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Charter School Brief: Colorado


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U.S. Public Finance Rating Activity Brief: January 2025

Charter School Brief: Colorado



As of Feb. 3, 2025, S&P Global Ratings maintains 26 public ratings on Colorado charter schools. Colorado has S&P Global Ratings' third-highest number of rated charter schools, after California and Texas. It was the third state in the U.S. to enact a charter school law, and the state's first two charter schools opened their doors in 1993. As of the 2024-2025 school year, Colorado is home to more than 262 charter schools, serving approximately 136,000 students, and representing about 15% of all public school students in the state.

Chart 1


The credit profiles for our rated charter schools in Colorado are generally superior to those of the rest of the sector. About 81% of our ratings on Colorado charter schools are investment-grade, compared with approximately 44% for all other states. (For more information, see our "U.S. Charter Schools 2025 Outlook: Stability For Now, With Pockets Of Pressure," published Jan. 22, 2025, on RatingsDirect.) We believe the stronger ratings distribution is due to positive per-pupil funding trends, and relatively stable-to-growing enrollment, which have supported healthy operations and improving financial resources.

We also attribute our ratings distribution to more supportive and transparent state laws for Colorado charter schools, compared with those of the rest of the country. These include: the lack of a state charter cap; requirements for school districts to share equal funding received from local property taxes generated by mill levy overrides; as well as acceptance of qualifying charter schools into the state's Moral Obligation Program, which can significantly lower a school's capital costs.

Authorizer Framework

  • Colorado charter schools are primarily authorized by the local school district for a maximum term of five years, although some authorizers offer longer contracts. The Colorado Department of Education provides clear guidance to district authorizers on the accreditation and appeals process, which we view positively.
  • Although competition for students can create an inherent conflict of interest for these entities, we have generally found good working relationships between most of our rated Colorado charter schools and the local district.
  • The Colorado Charter School Institute (CCSI) is the state's only non-district authorizer. CCSI can accept applications from schools in districts that do not have exclusive chartering authority or from schools in districts that have exclusive authority but give permission to CCSI to act as authorizer. The institute has a clear application, renewal, and revocation process with well-defined benchmarks and milestones, which we also view positively. CCSI is the authorizer for approximately 8% of our rated charter schools. With the passages of House Bill (HB) 1375 and HB 1394, CCSI-authorized schools now received an equalized level of tax mil levy funding, which has provided increases in CCSI schools in recent years. In addition, recently passed HB 1154 allows charter schools authorized by CCSI to participate in voter-approved bond measures within their district for construction or building-renovation projects.

Credit Fundamentals

Many Colorado charter schools are single-site operators, which constrain median enrollment levels and limit operating budgets compared with medians for the entire sector, which includes many large networks. However, we note Colorado charter schools, in general, continue to have financial flexibility, relative to that of similarly sized peers, supported by healthy per-pupil funding and mill-levy revenue from their local district.

Table 1

Fiscal 2024 Colorado charter school medians
BBB+/BBB BBB- BB+ BB Colorado medians
Number of ratings 4 17 2 3 26
Fall 2024 enrollment 2,033 779 605 1,109 902
Waitlist as % of enrollment 67.1 37.8 3.9 51.4 37.8
Student retention rate (%) 93.0 91.0 93.0 90.0 90.5
Lease-adjusted MADS coverage (x) 2.0 2.1 1.9 0.7 1.9
Lease-adjusted MADS burden (% total revenues) 8.3 7.0 13.8 15.5 7.9
Days' unrestricted cash on hand 213 184 229 109 184
Unrestricted cash and investments to debt (%) 59.2 47.8 35.9 11.4 47.8
Total revenue ($000s) 29,727 11,811 9,205 17,802 12,466
Total debt per student 10,769 14,192 25,802 35,106 14,528
Total revenue per student 14,622 14,345 15,158 14,142 14,345
MADS--Maximum annual debt service.

Chart 2


Despite broader demographic pressures, median enrollment at Colorado charter schools within our rated universe held relatively steady in fall 2024 from the previous year. Overall, other demand and financial metrics remained steady, reflecting stability in the state. The total revenue per student increased from the previous year, reflecting a positive funding environment, which is expected to continue, but then moderate in fiscal 2026.

What We're Watching

Funding increases

Colorado's per-pupil funding levels were positive in recent years, which strengthened financial performance for schools. While per-pupil funding differs from school to school, it increased around 10% in fiscal 2024, with a more than 5% increase projected for fiscal 2025. For fiscal 2026, while there is budgetary pressure at the state level, we anticipate that funding for kindergarten-through-12th-grade (K-12) schools will remain a priority as the governor has proposed funding increases for a variety of educational initiatives, although we expect overall funding will rise at a more modest rate than in previous years.

