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U.S. Transportation GARVEEs Are Stable, Much Like Sector Funding


History Of U.S. State Ratings


U.S. State Ratings And Outlooks: Current List


Table Of Contents: S&P Global Ratings Credit Rating Models


U.S. Not-For-Profit Health Care Outstanding Ratings And Outlooks As Of June 30, 2024

U.S. Transportation GARVEEs Are Stable, Much Like Sector Funding

This report contains updates on the actual federal spending associated with the Federal-Aid Highway and federal transit programs, and summarizes S&P Global Ratings' rated universe of grant-secured issues outstanding.

On Nov. 15, 2021, President Joe Biden signed into law the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law/Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (BIL/IIJA), which contained a five-year surface transportation reauthorization for the Federal-Aid Highway Program and federal transit programs through 2026. Although the law does not address the Highway Trust Fund's (HTF) structural deficit, it did authorize a $118 billion transfer to the trust fund from the U.S. Treasury's general fund ($90 billion to the highway account and $28 billion to the mass transit account), allowing the full funding of grant programs through 2026.

In fiscal 2023, BIL/IIJA funding for the U.S. Department of Transportation totaled $123.3 billion (see chart 1), including all programs and divisions. GARVEE program funding broke down as follows:

  • Approximately $59.5 billion for the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) sourced from the HTF, including $58.8 billion for the Federal-Aid Highway Program--the source of most GARVEE reimbursements to states. Actual funding for the FHWA also included $12.9 billion from the U.S. Treasury general fund for existing and new highway programs, consisting of $9.5 billion from BIL advanced appropriation and $3.4 billion in discretionary funding subject to appropriations (see table 1).
  • Approximately $21.2 billion for the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) for public transportation under both existing and new programs, including $17.9 billion in guaranteed funding with $13.6 billion for transit formula grants funded from the mass transit account of the HTF and $4.3 billion from advanced appropriations contained in the BIL (see table 1).

Reimbursements received through the Federal-Aid Highway Program and various transit formula grant programs, such as the Section 5307 Urbanized Area Formula Funding or Section 5337 State of Good Repair programs, secure GARVEE bonds. Most of the $365.1 billion for federal highway programs and $107.2 billion for the FTA, including the Federal-Aid Highway Program and transit formula grant programs, is funded from the HTF through mandatory contract authority that is apportioned or distributed to states based on formulas specified in statute (see charts 2 and 3). The Brookings Institution reported that IIJA formula and direct federal spending totaled $306 billion as of November 2023, with 80% of all competitive funding still to be awarded.

The largely reimbursement- and formula-based programs allow states or local transit providers to leverage federal transportation funding for capital or operating purposes and advance projects (earlier than otherwise would have occurred) by issuing GARVEE bonds backed by the anticipated federal dollars to support roadway and transit capital programs. The BIL/IIJA also provides funding through a variety of new and competitive grant programs in support of roadway and mass transit transportation.

Table 1

BIL/IIJA total funding by the U.S. Department of Transportation
(Bil. $)
Fiscal 2022 Fiscal 2023 --Fiscal 2024-- --Authorized--
Funding source Actual Actual Full-year cont. resolution IIJA suppl. 2025 2026 Total funding 2022-2026
Federal Highway Adminstration
Trust fund 58.2 59.5 59.5 62.0 63.3 302.42
General fund 11.9 12.9 3.4 9.5 12.5 12.6 62.7
Total 70.1 72.3 62.9 9.5 74.5 75.9 365.1
Federal Transit Administration
Trust fund 13.4 13.6 13.6 14.3 14.6 69.568
General fund 7.1 7.6 3.3 4.3 7.7 7.7 37.735
Total 20.5 21.2 17.0 4.3 21.9 22.3 107.2
Source: U.S. Department of Transportation. Funding from the general fund includes funds that are subject to appropriations, and advance appropriations from IIJA/BIL supplemental funding. For total IIJA/BIL authorized funding including all programs and divisions, see table 1 in our 2022 GARVEE sector report, "Reliable Funding From Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Supports Stable View Of GARVEE Sector," published Dec. 6, 2022, on RatingsDirect. Total is based on fiscal 2022 and fiscal 2023 actual results, 2024 full-year continuing resolution, and 2025 and 2026 authorization. Totals may not add up precisely given rounding.

