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Whatever your role on the ESG spectrum, S&P Global gives you data, tools, and expert perspective that you can’t get anywhere else. You’ll be able to develop corporate strategies that consider Paris-aligned benchmarks, research socially responsible portfolios, compare ESG performance by company, sector, or geography, and much more.

S&P Global Market Intelligence

Intelligence and insight

Resource scarcity, climate change and population dynamics continuously shape a corporation’s competitive environment. Get the ESG analysis you need to assess these challenges and build strategies to succeed in the transition to a sustainable future.


S&P Global Market Intelligence

Disclosure reporting

Clear your view with transparent insights. Uncover your exposure to climate risk and capture mission critical insights to inform your strategy, aligned with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).


S&P Global Market Intelligence

Climate risk and opportunity

With a uniquely deep and comprehensive lens on rapidly evolving climate risks, our datasets and analytics provide insights to turn climate risk into climate opportunity.


S&P Global Market Intelligence

Climate change and credit risk

Climate change has created a need to evaluate the impact of different climate-related scenarios on counterparties, investments, and portfolios. Discover the link between climate change and credit risk.


S&P Global Market Intelligence

Positive impact

Get mission critical insight to maximize the positive impact of corporations and financial intuitions.


S&P Global Market Intelligence

ESG insight

Discover multiple layers of ESG insight with S&P Global ESG Scores.


S&P Global Platts

Commodity Market Insights

Gain critical insights into the future of energy with outlooks and analysis on the medium and longer-term evolution of the energy markets and associated impacts.

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S&P Global Platts

Data Modeling

Analyze every aspect of the global energy shift from inventories to infrastructure, demand to trade flows: see it all in one place with this interactive planning tool.

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Investors, regulators, financial institutions, and top corporate decision-makers worldwide rely on data from Trucost.


  • Explore TCFD Reporting

Major global companies* are on track for >3°warming, falling 72% short of required emissions reductions to achieve the Paris Agreement**.

* Listed on the S&P Global 1200 index.
**Paris Agreement goal to limit global warming to well below 2°C from pre-industrial levels. S&P Global Trucost analysis from a 2012 baseline by 2025.

Experience the exceptional capabilities of S&P Global’s ESG data and analytics

Concerned about ESG? See where you stand.


Effectively manage, plan, and price ESG factors affecting energy and commodity activities

Pinpoint ESG risk worldwide

Speak to an ESG specialist.

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