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With credit markets constantly evolving, how effectively do you manage risk?

S&P Global Market Intelligence’s Credit Assessment Scorecards provide credit and investment management professionals with the essential tools to identify and manage potential default risks of private, publicly-traded, rated, and unrated companies and government entities, across a multitude of sectors.

The Scorecards enable environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors to be considered in credit risk analysis in a transparent and structured way, while working through the regular credit assessment process.

Learn More about Credit Assessment Scorecards

Assess credit risk with confidence.

Assess credit risk with consistency.

Independent, Credible, and Objective Analytical Services

Tap into S&P Global credit expertise and data with our transparent third-party opinions on credit quality. Extend your credit risk analysis and modeling capabilities with our highly experienced quantitative analysts and subject matter experts for faster and better decisions. Analytical Services culminate practical knowledge of regulations and industry best practices for credit risk management. We offer services that leverage your internal data analytics and supplement them with our unrivalled data and proven methodologies.

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Assess credit risk with convenience.

S&P Global Market Intelligence - Credit Risk Product of the Year  




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