Chart 1


Chart 2


Chart 3


Construction Cost Inflation And Other Hurdles Stress Project Budgets And Erode IIJA Benefits

The opportunities created by increased funding from the IIJA has not come without challenges for state and local transportation providers as construction project cost inflation, labor shortages, and other hurdles such as those imposed by the Build America Buy America Act continue to erode much of the benefits of said funding. Many federal grant programs are largely reimbursement-based, so funding of infrastructure projects requires prepayment for the proposed project and matching funds from the state and local governments. This has particularly challenged some transit agencies looking to maximize the billions of dollars in federal competitive funds available under the IIJA. For more information see "Record U.S. Infrastructure Spending Is Colliding With Higher Construction Costs And Other Hurdles," published May 14, 2024, on RatingsDirect.

Chart 4


Robust Coverage And Conservative Financial Structures Bolster GARVEE Ratings

S&P Global Ratings evaluates 31 public and confidential program ratings for highway and transit in 27 states and territories using different security structures that leverage federal transportation grants; some programs benefit from additional state support.

Our ratings on the GARVEE sector range from 'A' to 'AA' where only federal funding is pledged, and are as high as 'AAA' where state agencies blend the federal funding with an additional pledge of state funding. We base the relatively high ratings in this sector on the issuer's pledge of the HTF grants from the federal government, consistently very strong maximum annual debt service (MADS) coverage, and legal provisions that limit additional leverage. As outlined in our criteria "Methodology And Assumptions: Rating U.S. Federal Transportation Grant-Secured Obligations," published May 29, 2009, 'AA' rated GARVEE programs generally maintain very strong MADS coverage at more than 3.0x, and 'A' rated GARVEEs strong MADS coverage at more than 1.5x.

In 2023, pro forma MADS coverage across rated bonds ranged from 1.99x to more than 100.00x, with most programs producing coverage of at least 4.00x from obligated authority and actual federal receipts. As a result, approximately 70% of our GARVEE public ratings are in the 'AA' category (see chart 4). Our pro forma MADS coverage calculation is based on the GARVEE program's actual obligation authority or federal receipts and pro forma MADS, which includes existing debt service plus debt service from planned issuances when known.

Most federal highway aid programs are rated within our 'AA' category because they often maintain stronger coverage as a result of a higher absolute amount of federal receipts, while most federal transit programs are rated within our 'A' category given their higher likelihood of variability in receipts and discretionary funding formulas. The Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority's Section 5307 and 5337 GARVEE bonds are the only 'AA' rated category federal transit programs in our rated universe.

GARVEE Methodology And Link To U.S. Government Rating

Our fundamental assumption about ratings on GARVEEs is that the supportive legislative framework and the congressional appropriations funding transportation grant programs will continue through multiyear authorizations or extensions. This assumption is based on precedent, including our view of the political and economic importance of national highway and mass transit systems, the broad historical bipartisan political support for transportation spending programs at all levels of government, and Congress' track record of continuing appropriations and passing extensions to budget authorizations.

In addition, we apply our "Federal Future Flow Securitization" criteria, published March 12, 2012, to determine the highest possible rating relative to the U.S. sovereign rating (AA+/Stable/A-1+), after factoring in federal entity and project- or program-specific factors. (See "U.S. 'AA+/A-1+' Sovereign Ratings Affirmed; Outlook Remains Stable," published March 16, 2023.) For GARVEEs backed solely by federal revenue, also called stand-alone GARVEEs, these criteria establish a cap of the U.S. government rating; backstopped GARVEE ratings that benefit from an additional pledged security such as state-level taxes/fees can exceed this rating cap. In this instance, our "Ratings Above The Sovereign--Corporate And Government Ratings--Methodology And Assumptions" criteria, published Nov. 19, 2013, would also apply. Changes in the U.S. sovereign rating could result in rating actions in our GARVEE universe.

Although reauthorization risk is not fully eliminated, in our view, it has been minimized through conservative financial structures inherent in all rated GARVEE transactions, further supporting very strong ratings. Examples include the use of backup credit support, debt service reserves, robust debt service coverage, shorter final maturities, and restrictive additional debt provisions. In addition, the rating is subject to many nonquantitative credit factors, such as funding mechanics and timing; evaluation of state processes for managing and administering the program; history of federal receipts and volatility; each state's donor status, underlying economy, and transportation needs; and each state's respective political representation and congressional influence.

Liquidity And Program Structure Mitigate Government Shutdowns Or Delays

During a previous government shutdown, transit was the most affected transportation sector because almost all FTA employees were deemed nonessential, including those staff responsible for administering disbursement of grant payments. For example, a transit agency requesting payment or reimbursement for a previously approved and appropriated grant in a prior federal budget year would be left in the lurch. Therefore, we view transit GARVEEs (bonds secured by reimbursements from the FTA) as more exposed to possible nonpayment during a government shutdown.

