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There’s lending, and then there’s intelligent lending.

Identify profitable opportunities with essential solutions for every stage of the  commercial lending lifecycle.

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The tools to succeed in every stage of your commercial lending lifecycle.

Our suite of data-driven solutions help you capitalize on business and revenue opportunities at every stage of the lending lifecycle. Are you closing the loop on your lending lifecycle?

Watch the video below to learn how the Commercial Prospecting platform can help you identify prospects for CRE and C&I loans.  Whether you are expanding your current customer base or looking for new relationships our database of commercial properties and UCC filings, matched to our business listings, gives you the information you need to grow your business.

There's lending, and then there's intelligent lending

Lend intelligently.

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  • Market Insight & Lead Generation
  • Powerful Sales Call Preparation
  • Credit Analysis & Assessment
  • Credit Surveillance & Portfolio Tracking
  • Uncover More Prospects

Market Insight & Lead Generation

Inform your lending strategy with our market analysis solutions for commercial lending activity, local market characteristics, and bank-focused news and research. Leverage demographics and business listings to size your markets and prioritize initiatives. See how you stack up against the competition with commercial mortgage market share data, or use our mapping tools to visualize your footprint.

Once you’ve set your strategy, we help you pinpoint opportunities and execute on them. Use our Commercial Prospecting solution to screen for CRE and C&I opportunities that align to your lending strategy. Our prospect-matching tool provides relevant business and contact details, so you’ll have more time to make contact and close deals.

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Powerful Sales Call Preparation

Market Intelligence's collaboration with Vertical IQ helps lenders prepare for successful sales calls with clients or prospects with in-depth industry profiles on 500+ industries and local economic data on 300+ MSAs and 3,100+ counties across the U.S. Call-prep sheets give you quick access to relevant industry highlights, including questions to drive conversations. The integrated workflow allows users to seamlessly link from businesses on the Market Intelligence platform, directly to the corresponding industry on Vertical IQ, creating efficiency in prospecting and industry analysis.

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Credit Analysis & Assessment

Assessing your credit exposures and meeting regulatory requirements—including CECL (Current Expected Credit Losses)—doesn’t have to be a burden. With vital data on over 50 million public and private entities worldwide. Our credit risk analysis tools help you leverage historical, current, and forward-looking information to determine expected loss estimates. Plus, you can estimate losses over the life of the loan. Our scoring solutions, coupled with 30+ years of historical default, rating transition, and recovery data, help you efficiently and reliably monitor risk.

Credit Assessment Scorecards for 60+ sectors globally integrate both quantitative and qualitative risk factors to help you assess creditworthiness and probability of default with confidence.

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Credit Surveillance & Portfolio Tracking

Get a full view of the health of your portfolio with Credit Quality and Collateral Concentration dashboards in the SNL Banker solution. Drill down to highlight areas of potential risk within your own portfolio, and proactively mitigate those risks. Use the Credit Analytics dashboard to track your existing portfolio and activate alerts to notify you of changes to your risk exposure. Easily monitor your existing portfolio for upcoming renewals to equip your relationship managers for renewal and repricing conversations.

You can also identify weakening credit and strengthen surveillance with a range of quantitative models that generate short-term, medium-term, and long-term credit and probability of default (PD) scores, that broadly align with credit ratings from S&P Global Ratings.

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Uncover More Prospects

Get relevant details for 40+ million businesses across the U.S. using the Business Listings dataset. Advanced search capabilities enables you to target prospects by area (e.g., city, county, or zip code), industry type, estimated revenues and employees, and more. Available on Capital IQ Pro through the Screener application, Business Profile pages and included in the Mapping application for visualization of opportunities.

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We're proud of our recent awards!

  • Best Corporate Actions Data Initiative, 2023
  • Best Overall Sell-Side Technology Provider, 2023
  • Most Innovative Regulatory Solution (Climate Risk & Transaction Reporting), 2023
  • Best Overall Data Product or Service, 2023

And, we delight in supporting our customers with 24x7x365 customer service and a 98% customer service satisfaction rate.

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