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Single-handedly manage your supplier risk multiverse.

Supplier Risk Indicator™ enables you to monitor and manage risk across your entire global supplier ecosystem.

Supplier risk alerted. Crisis averted.

Early indications show, the sooner you’re alerted to supplier risk, the more time you have for a potential crisis to be averted. Supplier Risk Indicator collates, analyzes and consolidates multidimensional and multiregional risk factors into a single view across your entire global supplier portfolio.

Bringing together leading datasets, algorithms, and practitioner expertise, Supplier Risk Indicator spans multiple risk dimensions impacting the entire supply chain, including cybersecurity, business resilience, financial stability, location, and sustainability.

One indicator. Many facets.

Supplier Risk Indicator delivers simple yet insightful metrics to drive your toughest supply chain decisions. Each indicator is based on comprehensive multidimensional risk data and can be benchmarked, monitored, customized, and contextualized with access to drill-down sub-indicators and deep-dive reports.

Risk indicators from leading sources.

Supplier Risk Indicator integrates risk data and analytics from S&P Global Market Intelligence with select third-party intelligence to generate a detailed and balanced picture of a supplier's risk.

Credit risk

RiskGauge™ offers a holistic assessment of financial resilience and creditworthiness.

Cyber risk

SecurityScorecard supplies cybersecurity ratings, response, and resilience data.

Country risk

Economics & Country Risk provides a 360-degree perspective of country and sovereign risk scores.


S&P Global ESG Scores and Raw Data provide in-depth data intelligence on company performance on, and management of, ESG risks, opportunities, and impacts.