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House Price Overvaluation Moderates For Europe's RMBS And Covered Bond Markets


Analytical Approach: Second Party Opinions


An Overview Of India's Residential Mortgage And RMBS Market


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Weekly European CLO Update

House Price Overvaluation Moderates For Europe's RMBS And Covered Bond Markets

We have updated our under- and overvaluation assessments for European residential real estate markets. This update reflects house price and income movements observed since our previous update as well as our forward-looking expectations.

The under/overvaluation assessments differ by country, and we continue to consider most European countries' housing markets to be overvalued relative to the long-term trend in affordability metrics.

The credit impact that house price overvaluation could have on European residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBS) and covered bonds will depend on the geographic distribution of the mortgage pools and the valuation dates of the underlying properties backing the loans in those pools.

Measuring Under- Or Overvaluation

Our view of house prices as being overvalued or undervalued is informed by how much a specified region or country's house price-to-income (PTI) ratio is above or below its long-term average, combined with additional qualitative and forward-looking considerations. We typically use data from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and, in the U.K., the Office for National Statistics and the Land Registry.

We have updated our approach and now categorize regions or countries into one of six levels of under/overvaluation: Undervalued, Neutral, Slightly Overvalued, Moderately Overvalued, Significantly Overvalued, and Severely Overvalued. Each of these categories aligns with a level of under/overvaluation as detailed in table 1.

When determining the category and absolute level of under/overvaluation for a region or country, we would also consider our forward-looking view of other factors, which are likely to affect house prices and housing affordability. Other factors we may consider include, but are not limited to, house price forecasts, income and inflation expectations, and our view of interest rates.

This new method allows for a more nuanced assessment of housing market conditions through the addition of qualitative overlays and will result in more stability in our estimates of under/overvaluation.

Table 1

Under/overvaluation Range
Undervalued (-10%)-0%
Neutral 0%
Slightly Overvalued 0%-10%
Moderately Overvalued 10%-20%
Significantly Overvalued 20%-30%
Severely Overvalued >30%
Source: S&P Global Ratings.

Current Estimates Of Under- Or Overvaluation

Current estimates of under- and overvaluation differ by country and are detailed in chart 1.

Chart 1


In the U.K., we distinguish and apply different estimates of under and overvaluation based on region. London and the South-East are together considered to be 50% overvalued, while all other regions are 20% overvalued.

The impact of updated under/overvaluation on rated transactions

In our credit analysis of residential mortgage pools backing RMBS or covered bonds, we establish a broad measure of under/overvaluation for each relevant housing market. This informs the scale of market value declines we assume in our rating stress scenarios which in turn determines rating category specific weighted average loss severity (WALS) calculations.

House price increases following a loan's origination are, in isolation, credit positive. They increase borrower equity, which in our analysis of mortgage pools backing RMBS and covered bond programs means a lower estimated propensity to default, as well as a lower loss severity if the borrower does default.

Changes in our under- or overvaluation assessments can lower or increase assumed loss severities by ratings category. Similarly, the application of indexation can increase or decrease our overall loss severity estimation.

Our over/undervaluation measure provides affordability information in terms of the deviation from a long-term average, which could influence how much property prices decline under some economic scenarios. To account for this in our ratings process, we calculate the loss severity on a loan by applying our over/undervaluation assessment to our market value decline (MVD) assumptions (see our global RMBS criteria in "Related Criteria And Research"). Our over or undervaluation assessment applies to our MVD assumptions when calculating the loss severity for each loan. We add up to 50% of the overvaluation amount to the MVD and subtract 20% of the undervaluation from the MVD.

For example, for a loan in a country with 15% overvaluation, if the standard MVD assumption for a certain rating scenario level is 30% the MVD would be 37.5% (30% + [015%*0.5]), assuming 50% of the overvaluation amount were applied. Conversely, for a country undervalued by 15%, the MVD assumption for that same rating scenario would be 27% (30% – [15%*0.20]).

When indexing property values, we apply 100% of the cumulative upward movements and 100% of the downward movements, based on our criteria. The slightly higher property values that result from this indexation could decrease the probability of defaults and have varying effects on loss severities, depending on loan age and regional over/undervaluation.

Related Criteria And Research

This report does not constitute a rating action.

Primary Credit Analyst:Alastair Bigley, London + 44 20 7176 3245;
Secondary Contact:Casper R Andersen, Frankfurt + 49 69 33 999 208;

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