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'AAA' Rated U.S. School Districts: Current List


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'AAA' Rated U.S. School Districts: Current List

U.S. School Districts Rated 'AAA': Current List
As of April 3, 2023
This list was prepared by individuals on behalf of the USPF Group of S&P Global Ratings and is current as of April 3, 2023. For the most up to date, accurate, and complete information on any credit ratings referenced in this list, please visit
School District State Outlook
Mountain Brook Brd of Ed (City of) Alabama Stable
Alexander Vy Un Sch Dist California Stable
Campbell Union High Sch Dist California Stable
Carmel Unif Sch Dist California Stable
Cold Spring Elem Sch Dist California Stable
Fremont Un High Sch Dist California Stable
Hillsborough City Sch Dist California Stable
Kenwood School District California Stable
Laguna Beach Unif Sch Dist California Stable
Las Lomitas Elem Sch Dist California Stable
Los Gatos Un Sch Dist California Stable
Los Gatos-Saratoga Jt Un High Sch Dist California Stable
Menlo Pk City Sch Dist California Stable
Mill Vy Sch Dist California Stable
Montecito Un Sch Dist California Stable
Mountain View Los Altos Un High Sch Dist California Stable
Mountain View Whisman Sch Dist California Stable
Palo Alto Unif Sch Dist California Stable
Rancho Santa Fe Sch Dist California Stable
Reed Un Sch Dist California Stable
Ross Elem Sch Dist California Stable
Santa Clara Unif Sch Dist California Stable
Solana Beach Sch Dist Sch Facs Imp Dist No. 2016-1 California Stable
St Helena Unif Sch Dist California Stable
Sunnyvale Sch Dist California Stable
Tamalpais Union High Sch Dist California Stable
Woodside Elem Sch Dist California Stable
Connecticut Regional School District #9 Connecticut Stable
Cobb Cnty Sch Dist Georgia Stable
Forsyth Cnty Sch Dist Georgia Stable
Gwinnett Cnty Sch Dist Georgia Stable
Cook Cnty Comnty Cons Sch Dist #59 (Arlington Hghts) Illinois Stable
Cook Cnty Sch Dist #30 Northbrook-Glenview Illinois Stable
Cook Cnty Sch Dist #37 Avoca Illinois Stable
Cook Cnty Sch Dist #38 Kenilworth Illinois Stable
Cook Cnty Twp High Sch Dist #204 Lyons Illinois Stable
Cook Cnty Twp High Sch Dist #225 Northfield Illinois Stable
DuPage & Cook Cntys Comnty Cons Sch Dist #181 Hinsdale Illinois Stable
DuPage & Cook Cntys Twp High Sch Dist #86 Hinsdale Illinois Stable
DuPage & Will Cnties Comnty Unit Sch Dist #203 (Naperville) Illinois Stable
DuPage Cnty Sch Dist #53 (Butler) Illinois Stable
Lake Cnty Comnty High Sch Dist #115 (Lake Forest) Illinois Stable
Lake Cnty Comnty Unit Sch Dist #95 Lake Zurich Illinois Stable
Lake Cnty Cons High Sch Dist #125 Adlai E. Stevenson Illinois Stable
Lake Cnty Sch Dist #103 Lincolnshire-Prairie View Illinois Stable
Lake Cnty Sch Dist #112 North Shore Illinois Stable
Lake Cnty Sch Dist #65 Lake Bluff Illinois Stable
Lake Cnty Sch Dist #68 (Oak Grove) Illinois Stable
Lake Cnty Sch Dist #70 Libertyville Illinois Stable
Lake Cnty Sch Dist #72 Rondout Illinois Stable
Lake Cnty Twp High Sch Dist #113 Highland Pk - Deerfield Illinois Stable
Lake Cook Kane & McHenry Cnties Comnty Unit Sch Dist #220 Barrington Illinois Stable
Will & Cook Counties Community Consolidated School District No. 157-C (Frankfort) Illinois Stable
Acton Boxborough Regl Sch Dist Massachusetts Stable
Dover-Sherborn Regl Sch Dist Massachusetts Stable
Hamilton-Wenham Regl Sch Dist Massachusetts Stable
Lincoln-Sudbury Regl Sch Dist Massachusetts Stable
Edina Indpt Sch Dist #273 Minnesota Stable
Wayzata Indpt Sch Dist #284 Minnesota Stable
Clayton Sch Dist Missouri Stable
Ladue Sch Dist Missouri Stable
Parkway C-2 School District, St. Louis County Missouri Stable
St. Louis Cnty R-6 Sch Dist (Rockwood) Missouri Stable
Lancaster Cnty Sch Dist #1 Lincoln Pub Schs Nebraska Stable
Bernards Twp Brd of Ed New Jersey Stable
Chathams Sch Dist New Jersey Stable
Colts Neck Twp Brd of Ed New Jersey Stable
Cranbury Twp Brd of Ed New Jersey Stable
Hunterdon Cent Regl High Sch Dist New Jersey Stable
Mendham Boro Sch Dist New Jersey Stable
Millburn Twp Brd of Ed New Jersey Stable
North Hunterdon-Voorhees Regl High Sch Dist Brd of Ed New Jersey Stable
Northern Highlands Regl High Sch Dist Brd of Ed New Jersey Stable
Ramapo-Indian Hills Regl High Sch Dist Brd of Ed New Jersey Stable
Saddle River Brd of Ed New Jersey Stable
Upper Saddle River Boro Brd of Ed New Jersey Stable
Watchung Hills Regl Brd of Ed New Jersey Stable
West Windsor-Plainsboro Regl Sch Dist New Jersey Stable
Cold Spring Harbor Cent Sch Dist New York Stable
Harrison Cent Sch Dist New York Stable
Pelham Un Free Sch Dist New York Stable
Plainview-Old Bethpage Cent Sch Dist New York Stable
Dublin City Sch Dist Ohio Stable
Olentangy Local Sch Dist Ohio Stable
Orange City Sch Dist Ohio Stable
Sycamore Comnty Sch Dist Ohio Stable
Upper Arlington City Sch Dist Ohio Stable
Derry Twp Sch Dist Pennsylvania Stable
Downingtown Area Sch Dist Pennsylvania Stable


This report does not constitute a rating action.

Primary Credit Analysts:Geoffrey E Buswick, Boston + 1 (617) 530 8311;
Jane H Ridley, Englewood + 1 (303) 721 4487;
Secondary Contact:Eden P Perry, New York + 1 (212) 438 0613;

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