Formula changes

With the 2024 Colorado legislative session, state lawmakers enacted a new school funding formula, effective fiscal 2026. HB24-1448 will add $500 million in education funding to be phased in over a six-year period. Furthermore, the governor has proposed funding for schools based on their current enrollment rather than using a multiyear average, which, if adopted, could result in revenue loss for the schools that are experiencing enrollment declines. The Colorado legislative session is currently in progress and is expected to conclude in May 2025.

Demographic trends

Overall, Colorado's school-age population has remained stagnant, with some counties experiencing declines, while others increase; we expect this trend will continue in the near term. Although total K-12 enrollment declines on a percentage basis remain relatively minimal, they have been concentrated in certain areas, prompting closure of 23 district schools and three unrated charter schools in 2024, predominantly in Denver, Jefferson, and Larimer counties. Should the declining demographics become more widespread across the state, we believe that this trend could pose a challenge to the school's per-pupil-funding revenues and hinder its financial performance, if not addressed appropriately.

Immigration policy changes

Colorado's demographic shifts have somewhat been buoyed by the influx of migrant students in recent years, particularly in the Denver area. We will continue to watch changes to immigration policy with the new administration and how this affects changes in migrant populations and enrollment levels, which might have temporarily cushioned enrollment at certain schools in recent years. We believe schools with healthy market positions, as demonstrated by solid academic performance, and waitlists, will have more flexibility navigating shifting population trends.

Teacher shortage

Colorado is no exception to the national teacher shortage Colorado lawmakers passed HB 1044, which allows retired teachers to work without negatively affecting their retirement benefits. According to the Colorado Department of Education data, the teacher vacancy did improve for the 2023-2024 school year, with 635 vacant positions for teachers, a material 15% decrease from the previous year's vacant teaching position of 748. Not all schools were affected by the teacher shortage equally, and we believe a charter school's ability to attract and retain talented faculty is key to the organization achieving its mission.

Table 2

Colorado charter schools ratings list
Charter school Rating Outlook Charter authorizer Charter contract expiration
Peak to Peak Charter School BBB+ Stable Boulder Valley School District No. RE-2 June 30, 2025*
Academy Charter Sch (Castle Rock Lifelong Learning Ctr) BBB Stable Douglas County School District June 30, 2028
Classical Academy, The BBB Stable Academy School District 20 Dec. 31, 2038
James Irwin Charter School BBB Stable Harrison Sch District June 29, 2034
Ben Franklin Academy BBB- Stable Douglas County School District June 30, 2029
Cheyenne Mtn Charter Academy (includes Vanguard School) BBB- Stable Harrison District 2 June 30, 2026
DCS Montessori Charter School BBB- Stable Douglas County School District June 30, 2025*
Eagle Ridge Academy BBB- Stable Brighton School District No. 27J June 30, 2028
Excel Academy Corporation BBB- Negative Jefferson County Public Schools June 30, 2028
Flagstaff Academy BBB- Stable St. Vrain Valley School District RE-1J June 30, 2029
Frontier Academy High School BBB- Stable Weld County School District 6 June 30, 2031
Independence Academy BBB- Stable Mesa School District 51 June 30, 2028
Liberty Common School BBB- Stable Poudre School District June 30, 2029
Lincoln Academy BBB- Stable Jefferson County Public Schools June 30, 2025*
Littleton Preparatory Charter School BBB- Stable Littleton Public Schools June 30, 2028
Loveland Classical Schools BBB- Stable Thompson Valley School District June 30, 2029
New Vision Charter School BBB- Stable Thompson Valley School District June 30, 2025*
North Star Academy BBB- Stable Douglas County School District June 30, 2029
Pinnacle Charter School BBB- Stable Colorado Charter School Institute June 30, 2027
Platte River Academy BBB- Stable Douglas County School District RE-1 June 30, 2025*
University Laboratory Sch BBB- Stable Weld County School District 6 June 30, 2031
Aspen Ridge Preparatory School BB+ Positive St. Vrain Valley School District June 30, 2029
Community Leadership Academy BB+ Negative Colorado Charter School Institute June 30, 2028
Ascent Classical Academy Charter Schools, Inc BB Stable Colorado Charter School Institute June 30, 2025*
Monument Academy Charter School (Elem) BB Negative Lewis-Palmer D38 June 30, 2028
Twin Peaks Charter Academy BB Stable St. Vrain Valley School District RE-1J June 30, 2025*
*According to management, these renewal processes are underway with no reported issues from the authorizer.

Related Research:

This report does not constitute a rating action.

Primary Credit Analysts:Joyce Jung, Englewood + 1 (212) 4380629;
Amber L Schafer, Englewood + 1 (303) 721 4238;
Secondary Contacts:Jessica L Wood, Chicago + 1 (312) 233 7004;
Luke J Gildner, Columbia + 1 (303) 721 4124;
Research Contributor:Nikita Salunkhe, CRISIL Global Analytical Center, an S&P affiliate, Mumbai

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