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'AAA' Rated U.S. Counties: Current List


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'AAA' Rated U.S. Counties: Current List

U.S. Counties Rated 'AAA': Current List
As of Oct. 3, 2022
This list was prepared by individuals on behalf of the USPF Group of S&P Global Ratings and is current as of Oct. 3, 2022. For the most up to date, accurate, and complete information on any credit ratings referenced in this list, please visit
County State Outlook
Maricopa Cnty Arizona Stable
Alameda Cnty California Stable
Contra Costa Cnty California Stable
County of Santa Clara California Stable
Los Angeles Cnty California Stable
Marin Cnty California Stable
San Diego Cnty California Stable
San Luis Obispo Cnty California Stable
San Mateo Cnty California Stable
Santa Cruz Cnty California Stable
Solano Cnty California Stable
Sonoma Cnty California Stable
Ventura Cnty California Stable
Boulder Cnty Colorado Stable
Douglas Cnty Colorado Stable
New Castle Cnty Delaware Stable
Sussex Cnty Delaware Stable
Broward Cnty Florida Stable
Collier Cnty Florida Stable
Hillsborough Cnty Florida Stable
Palm Beach Cnty Florida Stable
Sarasota County Florida Stable
Cobb Cnty Georgia Stable
Columbia Cnty Georgia Stable
Forsyth Cnty Georgia Stable
Gwinnett Cnty Georgia Stable
DuPage Cnty Illinois Stable
Lake Cnty Illinois Stable
Hamilton Cnty Indiana Stable
Polk Cnty Iowa Stable
Johnson Cnty Kansas Stable
Sedgwick Cnty Kansas Stable
Caddo Parish Louisiana Stable
Anne Arundel Cnty Maryland Stable
Baltimore Cnty Maryland Stable
Calvert Cnty Maryland Stable
Carroll Cnty Maryland Stable
Charles Cnty Maryland Stable
Frederick Cnty Maryland Stable
Harford Cnty Maryland Stable
Howard Cnty Maryland Stable
Montgomery Cnty Maryland Stable
Prince George's Cnty Maryland Stable
Queen Annes Cnty Maryland Stable
Kent Cnty Michigan Stable
Oakland Cnty Michigan Stable
Washtenaw Cnty Michigan Stable
Carver Cnty Minnesota Stable
Hennepin Cnty Minnesota Stable
Olmsted Cnty Minnesota Stable
Ramsey Cnty Minnesota Stable
Scott Cnty Minnesota Stable
Washington Cnty Minnesota Stable
Douglas Cnty Nebraska Stable
Middlesex Cnty New Jersey Stable
Monmouth Cnty New Jersey Stable
Morris Cnty New Jersey Stable
Somerset Cnty New Jersey Stable
Bernalillo Cnty New Mexico Stable
Santa Fe Cnty New Mexico Stable
Brunswick Cnty North Carolina Stable
Chatham Cnty North Carolina Stable
Durham Cnty North Carolina Stable
Forsyth Cnty North Carolina Stable
Guilford Cnty North Carolina Stable
Mecklenburg Cnty North Carolina Stable
New Hanover Cnty North Carolina Stable
Orange Cnty North Carolina Stable
Union Cnty North Carolina Stable
Wake Cnty North Carolina Stable
Delaware Cnty Ohio Stable
Franklin Cnty Ohio Stable
Multnomah Cnty Oregon Stable
Bucks County Pennsylvania Stable
Chester Cnty Pennsylvania Stable
Cumberland Cnty Pennsylvania Stable
Charleston Cnty South Carolina Stable
Greenville Cnty South Carolina Stable
Richland Cnty South Carolina Stable
Hamilton Cnty Tennessee Stable
Bexar Cnty Texas Stable
Collin Cnty Texas Stable
Dallas Cnty Texas Stable
Denton Cnty Texas Stable
Harris Cnty Texas Stable
Tarrant Cnty Texas Stable
Travis Cnty Texas Stable
Williamson Cnty Texas Stable
Salt Lake Cnty Utah Stable
Albemarle Cnty Virginia Stable
Arlington Cnty Virginia Stable
Chesterfield Cnty Virginia Stable
Fairfax Cnty Virginia Stable
Goochland Cnty Virginia Stable
Hanover Cnty Virginia Stable
Henrico Cnty Virginia Stable
James City Cnty Virginia Stable
Loudoun Cnty Virginia Stable
Prince William Cnty Virginia Stable
Rockingham Cnty Virginia Stable
Spotsylvania Cnty Virginia Stable
Stafford Cnty Virginia Stable
King Cnty Washington Stable
Dane Cnty Wisconsin Stable
Kenosha Cnty Wisconsin Stable


This report does not constitute a rating action.

Primary Credit Analysts:Geoffrey E Buswick, Boston + 1 (617) 530 8311;
Jane H Ridley, Centennial (1) 303-721-4487;
Secondary Contact:Eden P Perry, New York (1) 212-438-0613;

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