135 billion data points
150+ years experience
1,500 credit analysts
128 countries
1 million+ credit ratings outstanding
$46.3 trillion in rated debt
Our globally respected credit ratings paired with unparalleled thought leadership helps promote universal benchmarking, transparency and business growth.We empower people to make informed, confident decisions.
135 billion data points
150+ years experience
1,500 credit analysts
128 countries
1 million+ credit ratings outstanding
$46.3 trillion in rated debt
150 Years of Essential Intelligence — We believe there is more value in a well-informed point of view than any other collection of data, and our opinions and measures of risk are rooted in our long experience.
Credit Ratings
Forward looking opinions on the creditworthiness of an obligor to meet its financial commitments overall, or with respect to specific issues/programs.
Issue Credit Ratings
A forward-looking opinion about the creditworthiness of an obligor with respect to a specific financial obligation, a specific class of financial obligation, or a specific financial program.
Issuer Credit Ratings
A forward-looking opinion about an obligor's overall creditworthiness.
Ratings & Beyond — We provide a range of products and services for investors, issuers, intermediaries, and beyond to make decisions with conviction.
Our integrated offering of credit ratings, risk research and critical insights is essential to translating complexity into clarity so that market participants canmake decisions with conviction.
Visit our division sites to learn more about our full capabilities.