  • Establish an early warning system to quickly identify financial changes at a client or industry level to suggest possible action plans.  
  • Understand where markets might be headed in the near term and obtain alerts on the latest news stories and key developments.  
  • Populate the firm’s online dashboards and other internal applications.

In addition, the strategic planning team wanted to obtain insights to help establish reasonable annual growth and profitability targets for the firm, plus help the team prepare thought leadership pieces to create additional market awareness to build the business.

The team contacted S&P Global Market Intelligence (“Market Intelligence”) to learn more about its offerings in this area.

The Solution

Market Intelligence discussed a number of its renowned financial datasets, plus on-demand access via its API Solutions. This would enable both the consulting and the strategic planning teams to:

Easily assess the financial performance of public and private companies

The Premium Financials dataset provides standardized data for more than 5,000 financial, supplemental and industry-specific data items for 150,000+ companies globally, including 95,000+ active and inactive companies across multiple industries. Data is available at numerous frequencies and point-in-time representations of a financial period include press releases, original filings and restatements.

Private Company Data covers 200+ standardized financial statement items for over 12 million private companies globally.

Compustat® Fundamentals provides standardized global company fundamental and market data for active and inactive publicly-traded companies that financial analysts have relied on for over 50 years. Users can access historical and point-in-time financial statements, ratios and multiples, plus press releases available within hours of publication.

Know where markets may be headed

S&P Global Estimates provides a standardized database of global, real-time financial forecasting measures, such as upgrades/downgrades, target price revisions and market-moving news. It also includes estimates based on projections, models, analysis and research from analysts, brokers and companies themselves for annual, quarterly and semi-annual time periods. History is from 1996 for international companies and from 1999 for North American companies. An intra-day package gives the most timely estimates and guidance, with updates and revisions available up to every five minutes.

Power internal applications

Market Intelligence’s API Solutions, using Restful APIs, provides on-demand enterprise data access more securely and with fewer resources than traditional data feeds. Users can access a comprehensive list of financial and non-financial datasets and choose the data needed without hosting a database. Developers can leverage secure web services to dynamically access S&P Global datasets and curated third-party datasets, or interact directly with the web services via REST/JSON.

Key Benefits

Both the consulting and strategic planning teams saw great value to the Market Intelligence offering, and subscribed to the datasets through API Solutions. They are now benefiting from:

  • Enhanced productivity with easy access to a single integrated source of data and research. 
  • Access to trusted data that goes through multiple human and machine-based checks to help deliver the most reliable information possible.
  • Apples-to-apples company comparisons based on a unique standardization process for financials, with fully transparent adjustments.
  • Competitive and market-moving insights with timely refreshes to data items focused on companies and industries across the globe.
  • The ability to create unique thought leadership pieces to have the firm stand out in the market.

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