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Report: State of the Market - Mining Q2'22

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Report: State of the Market - Mining Q2'22

Industry trends in the metals and mining sector reversed in the June quarter of 2022, as market sentiment weakened amid a souring economic backdrop. Exploration activity remained historically high, although most of our key metrics declined slightly quarter over quarter. Our aggregate mining sector market capitalization retreated slightly from a 10-year high in the previous quarter, although the still-high valuations did not deter significant merger and acquisition activity

Gain strategic insights into our latest quarterly analysis:

  • Markets
  • Commodity prices
  • Exploration & development
  • Financings
  • M&A activity
  • Outlook

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State of the Market – June quarter 2022

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Gold RRS 2022 – M&A price paid per ounce up on high market price

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Report: State of the Market - Mining Q2'22

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