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MediaTalk | Season 2
Ep. 12 - Broadband's Growth Outlook as Subsidy Program Ends and Fiber Expands


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Listen: MediaTalk | Season 2
Ep. 12 - Broadband's Growth Outlook as Subsidy Program Ends and Fiber Expands

In this episode, MediaTalk host Mike Reynolds sits down again with S&P Global Market Intelligence Kagan analyst John Fletcher, who specializes in multichannel and broadband. John shares his outlook on how the broadband industry is set to grow in both the near and distant future. On one hand, funding for a key federal subsidy is set to end this month and legislators have yet to agree on a plan to extend it. As a result, tens of millions of low-income households could once again be priced out of broadband. On the other hand, fixed wireless is continuing to roll out across the country, driving subscriber growth for the broadband industry as a whole. What do both of these things mean for the cable industry? And what do they mean for efforts to close the digital divide? And where do low-earth orbiting satellites fit into all of this? Mike and John dig into these questions and more.

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