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U.S. Not-For-Profit Private College And University Fiscal 2023 Medians: Inflated Expenses, Deflated Support Contribute To Weaker Margins


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U.S. Public Finance Rating Activity Brief: January 2025

U.S. Not-For-Profit Private College And University Fiscal 2023 Medians: Inflated Expenses, Deflated Support Contribute To Weaker Margins

(Editor's Note: This article, originally published July 16, 2024, is being republished to provide the link to the medians interactive dashboard. )

Fiscal 2023 was a tough year for U.S. not-for-profit private colleges and universities. Enrollment declines resumed, after a brief period of stabilization in fiscal 2022. With pandemic relief dollars exhausted, institutions lacked a financial buffer to overcome rising expenses and demand pressures. Deeper tuition discounting further strained net revenue growth as institutions competed for students. As a result, median operating margins became negative for the first time in at least 10 years. Financial resources and balance-sheet ratios modestly fell. Reflecting these negative trends, the sector saw more than five times the number of downgrades as upgrades between June 1, 2023, and June 1, 2024. However, credit quality continues to diverge, consistent with our bifurcated outlook, with lower-rated institutions facing heightened difficulties.


Full details of the medians are available through our interactive dashboard, by clicking here.

The following image is a preview.


Rating Distribution And Characteristics

S&P Global Ratings maintained more than 300 ratings on U.S. not-for-profit private colleges and universities as of June 1, 2024. The sample size for our private college and university median ratios for fiscal 2023 is 278 (table 1). We do not include universities and colleges that we consider specialty schools in our ratio calculations. Given the niche focus of these institutions, which include medical schools, law schools, and arts schools, certain metrics may be skewed and would not be directly comparable with those of institutions with a wider array of program offerings.

Since our last medians report published July 25, 2023, we have assigned ratings to eight new private institutions: two in the 'A' category (including a specialty school), five in the 'BBB' category, and one speculative-grade.

During that same period, rating changes included 27 downgrades and five upgrades. The number of ratings in the 'AAA' and 'AA' categories was relatively flat: one institution, Dartmouth College, moved to the 'AAA' category from the 'AA' category. We downgraded six issuers to the 'BBB' category from the 'A' category and downgraded three to speculative-grade from the 'BBB' category. One institution, Medaille University, defaulted. All other rating changes were within the same rating category.

Ratings distribution is clustered around the 'BBB' category, which has 40% of private college and university ratings (chart 1). The next largest category, 'A', has 31% of ratings (chart 2). Although the majority of ratings, 83%, have a stable outlook, we revised some outlooks to negative in the past year (chart 3). Of rated issuers, 14% have a negative outlook compared with 10% the previous year. Currently, only 3% of private colleges and universities have a positive outlook, compared with 5% last year.

S&P Global Ratings' analysis of an institution involves a holistic view of its creditworthiness, including qualitative assessments that are not captured in this article. The mean or median metrics for each rating category (table 2) should not be considered thresholds to achieving a particular rating.

