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Drive your analysis of market winners with rich global estimates and powerful analytical tools.

S&P Capital IQ Estimates provides high-quality financial estimates for a broad universe of companies from an extensive contributor universe. Easily access this comprehensive information via S&P Capital IQ Pro, our robust web-based market intelligence platform, or receive the data straight into your systems, portals, and business applications through our flexible Data Feed, Cloud and API Solutions.

Our recent acquisition of Visible Alpha lets you further unlock the power of estimates. Founded in 2015 by a consortium of leading investment banks, contribution partnerships are in place today with 200+ of the world’s leading banks and research houses. These relationships provide Visible Alpha with access to raw sell-side analyst models (not reports) to extract the embedded forecasts, assumptions, and logic, enabling users to see what’s driving a company’s future performance through complete product, segment, and industry forecasts.  This information is accessible via Visible Alpha Insights, a web-based platform, complete with an Excel add-in, or also available via API, cloud, and API solutions.

These two datasets complement each other and align perfectly with the professional investor’s workflow - S&P Capital IQ Estimates boasts broader broker coverage for a more comprehensive look at top line metrics, whereas the Visible Alpha Insights highly granular line items help you dive deeper to better understand what is driving company performance.

Explore on the S&P Global Marketplace

See what the market is saying to zero in on attractive opportunities.

Hone your stock selection, M&A targeting, competitor analysis, and more with broad, granular, and transparent estimates:

  • Broker and Analyst Coverage: Estimates of public companies at any point in time. 
  • Estimate Revisions: Upward and downward changes.
  • Consensus Estimates: Aggregated analyst estimates.
  • Consensus Analysis: Estimated growth rates and surprise calculations.
  • Surprise Analysis: Compare estimates from the day before a company reported earnings with the actual values.
  • Detailed Estimates: Historical and current estimates for specific trading items or companies.
  • Company Guidance: A public company's view of its future profit or loss.
  • Industry Estimates: 95+ industry-specific estimates across 14 industries:  Airlines, Banks, Education, Healthcare, Home-Building, Hotels & Restaurants, Insurance, Metals and Mining, Multi-Financial, Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology, Real Estate, Retail, and Telecommunications & Media. Learn more

Save time and enhance efficiencies with all the data you need from one provider.

Tap into one of the industry’s largest histories.
  • Rely on a rigorous inclusion/exclusion methodology that ensures high-quality consensus values that truly reflect valid estimates.
  • View the full disclosure on analyst exclusions and on adjustments made to the consensus estimates without referring to source documents.
  • See estimates on a calendar-year basis or for the next twelve months (quarterly and on a rolling-daily basis).
  • Access estimate revisions that are updated intraday and forecast numbers that are presented with point-in-time data.

Sharpen your perspectives with data that’s been expanded and normalized.
  • Benefit from historical data that’s supplemented from filings with crowdsourced estimates to see how unreported metrics are impacting consensus.
  • Conduct reliable cross-company and industry comparisons with standardized data.
  • Track both EPS normalized and EPS GAAP to obtain consistent data for detailed analysis.
  • Gain greater analytical flexibility with Excel Plug-ins, screening, and alerts.

Bring estimate data to life to uncover new insights.

Leverage ChartIQ's advanced data visualization and charting capabilities to transform estimates data into a compelling visual narrative to identify crucial relationships and opportunities. You can seamlessly integrate Capital IQ Global Estimates and Visible Alpha Insights content with other datasets, including proprietary information, plus S&P Global and third-party data.

Look at the effect of earnings announcements and other developments on estimates, assess the impact of changes in estimates on stock prices and different financial metrics, and clearly see the assumptions and logic underlying much of the data.

Choose from a range of flexible delivery options to get an edge in today's global markets.

Receive estimates data via the S&P Capital IQ Pro platform or through our API Solutions, providing on-demand enterprise access.

Automate the download and management of data and obtain delivery at any frequency with our Xpressfeed, our proprietary data feed solution.

Directly access and query S&P Capital IQ Estimates via Snowflake, a cloud-based offering, to eliminate the data ingestion process and improve productivity and efficiency

95+ industry-specific estimates across 14 industries

S&P Global's industry-specific estimates offer a comprehensive toolset for analyzing the financial health of companies across a broad range of sectors. The S&P Capital IQ Estimates dataset features a wide array of global estimates, including over 95 industry-specific operating forecasts across 14 industries.

These estimates encompass current and historical consensus data, company guidance, and estimate revisions, providing a detailed foundation for modeling company performance and making well-informed investment decisions. By diving into these detailed financial metrics, users can gain a deeper understanding of the factors driving company success.


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