However, issuers of transit GARVEEs that we rate typically have liquidity or structural features--such as prefunding principal or interest payments well in advance of due dates--that mitigate delays in federal receipts to ensure timeliness of debt service payments. For example, some issuers have lines of credit or have fully funded their next principal and interest payments a year in advance. Shutdowns have minimally affected federal highway grants that support debt service payments of states that have historically leveraged this reimbursement program, given that the FHWA has a different nonappropriated funding source and was fully staffed during previous shutdowns.

In addition to coverage and the presence or lack of additional security, bond provisions are important in determining GARVEE credit quality. Although most GARVEE programs lack funded debt service reserves, almost all have additional bonds tests (ABTs), which we view as an important rating factor. ABTs are typically based on projected coverage from federal apportionments, including the planned additional bonds, on a MADS basis. Because most GARVEE programs issue debt with level debt service, MADS coverage serves to indicate a program's ability to cover obligations, based on current funding. Furthermore, we consider ABTs that require stronger coverage based on historical federal funding better than those based on projected funding.

Chart 5


Table 2

2024 grant anticipation notes overview
Issuer Rating Program debt outstanding as of fiscal year-end 2023 (mil. $) Backup pledge ABT (x) Maturity of debt outstanding Fiscal 2023 obligation authority/federal reimbursements (mil. $) Pro forma MADS, including projected issuances (mil. $) Pro forma MADS coverage OA/federal (x) Additional debt plans? Additional supporting information
Alabama Federal Aid Highway Finance Authority AAA/Stable 1,342 Yes 3 2037 974 113 10.96 No An additional pledge of the state's share of net gasoline tax proceeds further enhances the bonds. Pro forma MADS coverage in fiscal 2023 was approximately 10.96x, including backup pledge revenue of $268 million. As with many GARVEE programs, the bonds do not have a DSRF. It is in the planning phase of the Mobile River Bridge project, and as a result the state is evaluating various funding mechanisms (including additional GARVEE bonds) to pay for the project.
Arizona Transportation Board AA+/Stable 142 Yes 3 2034 1,095 30 36.5 Yes Under some circumstances, the grant anticipation notes are payable from other federal aid revenue as well as from other lawfully available money, including available funds on deposit in the state highway fund and eligible Regional Area Road Fund money. The state tentatively plan to issue $950 million of GARVEE bonds in the next five years, which is not reflected in our pro forma MADS, but we expect that coverage will remain very strong.
Delaware Transportation Authority AA/Stable 165 No 3 2035 279 19 15.02 No Pro forma MADS reflects essentially level annual debt service requirements and no additional debt plans. We view the bond provisions as strong for a stand-alone GARVEE structure. Provisions include the funding of a supplemental debt service account and supportive legal framework provided by the enabling legislation, the MOA, the financing and pledge agreement between the authority and the Delaware Department of Transportation, and the master trust agreement.
District of Columbia AA/Stable 294 No 3 2035 207 28 7.41 No All federal highway revenue that the district receives is pledged to the bonds' payment. The 2011 bonds outstanding have a DSR funded to MADS, while the series 2012 and 2020 bonds do not have a debt service reserve. Bond provisions include an MOA between the district and the FHWA that approves the use of federal aid for debt service and directs payments to the trustee at the beginning of each federal fiscal year without requiring appropriation. There are no additional debt plans.
Florida AA/Stable 191 No 5 2032 2,624 28 92.97 No The state's current bond sale plan includes $200 million of GARVEE bonds in fiscal 2025. However, management confirmed that this is a budgeted placeholder and the state has no immediate plans to issue additional GARVEE debt. The state has a very strong ABT, while state statutes are more restrictive, requiring that annual debt service on all bonds issued to fund projects eligible to receive federal aid highway funds does not exceed 10% of the Florida Department of Transportation's annual apportionments of federal highway aid. The bonds do not have a DSRF.
Georgia State Road and Tollway Authority AA/Stable 415 No 3 2032 1,515 60 25.06 Yes The ABT requires that obligation authority this federal fiscal year equal at least 3x MADS. The bonds do not have a DSRF. The state's transportation improvement program identifies $242 million in GARVEE proceeds as funding sources for projects through 2027, although the exact timing and sizing are indeterminate.
