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Insight Weekly: Earnings forecasts for US banks; corporate deleveraging; LatAm currency gains


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Insight Weekly: Earnings forecasts for US banks; corporate deleveraging; LatAm currency gains

Today is Tuesday, April 19, 2022, and here’s your weekly selection of essential intelligence on financial markets and the global economy from S&P Global Market Intelligence. Subscribe to be notified of each new Insight Weekly.

In this edition, we put the spotlight on U.S. banks as earnings season kicks into high gear. Only four of the 16 publicly traded banks with more than $100 billion of assets are forecast to post sequential increases in EPS for the first quarter of 2022. Analysts expect earnings reports to tackle themes including net interest income trends, revenue headwinds, loan demand and liquidity deployment. Investors will also be watching for signals about the potential impact of macroeconomic concerns and shocks like the war in Ukraine.

Investment-grade-rated nonfinancial companies in the U.S. have lowered their debt-to-equity ratios — a closely watched measurement of corporate leverage — for seven successive quarters, according to S&P Global Market Intelligence data. Companies have significantly boosted their balance sheets as the value of equity grew more quickly than debt.

The Brazilian real, Peruvian sol and Chilean peso saw the greatest improvements in a basket of emerging market currencies across the globe during the first quarter, data collected by S&P Global Market Intelligence showed. Higher international commodity prices amid the Ukraine crisis and interest rates hikes in Latin American economies have helped strengthen their currencies against the U.S. dollar.

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Written and compiled by Louis Bacani

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