Table 1

Private colleges and universities--Sectorwide fiscal 2023 ratios
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Sample size 260 265 276 273 278
Total FTE enrollment
Median 3,199 3,174 3,004 3,069 3,013
Mean 6,343 6,331 6,088 5,944 5,911
FTE enrollment change (%)
Median 0.4 -0.3 -2.7 0.3 -0.8
Mean -0.1 -0.5 -2.6 1.4 -1.1
Undergraduates as a % of total enrollment
Median 75.9 73.5 79.1 78.8 79.1
Mean 74.4 72.7 77.0 77.0 76.8
First-year acceptance rate (%)
Median 65.5 66.0 71.4 74.0 73.2
Mean 57.0 58.2 61.3 63.4 61.4
First-year matriculation rate (%)
Median 22.0 21.0 18.8 18.6 18.1
Mean 26.1 25.3 23.1 24.0 23.6
Average SAT
Median 1,213 1,206 1,192 1,219 1,230
Mean 1,232 1,232 1,222 1,248 1,260
Average ACT
Median 26 26 26 27 27
Mean 27 27 27 27 28
Retention rate (%)
Median 83.1 84.0 83.0 83.8 82.4
Mean 83.3 83.5 82.2 82.3 82.0
Six-year graduation rate (%)
Median 70.9 71.4 71.6 71.3 72.0
Mean 70.9 71.5 71.5 71.6 71.5
In-state students (%)
Median 52.7 54.5 54.0 53.0 53.8
Mean 51.3 51.7 51.8 49.5 50.7
Operating margin (%)
Median 0.9 0.3 1.8 1.1 -0.1
Mean 1.3 0.7 2.5 1.7 -0.4
Student-generated revenue (%)
Median 84 84 81.7 79.7 80.5
Mean 77 77.1 74.5 73.6 74.3
Auxiliary revenue (%)
Median 11.4 9.9 7.6 10.4 11.3
Mean 11.2 9.5 8.0 10.3 10.9
Grants and contracts to revenue (%)
Median 1.2 2.2 4.4 5.0 2.2
Mean 3.5 4.3 6.7 6.3 4.9
Gifts and pledges to revenue (%)
Median 1.8 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9
Mean 2.6 2.6 2.7 2.7 2.8
Financial aid burden as a percentage of expenses (%)
Median 27.6 28.9 30.0 29.5 29.3
Mean 25.9 27 28.4 27.9 27.6
Instruction expense as a percentage of expenses (%)
Median 27.1 27.1 26.0 25.5 25.5
Mean 28.3 28.2 27.1 26.5 26.7
Tuition discount rate (%)
Median 40.0 41.0 41.9 43.3 44.4
Mean 40.1 41.1 42.8 44.1 44.8
Cash and investments ($000s)
Median 224,553 225,569 281,617 257,427 245,849
Mean 1,601,177 1,683,629 2,223,590 2,121,390 2,045,358
Cash and investments to operations (%)
Median 126.6 126.5 161.4 141.6 135.3
Mean 196.4 195.4 256.9 221.3 208.3
Cash and investments to debt (%)
Median 264.1 245.6 298.3 281.2 272.3
Mean 339.3 322.9 398.4 361.9 356.4
Total outstanding debt ($000s)
Median 97,015 98,420 96,580 105,384 101,023
Mean 373,862 421,814 448,459 467,667 456,574
Average age of plant (years)
Median 14.4 14.8 15.1 15.6 16.2
Mean 14.9 15.4 15.7 16.2 16.6
MADS burden (%)
Median 4.1 4.0 4.4 4.3 4.3
Mean 4.6 4.8 5.0 4.9 4.8
Total debt per FTE ($)
Median 28,964 31,463 33,207 34,791 35,053
Mean 48,962 53,614 57,727 57,460 58,871
Endowment per FTE ($)
Median 54,827 53,884 69,511 68,781 71,280
Mean 186,869 185,774 257,903 225,958 222,961
FTE--Full-time-equivalent. MADS--Maximum annual debt service. Source: S&P Global Ratings.

