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Next in Tech | Ep. 182: Total Available Markets


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Listen: Next in Tech | Ep. 182: Total Available Markets

To predicate a business decision on the risk and potential reward, it’s important to understand the size of the reward. Correctly estimating the Total Available Market (TAM) and the smaller Serviceable Addressable Market (SAM) is critical to that planning process. Research director Greg Zwakman joins host Eric Hanselman to look at the challenges in creating TAM and SAM estimates that support decision processes and build a convincing business case. There are a host of difficulties, including a dearth of relevant data, that can lead to “narrative” sizing. The problem with enthusiastic storytelling, is that it may not lead to great decisions and it won’t convince business leaders or investors.

A realistic TAM/SAM estimate has to be built on a defensible foundation, starting with an assumption tree with its roots firmly fixed in achievable market values. Use cases for the products and services and the use case density informs the perspective on market motions. An objective assessment of competitors, their successes and market geographies complete the circle. Enthusiasm is a key part of making a product or service succeed, but the business case needs a lot more!

More S&P Global Content: 

Network API TAM/SAM study (for S&P clients)


  • Host/Author: Eric Hanselman
  • Guests: Greg Zwakman
  • Producer/Editor: Donovan Menard
  • Published With Assistance From: Sophie Carr, Feranmi Adeoshun, Kyra Smith

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