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MediaTalk | Season 2
Ep. 13 - Who Is Investing In The Metaverse And Why


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Listen: MediaTalk | Season 2
Ep. 13 - Who Is Investing In The Metaverse And Why

The metaverse means different things to different people. But to S&P Global Market Intelligence 451 senior research analyst Ian Hughes, the metaverse is the long-term vision for the next phase of the internet. It will feature a single shared immersive and persistent 3D virtual space where humans and machines interact with one another and with data. It will not replace the physical world, so much as enhance it. While AI has taken up a great deal of oxygen in the tech investment space, the metaverse cannot be ignored. The first quarter saw a record amount of investment in metaverse technologies. Saudi Arabia is spending $500 billion on a new city that begins with designs in the metaverse. Manufacturers are creating digital twins for new factories. And enterprises are coalescing around the OpenUSD standard, opening the door for a path to true interoperability. Join MediaTalk host Mike Reynolds to learn everything you need to know about the metaverse — in just 15 minutes.

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