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Why Participate?


Directly report key sustainability metrics and benchmark your company's performance on a wide range of governance & economic, environmental, and social criteria.

The Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) enables you to directly report key sustainability metrics and benchmark your company's performance on a wide range of industry-specific governance & economic, environmental, and social criteria that are relevant to your corporate success and the growing number of sustainability-focused investors. Sixty-nine percent of the 1,000+ participating companies that responded to our 2024 Feedback Survey said that gaining increased visibility with sustainability-focused investors or learning from the CSA results was their number one reason for participating in the CSA.

CSA participants represent half of global market capitalization

  • Ben Kruse Director of Global ESG
Reporting & Insights, AT&T
    We value the concept of the CSA, not just reporting for reporting’s sake, but using it as an opportunity to gain insights into what sorts of things our investors and stakeholders are interested in.