Kentucky Asset Liability Commission AA/Stable 204 No 3 2027 1,128 71 15.81 No There is no backup pledge of state general fund or road fund revenue or DSRF. However, the commonwealth reserves the first portion of obligation authority received to debt service. Kentucky estimates a modest 1.5% decline in federal reimbursements to $900.4 million in fiscal 2024 from $913.7 million in fiscal 2023. We expect DSC will remain very strong, including the potential for an additional $300 million of authorized GARVEE bonds by the commonwealth, with $150 million for the Brent Spence Bridge project and $150 million for the I-68 Ohio River Crossing project and the Mountain Parkway Widening project, given significant excess capacity at very strong coverage levels. The commonwealth reports that the timing for the additional debt is indeterminate.
Louisiana AA/Stable 436 No 3 2035 1,014 58 17.6 Yes The ABT is based on historical federal aid receipts. Louisiana's GARVEE act legislation limits debt capacity because debt service cannot exceed 10% of annual obligation authority in any year. In addition, an MOA between the FHWA and the department outlines a well-defined process for assuring annual deposits of pledged revenue into the bond payment fund and details approval of each project, as authorized for federal reimbursement of debt service payments. The bonds do not have a DSRF. Louisiana plans to issue additional GARVEE debt in 2025.
Maine Municipal Bond Bank (Title 23) AA/Stable 188 No 1.5 2034 264 29 9.1 Yes Maine plans to issue approximately $25 million in proposed new GARVEE bond issuances over the next two years. We expect continued conservative oversight through the capital plan, which will result in MADS coverage remaining very strong. Legislative restrictions require that a rolling three-year average ratio of GARVEE debt service to available federal funds not exceed 15%, which tempers a 1.5x historical ABT that is relatively low compared with that of similarly rated GARVEEs.
Massachusetts AAA/Stable 350 Yes 4 2027 880 140 6.27 Yes Excess Commonwealth Transportation Fund revenue funded from gas taxes and vehicle registration fees additionally secures the bonds. With the incorporation of this revenue, MADS coverage was 14x in 2023. In addition, debt payments must be funded with the trustee a year in advance. There is authorization to issue $1.25 billion in GARVEE bonds, and Massachusetts plans to issue additional grant anticipation notes in the near term.
Michigan AA/Stable 443 No 3 2027 1,157 130 8.9 No The state does not plan to issue additional debt secured by Title 23 funds.
Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission AA+/Stable 410 Yes 5 2033 1,305 66 19.87 No GARVEE bonds have a strong subordinate backup pledge of dedicated state transportation funds. ABT requires that estimated or average annual reimbursement revenue during an authorization period provide 5x MADS coverage.
New Hampshire AA/Stable 47 No 3 2026 231 17 13.31 No An MOA between the state, the New Hampshire Department of Transportation, and FHWA directs the department to use first-available obligation authority to pay debt service and allows the state to seek reimbursement payments from FHWA should the U.S. Treasury suspend, reduce, or discontinue the federal subsidy associated with recovery zone economic development bonds. The ABT requires obligation authority in the most recent fiscal year be at least 3x pro forma MADS, and a restrictive internal policy requires no less than 3.5x coverage. There is no DSRF and there are no additional debt plans in the near term.
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund Authority A+/Stable 2,212 No 3 2031 1,659 339 4.89 No There is a reimbursement revenue funding agreement between the New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund Authority and the New Jersey Department of Transportation commissioner, whereby the commissioner sends the first federal highway reimbursement revenue that the department receives to the trustee until the debt service for the GARVEE notes for that fiscal year has been fully funded, before any other state entity can receive the funds for any other purpose. There are no additional new money debt plans. The bonds do not have a DSRF.
North Carolina AA/Stable 919 No 3 2036 1,473 198 7.4 Yes Pro forma MADS occurs in approximately 2028 and reflects potential additional new money GARVEE bonds that the North Carolina Department of Transportation may issue in state fiscal years 2025, 2026, and 2027, which could increase the state’s GARVEE debt outstanding to about $1.4 billion by approximately 2027. Such pro forma numbers, however, are preliminary and subject to change. The state has its own GARVEE legislation's restrictions on debt capacity: MADS cannot exceed 20% of the expected average annual federal transportation funds, and principal outstanding cannot exceed the total federal transportation funds authorized in the prior fiscal year. An MOA between the FHWA and the department outlines a well-defined process for ensuring that annual deposits of pledged revenue are made into the bond payment fund. The MOA also details approval of each project, authorizing the state to use federal reimbursements to make GARVEE bond debt service payments.
Ohio AA/Stable 780 Yes 5 2035 2,161 144 15 Yes The state has a very strong ABT and there is an additional, subordinate pledge of state transportation funds. Ohio plans to issue additional GARVEE debt in fiscal years 2025 and 2026. We expect MADS coverage at or above 10x, including additional debt issuances.