Table 2

Private colleges and universities--Fiscal 2023 ratios by rating category
Sample size 12 44 86 111 25 278
Total FTE enrollment
Median 10,252 7,994 3,442 2,481 2,490 3,013
Mean 11,403 11,255 6,780 3,260 2,647 5,911
FTE enrollment change (%)
Median 0.2 0.5 -0.9 -1.8 -3.6 -0.8
Mean 0.5 0.3 -1.0 -1.5 -2.8 -1.1
Undergraduates as a % of total enrollment
Median 54.4 70.5 84.7 77.4 81.7 79.1
Mean 60.7 71.9 81.7 76.1 79.1 76.8
First-year acceptance rate (%)
Median 6.0 14.4 72.9 78.5 81.2 73.2
Mean 5.9 20.6 65.0 76.8 79.4 61.4
First-year matriculation rate (%)
Median 63.5 38.4 17.5 15.0 14.2 18.1
Mean 62.5 39.3 20.0 17.5 16.8 23.6
Average SAT scores
Median 1520 1440 1240 1145 1101 1230
Mean 1514 1452 1260 1172 1148 1260
Average ACT scores
Median 34 33 27 24 20 27
Mean 34 33 28 25 22 28
Retention rate (%)
Median 98.0 95.0 85.1 77.0 72.9 82.4
Mean 97.2 93.9 84.1 76.4 71.4 82.0
Six-year graduation rate (%)
Median 94.5 91.1 76.2 64.4 59.2 72.0
Mean 94.4 89.8 74.2 63.2 55.5 71.5
Operating margin (%)
Median 2.9 2.4 0.5 -1.6 -3.8 -0.1
Mean 6.5 3.0 1.6 -2.9 -5.4 -0.4
Student-generated revenue (%)
Median 34.4 60.8 82.2 83.7 85.1 80.5
Mean 33.1 54.0 78.7 81.4 83.2 74.3
Auxiliary revenue (%)
Median 3.7 8.5 11.7 11.3 13.4 11.3
Mean 5.8 8.6 11.5 11.4 12.5 10.9
Grants and contracts to revenue (%)
Median 13.0 3.3 1.8 1.6 1.8 2.2
Mean 14.4 9.6 3.7 3.1 3.7 4.9
Gifts and pledges to revenue (%)
Median 2.2 2.7 1.6 1.5 1.1 1.9
Mean 2.8 3.1 3.0 2.4 3.2 2.8
Financial aid burden as a percentage of expenses (%)
Median 14.5 21.7 30.8 31.0 31.9 29.3
Mean 14.2 18.6 29.5 30.8 29.8 27.6
Instruction expense as a percentage of expenses (%)
Median 33.6 26.7 25.2 24.1 22.8 25.5
Mean 35.2 28.6 26.1 26.2 24.0 26.7
Tuition discount rate (%)
Median 47.5 39.3 42.3 46.9 45.1 44.4
Mean 47.7 40.5 44.4 46.3 45.6 44.8
Endowment market value ($000s)
Median 11,663,432 2,219,768 332,263 112,261 50,212 224,769
Mean 19,390,144 3,987,659 517,946 150,119 56,434 1,698,939
Cash and investments
Median 13,689,600 2,821,640 393,804 129,885 52,720 245,849
Mean 22,792,112 5,020,236 620,151 173,255 65,978 2,045,358
Cash and investments to operations (%)
Median 796.3 373.7 159.3 99.7 58.4 135.3
Mean 835.5 397.5 187.3 114.7 61.9 208.3
Cash and investments to debt (%)
Median 875.1 472.3 347.2 183.3 102.3 272.3
Mean 956.1 522.0 381.5 255.4 139.1 356.4
Total outstanding debt ($000s)
Median 1,853,394 612,705 129,836 66,181 60,756 101,023
Mean 2,698,590 1,335,470 244,164 117,592 69,326 456,574
Average age of plant (years)
Median 13.8 14.7 16.3 16.5 17.7 16.2
Mean 13.8 15.6 16.5 17.2 17.8 16.6
MADS burden (%)
Median 5.4 4.9 4.2 4.1 4.2 4.3
Mean 5.4 5.4 4.5 4.5 5.3 4.8
Total debt per FTE ($)
Median 174,541 96,779 35,744 27,321 27,819 35,053
Mean 228,062 127,837 42,284 32,954 28,411 58,871
Endowment per FTE ($)
Median 1,616,986 446,500 81,236 41,514 22,835 71,280
Mean 1,768,247 504,809 127,308 60,070 30,941 222,961
FTE--Full-time-equivalent. MADS-- Maximum annual debt service. SG--Speculative-grade. Source: S&P Global Ratings.

Chart 1


Chart 2


Chart 3


Enrollment And Demand Metrics

Demand pressures continued for lower-rated institutions

The higher education sector faces increased demand pressure. Across much of the U.S., the population of graduating high school students is shrinking. This "demographic cliff" results in lower demand from traditional student populations for private colleges and universities. In addition, some high school graduates are opting to work rather than pursue higher education as wages increase in a tight labor market. For others, the benefits of higher education do not appear to outweigh the rising price tag. While many institutions are increasing efforts to attract international students, adult learners, and graduate students, gains in these populations have largely been unable to overcome decreases in traditional undergraduates. In fiscal 2023 (fall 2022), median full-time equivalent enrollment fell 0.8% after stabilizing the previous year. Related demand metrics, matriculation and retention rates, also weakened. Other enterprise metrics were relatively stable.

Demand pressures are greatest for entities rated 'A' and below. Top-rated schools in the 'AAA' and 'AA' categories recorded stable enrollment in fiscal 2023. These institutions may intentionally target flat enrollment to maintain campus culture and selectivity. They benefit from greater operating flexibility with low acceptance rates, high matriculation rates, and a higher percentage of graduate students that diversify student composition. For example, 'AAA' rated entities have a median acceptance rate of just 6.0% and 63.5% of admitted students choose to attend, indicating exceptional demand. Once at the institution, nearly all first-year students, 98.0%, return for their second year. Conversely, 'BBB' rated schools admit a much higher percentage of applicants, with a median acceptance rate of 78.5%. Just 15.0% of accepted students choose to attend and 77.0% continue to their second year. It's much more difficult to maintain a stable student population under these conditions and we expect divergence in demand factors will continue to widen as the pool of traditional college-attending students shrinks further.

