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Next in Tech | Ep. 173: Phishing Deep Dive


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Listen: Next in Tech | Ep. 173: Phishing Deep Dive

While most of us have a basic understanding of phishing, the email attack tactic that’s been with us for years, attack techniques and the attacker community have been evolving rapidly. The speed of that evolution is outpacing the ability of users to detect the latest instances of phishing attacks and the advances are not slowing down. Poornima DeBolle, co-founder and chief product officer at Menlo Security, joins host Eric Hanselman to look at how phishing has changed and the options available to defenders. The days of misspelled, badly worded emails are disappearing behind us, being replaced by ever more targeted versions, enhanced with the power of AI. Defenses are being challenged, from new tactics to appear more trustworthy, to advanced proxies that can subvert multifactor authentication. There’s a greater need for technical protections, as attackers get better at outfoxing even the best trained users.

Host: Eric Hanselman

Guest: Poornima DeBolle

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