Oklahoma Department of Transportation AA/Stable 46 No 5 2033 744 6 119.78 Yes The department expects additional issuances in the coming years, some of which may incorporate GARVEE loans. Exact amounts are not yet determined.
Rhode Island Commerce Corp. (Rhode Island Department of Transportation) AA-/Stable 474 No 3 2035 325 66 4.94 Yes The state is pursuing a mega grant from the federal government of more than $220 million to demolish and rebuild the Washington Bridge. At the same time, the governor has submitted a budget amendment authorizing as much as $334.6 million in GARVEE bonds for the project.
Commonwealth Transportation Board, Virginia AA+/Stable 874 Yes 4 2036 965 151 6.41 Yes Pro forma MADS coverage includes potential GARVEE issuances that are tentatively planned for fiscal years 2024 and 2025. The bonds have a discretionary backup pledge of the transportation board to pay debt service from the Transportation Trust Fund. Additional credit strengths include restrictive additional debt provisions, including 4x ABT, a 20-year rolling final bond term restriction, a $1.2 billion debt cap, and a transportation-board-adopted policy that restricts additional debt unless the six-year average of past federal reimbursements is at least 4x MADS.
Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority* A/Stable 58 Yes 0 2033 15 8 1.99 No The Transportation Trust Fund revenue provides a backup pledge on the bonds, mitigating any funding disruptions at the federal level, but such revenue may decline given a history of severe weather events in the territory. MADS coverage remains strong at 1.99x based on obligation authority and weak at 0.86x on federal receipts in fiscal 2022. Bond provisions include a closed lien with no additional bonds permitted and a fully funded DSRF.
Washington AA/Stable 150 No 3.5 2025 959 99 9.64 No Pro forma MADS coverage is supported by essentially level annual debt service requirements given the lack of debt plans. The state has an ABT requiring 3.5x MADS, as well as a more restrictive state policy that includes a 3.75x multiple for additional debt.
West Virginia Commissioner of Highways AA/Stable 206 No 3 2033 628 32 19.46 No A legislature-approved debt cap further limits total GARVEE bonds outstanding to $500 million. There are no additional new money debt plans. The bonds do not have a DSRF.
Chicago Transit Authority - 5307 A+/Stable 140 No 1.5 2029 171 35 4.83 No Maturity of prior debt and savings produced through refunding helped improve coverage in fiscal 2023. The stand-alone revenue pledge and relatively low ABT continue to constrain the rating. Despite the large capital improvement plan, a substantial portion of which is set to be funded by federal grant proceeds, there are no borrowing plans under this program.
Chicago Transit Authority - 5337 A+/Stable 97 No 1.5 2028 246 29 8.46 No Although coverage is very strong, in excess of 5x in each of the past five fiscal years, we view the stand-alone security and relatively low ABT as offsetting factors. Despite the large capital improvement plan, a substantial portion of which is set to be funded by federal grant proceeds, there are no borrowing plans under this program.
Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority - 5307 AA-/Stable 78 No 1.5 2032 134 11 12.17 No There are no additional debt plans. The series 2020 bonds do not have a DSRF. We consider the authority essential to the Philadelphia metropolitan area given its role as a provider of broadly used public transportation services.
Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority - 5337 AA-/Stable 79 No 1.5 2029 202 15 13.08 No There are no additional debt plans. The series 2011 bonds benefit from a DSRF equal to 50% of MADS for the series 2011 obligations. However, the authority did not establish a DSRF to provide additional support for its series 2017 bonds.
Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District A/Stable 176 Yes 1.5 2035 126 21 5.84 No Regional Flexible Funds provide additional security through an intergovernmental agreement with the local metropolitan planning organization. We consider the system's essentiality to the Portland metropolitan area and a history of federal commitment to mass transit programs.
Northern Indiana Commuter Transportation District - 5337 A+/Stable 147 Yes 1.5 2054 29 10 3.04 No There are no additional debt plans. An additional pledge from the commuter and electric rail service funds secures the bond. The district's MADS coverage from the 5337 grant receipts alone would be slightly more than 3x. However, with support from residual revenue, MADS coverage is projected to be 5.44x. ABT requires at least 1.5x projected annual debt service coverage and a debt service reserve requirement funded at 50% of MADS.
Note: Table data are from 2023. *Virgin Islands data is for fiscal 2022. ABT--additional bonds test. DSC--Debt service coverage. DSRF--Debt service reserve fund. FHWA--Federal Highway Administration. GARVEE--Grant anticipation revenue vehicle. MADS--Maximum annual debt service. MOA--Memorandum of agreement.

This report does not constitute a rating action.

Primary Credit Analyst:Kayla Smith, Englewood + 1 (303) 721 4450;
Secondary Contact:Kurt E Forsgren, Boston + 1 (617) 530 8308;

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