Financial Metrics

Inflated expenses and deflated support led to weaker operating margins

Once pandemic-related federal relief funds were depleted, many private colleges and universities lacked a financial cushion to overcome enrollment declines, increased discounting, and inflation. For the first time in at least 10 years, median and average operating performance was negative. Median revenue mix shifted back to pre-pandemic levels, with a decreased reliance on grants and contracts and a greater share of revenue from auxiliary sources. As institutions compete for a shrinking population of potential students, tuition discounting continues to rise, with an average discount rate approaching 45%. We expect fiscal 2024 results will show continued operating pressure.

Operating performance differed greatly by rating category. Median margins for 'AAA', 'AA', and 'A' rated entities remained positive while 'BBB' and speculative-grade issuers generated deficits. Lower-rated institutions had a particularly tough year, with an average operating deficit of 3% for 'BBB' rated issuers and 5% for speculative-grade rated issuers. Higher-rated institutions typically benefit from greater revenue diversity from research or health care operations and rely less on student-generated revenues. Colleges and universities in the top rating categories also have large endowments that can support increased discounting.

Balance sheets remained stronger than they were pre-pandemic

We primarily measure balance-sheet strength using an institution's cash and investments. However, we also consider liquidity and the degree to which resources are subject to restrictions. In fiscal 2023, median cash and investments fell modestly, continuing a trend of losses in fiscal 2022, albeit at a slower pace. Many colleges and universities used cash outside of the endowment or supplemental endowment draws to support weaker operations. However, institutions generated strong investment returns in fiscal 2021 and losses over the subsequent two years have not eroded those gains. Financial resources and balance-sheet ratios remain stronger than they were in fiscal 2020 but could continue to erode due to operating pressures in fiscal years 2024 and 2025.

While cash and investments dropped on average, endowments increased slightly, with a 1.8% increase in the median market value (table 3). The negative percentage change for the 'AAA' and 'AA' categories can be attributed to the upgrade of Dartmouth College: while the college's robust $7.9 billion endowment was previously at the high end of the 'AA' category, it is below the average for 'AAA' issuers ($19.4 billion). Both the 'AAA' and 'AA' categories have relatively small sample sizes, so the addition or removal of one issuer can have a large impact.

Table 3

Private colleges and universities--Median change in endowment by rating category
2022 ($000s) % change 2023 ($000s)
AAA 13,279,846 -12.2 11,663,432
AA 2,391,304 -7.2 2,219,768
A 316,898 4.8 332,263
BBB 104,416 7.5 112,261
SG 47,178 6.4 50,212
Sectorwide 220,712 1.8 224,769
SG--Speculative-grade. Source: S&P Global Ratings.
Median debt fell, while age of plant crept up

New debt issuance was limited in fiscal 2023, in part due to high interest rates. Sectorwide, median debt fell by a modest 4%. However, median debt of speculative-grade entities rose more than 20%. Similar to the change in endowment values, the large negative change for the 'AAA' category can be attributed to the upgrade of Dartmouth College. The college's fiscal 2023 debt burden of nearly $1.0 billion was well below the 'AAA' average debt burden of $2.7 billion.

While sectorwide debt burdens declined, average age of plant (equal to accumulated depreciation divided by depreciation expense) continued to increase, reaching a median of 16.2 years. Many institutions might need to increase debt issuance or use reserves in the coming years to finance delayed infrastructure updates or add facilities that attract students amid increasing competition.

Table 4

Private colleges and universities--Median change in debt by rating category
2022 ($000s) % change 2023 ($000s)
AAA 2,496,373 -25.8 1,853,394
AA 596,725 2.7 612,705
A 130,281 -0.3 129,836
BBB 65,565 0.9 66,181
SG 49,683 22.3 60,756
Sectorwide 105,384 -4.1 101,023
SG--Speculative-grade. Source: S&P Global Ratings.

