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Europe Brief: A Swedish Blueprint To Fix Productivity And Public Finances


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Europe Brief: A Swedish Blueprint To Fix Productivity And Public Finances

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Several eurozone countries are facing what appears to be the conflicting challenges of reducing public sector debt to GDP while boosting productivity.  That's not an easy task, but Sweden's success, in the late 1990s, could provide a blueprint for a solution based on the application of new budgetary rules and the efficient allocation of private savings.

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What's Happening

France, Italy, and Belgium face the dual challenge of consolidating their public finances while boosting productivity. The task isn't easy and can seem contradictory: a recovery in productivity would contribute to fiscal consolidation, but the reverse is not necessarily true.

With financial markets and the European Commission both looking for bold plans, the trio might want to look to the example of another developed economy with abundant private savings that rose to exactly that challenge. Sweden halved its public debt to 37.5% of GDP in 2007, from 69% in 1996, without abandoning its social model or killing growth. On the contrary, average annual growth was maintained at over 3% during those 10 years, didn't fall into recession in any single year, and increased hourly labor productivity and capital intensity by 30%.

Why It Matters

European countries can't rely on the cyclical economic recovery to repair public finances and restore productivity.  Failure to make structural changes could leave domestic and foreign investors no longer willing to overlook risks associated with onerous sovereign debts, rendering them unable (or at least less willing) to invest. That would consign the countries to widening sovereign debt spreads and could force the European Central Bank (ECB) to resume its sovereign debt purchasing program.

Europe has ample private savings which could be more efficiently allocated in support of innovative small businesses,  resulting in productivity growth that would help the region remain at the technological frontier. Without action, key European economies could continue to lose market share, undermining global trade that has been an important source of their growth for the last thirty years.

What Comes Next

We'll be keeping a close eye on this autumn's national budget debates,  especially in countries that the European Commission has flagged for excessive deficit procedures. And we will be watching for improved application of new European fiscal rules.

At the same time we will want to see a more efficient allocation of private savings across Europe,  notably with regards to progress on the use of long-term pension products--within or without the framework for a capital markets union.

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Chief EMEA economist:Sylvain Broyer, Frankfurt + 49 693 399 9156;

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