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Case Study

An Investment Bank Turns to S&P Global Market Intelligence for a Flexible Business Model


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Case Study

A PE Firm Selects S&P Global Market Intelligence for Access to Superior Data and Analytics

An Investment Bank Turns to S&P Global Market Intelligence for a Flexible Business Model

Members of the advisory team at this global investment bank needed deep data to support their analysis but were very dissatisfied with their current information provider. They were especially frustrated with the firm's pricing model, rigid business practices and inconsistent effort and communication from the support team. They wanted to find a firm that could provide reliable and comprehensive data, expert-driven research, strong day-to-day support and pricing that was both cost-competitive and transparent.

Pain Points

The advisory team was an active user of aftermarket research to generate investment ideas, perform financial analysis and conduct risk assessments. However, they were dissatisfied with their current information provider and decided to look at alternatives that could provide:

  • Extensive, trustworthy aftermarket research.
  • A flexible business model to add users as needed.
  • A cost-competitive offering to address budget constraints.

The team contacted S&P Global Market Intelligence ("Market Intelligence") to learn more about the firm's offering and billing practices.

The Solution

Market Intelligence specialists described the firm's aftermarket research solution available on the powerful S&P Capital IQ Pro desktop that would provide the advisory team with the ability to:


Gain valuable insights into the investment landscape

investment banks such as Citi, Credit Suisse, Barclays, UBS, J.P. Morgan, HSBC and Deutsche Bank.

Users can search on various fields, including ticker(s)/company name, analyst, asset class, industries and geographies.

Searches can be saved for quick retrieval, and users can learn about a report of interest before downloading to evaluate:

  • Relevancy: Locate reports ranked according to keyword searches.
  • Table of Contents: View a page-by-page summary of sections and tables in each report.
  • Document Thumbnails: Preview the content and layout of a report before downloading.
  • Keywords in Context: Discover the context for a specific keyword or phrase of interest. Keyword searches also support synonyms and acronyms with keyword snippets and visualizations to quickly surface relevant research reports.
  • Multi-Preview Options: Compare and contrast multiple reports using keyword mentions, table of contents and report synopsis.

In addition, users can:

  • Organize downloads by using batch-preview print and download functions.
  • Monitor the information of most interest by creating saved searches and email alerts.
  • Export reports tables directly to Excel with a single click.
  • Use mobile apps for smartphones and iPads to access the latest research and stay connected to markets and companies.

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Tap into additional data, news and sector analysis

Aftermarket Research is available via S&P Capital IQ Pro, an integrated platform designed to drive growth and create value with advanced business analytics, data visualizations and AI-based tools.

Additional data available via the platform includes:

  • Transactions data that provides the entire lifecycle of primary and secondary market business transactions across public offerings, private placements, M&As, buybacks/repurchases, corporate restructurings, bankruptcies, spin-offs and split-offs.
  • Transcripts that cover earnings, M&A activity, company conference calls and special calls.
  • Key Developments data that provides structured summaries of material company news and events.

The S&P Capital IQ Pro smart screener enables users to instantly find information across companies, news, documents, research, transcripts and investor presentations. A suite of office tools includes an Excel Plug-in and hundreds of ready-to-use models and templates. Sophisticated Find Buyers and Targeting tools enable users to search and rank potential M&A or private placement investors. Quick Comps helps identify the ideal universe for trading comps and Competitors provides views of peer groups for companies.

Key Benefits

Members of the advisory team were impressed by the comprehensive coverage of the Aftermarket Research offering and the inclusion of many important contributors. They also saw advantages to the Market Intelligence business model that would enable them to:

  • Leverage competitive pricing and reduce their overall spend on research.
  • Eliminate surprise overage charges to budget more effectively.
  • Have the flexibility to add users as needed without increasing fees.
  • Benefit from built-in monitoring capabilities for the market data team to easily track charges.

Rely on superior client service provided by specialists located around the world that are available for training sessions and to provide ongoing support to help utilize different solutions and the S&P Capital IQ Pro platform.

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