What We're Watching

Demand pressure:   While preliminary data for fiscal 2024 (fall 2023) indicate enrollment decreases have lessened, we expect demand pressures spurred by demographic trends will continue over the next few years. In addition, government delays related to Free Application for Federal Student Aid processing are likely to exacerbate negative trends for private colleges and universities. Students facing uncertainty about tuition pricing might have opted to delay pursuing higher education or to attend public institutions or community colleges. Innovative teams that are able to adapt and manage communication with prospective students could see stronger results.

Management challenges:   Management teams face increased pressure as they navigate the scrutiny of investment portfolios, changes to admissions criteria, and on-campus protests. At the same time, many colleges and universities have undergone leadership transitions in the past year. As the role of college president becomes more difficult, recruiting top talent poses a greater difficulty with a longer timeline. Issues with risk management can also hinder donor relationships and student demand.

Capital requirements:   With high borrowing costs and rising construction costs, many institutions have delayed capital projects in recent years. As average ages of plant increases, colleges and universities will need to make investments in campuses to maintain facilities and compete for students.

AI:   Some administrators have begun to use AI for admissions, student affairs, and marketing. Institutions report using AI for chatbots to answer students' questions more quickly, to personalize outreach to prospective students based on their interests, or to identify students that require extra support. Although it's still nascent technology, we expect AI could provide a competitive edge to early adopters.

Continued credit bifurcation:   We expect less-selective, regional institutions with weaker balance sheets will continue to face greater operating difficulties and an increased risk of covenant violations (see "Rising Covenant Violations Are A Symptom Of The Pressure Facing Lower-Rated U.S. Higher Education Entities," June 20, 2024). However, we expect institutions with high demand, revenue diversity, and robust financial resources will maintain or strengthen their positions.


