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DJSI Annual Review

The Assessment
Powering the Index

The S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) provides CSA Scores, which are among the key factors considered for determining eligibility of companies for potential inclusion in the S&P Dow Jones Indices’ iconic Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI), as well as numerous other ESG Indices including the S&P 500 ESG and the S&P Global 1200 ESG Indices. Over 13,000 companies are invited to participate in the CSA every year. But only about 3,500 of the largest companies globally are eligible for inclusion in any DJSI.

2023 saw another strong response from companies who see the value of disclosing their sustainability performance to capital markets by participating in the CSA. Participation in the 2023 CSA is still ongoing and will end in January 2024.

The CSA applies a best-in-class approach for each of the 62 industries that are covered through detailed assessments that contain a mix of cross-industry and industry-specific questions.

Companies that participate in the CSA can use the results to benchmark their sustainability performance against industry peers, as well as leverage S&P Global platforms to get their additional ESG disclosure in front of key capital market decision makers.

Learn more about DJSI Eligibility and participation in the CSA.

The information contained in these documents reflects the composition of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices as of December 18, 2023, and does not reflect any changes as a result of corporate actions or Index Committee decisions.

S&P Dow Jones Indices 2023 Review Results are available as of December 8, 2023.

Dow Jones Sustainability World Index

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