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MediaTalk | Season 2
EP 17 - What's Next For Paramount Global


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Listen: MediaTalk | Season 2
EP 17 - What's Next For Paramount Global

After months of negotiating, Paramount Global started this week looking as though it was on the cusp of a deal. Now, in an unexpected turn of events, Paramount Global Chair Shari Redstone ended talks to sell her controlling stake in the media company to Skydance Productions. Instead, Redstone is reportedly eyeing the sale of Paramount's parent company, National Amusements. The news sent Paramount Global shares tumbling, raising questions about what comes next for the storied media giant. Will Redstone sell her NAI shares and exit the business that her father, the late Sumner Redstone, built? Does Paramount Global need to be sold? Are the parts at this point more valuable than the whole? And are there other suitors ready to jump in? Listen in as S&P Global Market Intelligence Kagan principal analysts Justin Nielson, Scott Robson and Seth Shafer answer these questions and more.

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