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Integrated sustainability intelligence starts with the S&P Capital IQ Pro Platform

Combining essential sustainability data intelligence with financial and industry data, research and news, alongside vivid data visualization and analytical features, the S&P Capital IQ Pro Platform provides integrated insights to uncover new opportunities in the transition to a low carbon, sustainable and equitable future.

  • Sustainability Scores
  • Raw Data
  • Portfolio Analysis
  • Screening
  • Carbon Earnings at Risk
  • Paris Alignment
  • Physical Risk
  • Environmental

S&P Global ESG Scores

An environmental, social and governance data set that provides company level, dimension level, and criteria level scores based on the S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) process, an annual evaluation of companies' sustainability practices.

  • Sustainability scores that have an impact on a company's business value drivers, including growth, profitability, capital efficiency, and risk exposure for 11,300+ companies
  • Imputed Scores, Raw Scores, Media & Stakeholder Analysis, Disclosure Analysis, Criteria Rationale, Campaign, Aggregates, Industry Level Ranking & Y-Y Trend data
  • Scores based on detailed survey process (CSA) and publicly available sources
  • Full data history dating back to 2013
  • Easy linking to other S&P Global Market Intelligence identifiers

Environmental, Social and Governance Raw Data

Access to up to 1,000 transparently disclosed, checked and easily discoverable sustainability data points for every company we assess in the S&P Global CSA.

Measure companies’ exposure to and performance on key sustainability risks and opportunities, the completeness of their public disclosures, and their awareness of emerging but underreported environmental, social and governance issues.

  • Question level scores, Question Weight, Year-On-Year change and Industry Performance – Max Score, Avg Scores
  • Scores raw data including companies’ responses

Environmental & Climate Portfolio Analysis

Understand your portfolio's environmental impact and future scenario alignment.

  • Carbon Footprint
    Quantify the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and intensity apportioned to your portfolio and its holdings using the latest available data.
  • Environmental Footprint
    Measure the environmental risks, opportunities, and impacts from greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, water use, waste, land & water pollutants, air pollutants, and natural resource use associated with your portfolio.

Business Involvement Screens

Access insights into company participation in business activities related to defense & weapons, energy & fossil fuels, healthcare, and Sin Stocks based on revenue generation or ownership. Detailed analysis includes involvement type, ownership & revenue ranges, screening support, and company revenue and ownership across 23 sub-categories for 12,000 companies globally. This capability allows investors to identify companies whose economic activities conflict with investment objectives

Asses your exposure

Assess company-level exposure to current and future carbon pricing scenarios and understand potential earnings at risk by using scenario analysis.

This dataset can be used to stress test a company's current ability to absorb future carbon prices and understand potential earnings at risk from carbon pricing on a portfolio level and report to stakeholders on forward-looking estimates of financial risks in line with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

Paris Agreement Goals

Assess company-level alignment with the Paris Agreement goal of limiting global warming to well below 2°C from pre-industrial levels, based on Science-Based Targets recommended SDA and GEVA approaches.

Climate-Related Hazards

Asset and company-level physical risk exposure scores and financial impact metrics to help financial and non-financial organizations assess the impact of climate change on their portfolios, operational assets and supply chains. The dataset covers eight climate hazards, four scenarios and eight time periods for over 20,000 companies and over 870,000 asset locations.

Environmental Impact

Measure the environmental impact across key dimensions for over 16,800 companies. This data can be used to assess environmental costs, identify, and manage environmental and climate risk as well as conduct peer and portfolio analysis from a climate and environmental perspective.

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We're proud of our recent awards!

  • Best Corporate Actions Data Initiative, 2023
  • Best Overall Sell-Side Technology Provider, 2023
  • Most Innovative Regulatory Solution (Climate Risk & Transaction Reporting), 2023
  • Best Overall Data Product or Service, 2023

And, we delight in supporting our customers with 24x7x365 customer service and a 98% customer service satisfaction rate.

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