Table 5

Private colleges and universities--Ratings by category
Institution State Outlook
Columbia University NY Stable
Dartmouth College NH Stable
Grinnell College IA Stable
Harvard University MA Stable
Massachusetts Institute of Technology MA Stable
Pomona College CA Stable
Princeton University NJ Stable
Rice University TX Stable
Stanford University CA Stable
Swarthmore College PA Stable
Vanderbilt University TN Stable
Yale University CT Stable
Amherst College MA Stable
Brown University RI Stable
Bryn Mawr College PA Stable
Carnegie Mellon University PA Stable
Davidson College NC Stable
Duke University NC Stable
Northwestern University IL Stable
Smith College MA Stable
University of Pennsylvania PA Stable
University of Richmond VA Stable
Washington University MO Stable
Wellesley College MA Stable
Williams College MA Stable
Colby College ME Stable
Colgate University NY Stable
Colorado College CO Stable
Cornell University NY Stable
Denison University OH Stable
Emory University GA Negative
Johns Hopkins University MD Stable
Middlebury College VT Stable
University of Southern California CA Stable
Wake Forest University NC Stable
Washington & Lee University VA Stable
Wesleyan University CT Stable
Boston College MA Stable
Boston University MA Positive
California Institute of Technology CA Stable
Case Western Reserve University OH Stable
College of the Holy Cross MA Stable
Haverford College PA Stable
Lehigh University PA Stable
New York University NY Stable
Oberlin College OH Stable
Pepperdine University CA Stable
Reed College OR Stable
Saint Louis University MO Stable
Southern Methodist University TX Stable
Syracuse University NY Stable
Trinity University TX Stable
Tufts University MA Stable
University of Chicago IL Stable
University of Rochester NY Stable
Villanova University PA Stable
American University DC Stable
Babson College MA Stable
Bates College ME Stable
Baylor University TX Positive
Brandeis University MA Stable
Dickinson College PA Stable
Franklin & Marshall College PA Negative
George Washington University DC Stable
Lafayette College PA Stable
Loyola University of Chicago IL Stable
Rhodes College TN Negative
Southern New Hampshire University NH Stable
Trinity College CT Stable
Tulane University LA Stable
University of Dayton OH Stable
University of Denver CO Stable
University of Puget Sound WA Stable
University of the South TN Stable
Vassar College NY Stable
Barnard College NY Stable
Belmont University TN Stable
Buena Vista University IA Stable
Centre College of Kentucky KY Stable
DePaul University IL Stable
Duquesne University PA Stable
Fairfield University CT Stable
Fordham University NY Stable
Franciscan University of Steubenville OH Stable
Gettysburg College PA Stable
Hampden-Sydney College VA Stable
Hampton University VA Stable
Hofstra University NY Stable
Hope College MI Stable
Kenyon College OH Stable
Loyola University in Maryland MD Negative
Mercy College NY Stable
Providence College RI Stable
Randolph-Macon College VA Stable
Sacred Heart University CT Stable
Seattle University WA Stable
St. Lawrence University NY Negative
University of Portland OR Stable
Worcester Polytechnic Institute MA Stable
Adelphi University NY Stable
Agnes Scott College GA Stable
Allegheny College PA Stable
Assumption College MA Negative
Bryant University RI Stable
Butler University IN Stable
Calvin University MI Stable
Catholic University of America DC Stable
Doane College NE Stable
Drake University IA Stable
Earlham College IN Stable
George Fox University OR Stable
Georgetown University DC Stable
High Point University NC Stable
Hobart and William Smith Colleges NY Negative
Holy Family University PA Stable
Illinois Wesleyan University IL Stable
Johnson & Wales University RI Stable
Kettering University MI Negative
Lewis & Clark College OR Stable
Long Island University NY Stable
Mercer University GA Stable
Messiah College PA Stable
Milwaukee School of Engineering WI Stable
Mount St. Mary's University CA Stable
New England Institute of Technology RI Stable
Nova Southeastern University FL Stable
Ohio Wesleyan University OH Stable
Quinnipiac University CT Stable
Saint John Fisher College NY Stable
Saint Joseph's University PA Stable
Saint Mary's College IN Stable
St. Ambrose University IA Stable
St. John's University NY Stable
Taylor University IN Positive
Transylvania University KY Stable
Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico PR Stable
University of Miami FL Stable
University of Scranton PA Stable
University of Tampa FL Positive
University of Tulsa OK Stable
Wofford College SC Stable
York College of Pennsylvania PA Stable
Alfred University NY Stable
Baldwin Wallace University OH Negative
Bradley University IL Stable
Concordia University Irvine CA Stable
Drexel University PA Stable
Emerson College MA Stable
Fisher College MA Stable
Flagler College FL Stable
Gannon University PA Stable
Goucher College MD Negative
Knox College IL Stable
Lycoming College PA Stable
Lynchburg College VA Negative
Manchester University IN Negative
Manhattan College NY Stable
Meredith College NC Negative
Moravian College PA Stable
Mount Aloysius College PA Stable
Mount Vernon Nazarene University OH Stable
Nazareth College of Rochester NY Stable
Niagara University NY Negative
Randolph College VA Stable
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute NY Stable
Roanoke College VA Stable
Seton Hall University NJ Stable
St. Bonaventure University NY Stable
St. John's College MD Positive
Stetson University FL Stable
Stevens Institute of Technology NJ Positive
The New School, A University NY Stable
Washington & Jefferson College PA Stable
Wayland Baptist University TX Negative
College of Idaho ID Stable
D'Youville College NY Stable
Gwynedd Mercy University PA Stable
Illinois College IL Stable
Iona College NY Stable
Juniata College PA Stable
King's College PA Stable
Lake Forest College IL Stable
Lenoir-Rhyne University NC Stable
Lesley University MA Negative
Lewis University IL Stable
Lindsey Wilson College KY Stable
Loyola University of New Orleans LA Stable
Marian University IN Stable
McDaniel College MD Positive
Molloy College NY Stable
Neumann University PA Negative
New York Institute of Technology NY Stable
Pacific University OR Stable
Queen's University of Charlotte NC Stable
Regent University VA Stable
Saint Francis University PA Stable
Seattle Pacific University WA Negative
Springfield College MA Negative
St. Edward's University TX Stable
University of Detroit Mercy MI Stable
University of Dubuque IA Negative
University of Indianapolis IN Stable
University of St. Thomas TX Stable
Ursinus College PA Stable
Washington College MD Negative
Westminster College PA Stable
Widener University PA Stable
Arcadia University PA Stable
Augustana University SD Stable
Ave Maria University Inc. FL Stable
Bard College NY Positive
Benedictine University IL Negative
Cabrini University PA DEVELOPING
Capital University OH Stable
Carlow University PA Stable
Champlain College VT Negative
Chatham University PA Negative
Columbia College IL Negative
Dominican University IL Stable
Eastern University PA Stable
Elizabethtown College PA Stable
Florida Institute of Technology FL Stable
Georgian Court University NJ Stable
Goodwin University CT Stable
Guilford College NC Stable
Hendrix College AR Negative
Houghton College NY Stable
Houston Baptist University TX Stable
Howard University DC Positive
Lawrence Technical University MI Stable
Lipscomb University TN Stable
Lubbock Christian University TX Negative
Masters University CA Stable
Merrimack College MA Stable
Oklahoma City University OK Stable
Pace University NY Stable
Saint Mary's College CA Stable
Sarah Lawrence College NY Stable
Seton Hill University PA Stable
Simmons University MA Negative
Southwest Baptist University MO Negative
St. Michael's College VT Stable
Stevenson University MD Stable
Tiffin University OH Stable
University of Evansville IN Stable
University of Findlay OH Stable
University of New Haven CT Stable
University Of Northwestern Ohio OH Stable
Western New England University MA Stable
Westminster College UT Stable
Wilkes University PA Stable
Wingate University NC Stable
Yeshiva University NY Stable
Alvernia University PA Stable
Barton College NC Stable
Bethel University MN Stable
Chaminade University HI Stable
Marymount University VA Stable
Marywood University PA Stable
Mount St. Mary's University MD Stable
Sweet Briar College VA Stable
University of Hartford CT Negative
Albion College MI Negative
Anna Maria College MA Stable
Hartwick College NY Stable
Hawaii Pacific University HI Stable
Hiram College OH Negative
Lasell College MA Negative
Mercyhurst University PA Negative
Methodist University NC Stable
Pacific Lutheran University WA Negative
Rider University NJ Negative
Saint Elizabeth University NJ Negative
Saint Leo University FL Negative
Southeastern University FL Stable
University of the Sacred Heart PR Stable
Harrisburg University of Science and Technology PA Negative
La Salle University PA Stable

