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MediaTalk | Season 2 | Ep. 28 - Broadcasters Prepare for Political Ad Spending Blitz After Conventions


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Listen: MediaTalk | Season 2 | Ep. 28 - Broadcasters Prepare for Political Ad Spending Blitz After Conventions

With August winding down, it is time for college football. MediaTalk host Mike Reynolds joins three S&P Global Market Intelligence Kagan analysts to talk about the 2024/25 college football season, which has a number of major changes, including conference realignments and a 12-team College Football Playoff. Together, they talk about the demise of the Pac-12, the expansion of the Big 10, the dominance of the SEC and the chances for the ACC. It promises to be a wild year with big rights fees, big ratings and big stories.

More S&P Global Content:

  • Broadcast guide to the US 2024 election: Political ad boon for TV approaching

Featured experts:

  • Peter Leitzinger, analyst at S&P Global Market Intelligence Kagan
  • Stefan Modrich, tech policy reporter at S&P Global Market Intelligence


  • Host/Author: Mike Reynolds
  • Producer/Editor: Sarah James

MediaTalk: All Episodes

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