Table 6

Glossary of ratios and terms
Metric or ratio Definition
Average ACT scores Average ACT scores for entering first-year students
Average SAT scores Average combined math and reading SAT scores for entering first-year students
First-year acceptance rate (%) Number of students accepted/total number of completed first-year applications
FTE enrollment Total students enrolled on a full-time-equivalent basis
In-state students (%) Students enrolled who come from within the state/total students enrolled
Matriculation rate (%) Total number of enrolled students/total number of accepted students
Retention rate (%) First-year students who matriculated for sophomore year/total students who completed their first year
Six-year graduation rate (%) Students who graduate from the university within six years/total students in the first-year cohort
Undergraduate students (%) Total number of undergraduate students/total students
Operating margin (%) Adjusted net operating income/total adjusted operating expense
Gifts and pledges (%) Gifts and pledges/total adjusted operating revenue
Grants and contracts (%) Government grants and contracts/total adjusted operating revenue
Investment and endowment income (%) Endowment spending income and investment income/total adjusted operating revenue
Student-generated revenue (%) (Gross tuition and fees + auxiliary revenues)/total adjusted operating revenue
Financial aid burden (%) Total financial aid expense/total adjusted operating expense
Instruction (%) Instructional expense/total adjusted operating expense
Tuition discount rate (%) Total financial aid expense/gross tuition revenue
Endowment market value ($000s) Market value of endowment as of fiscal year end
Cash and investments to expenses (%) Cash and investments/total adjusted operating expenses
Cash and investments to debt (%) Cash and investments/total debt
Average age of plant Accumulated depreciation/depreciation expense
MADS burden (%) Maximum annual debt service/total adjusted operating expense
Endowment per FTE ($) Market value of endowment/FTE
Total debt per FTE ($) Total debt/FTE
Cash and investments Cash, unrestricted and restricted financial investments
Total adjusted operating expense Total operating expenses + institutionally funded financial aid + interest expense
Total adjusted operating revenue Total operating revenues + institutionally funded financial aid + endowment spending - realized and unrealized gains/losses
FTE--Full-time equivalent.

This report does not constitute a rating action.

Primary Credit Analyst:Megan Kearns, Englewood (1) 303-721-4643;
Secondary Contacts:Laura A Kuffler-Macdonald, New York + 1 (212) 438 2519;
Jessica L Wood, Chicago + 1 (312) 233 7004;
Research Contributors:Akshata Shekhar, CRISIL Global Analytical Center, an S&P affiliate, Mumbai
Nitya Harlalka, CRISIL Global Analytical Center, an S&P affiliate, Mumbai
Additional Contact:Travis Nauert, Gulfport 6628043336;

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