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How to Add a New Admin or User

How to Add a New Admin or User



There are two types of roles that a company can create: “Administrator” (“Admin”) and “User.” When a new role is created, the designated Admin or User will receive an email notification with an assigned username and instructions to set a password.


Anyone designated as an account Admin is responsible for the overall management of the company’s account. There is no limit to the number of Admins or Users a company can add to its account.


There are tasks that Admins and Users have the appropriate permissions to complete based on the system’s default settings. Admins have privileges to complete specific tasks that Users do not and may authorize Users to complete tasks that they do not have the ability to do by default.


Create a New Admin / User Account 


  • Log into the online portal.

  • Navigate to the “Account” tab and click on the “Add Admin and User” button.


  • Under “User Type,” select the individual’s role (Admin or User).

  • Complete all contact data fields.

  • Designate the appropriate application access and notification preferences.

  • Click “Save.” 


Difference Between Admin and Users


The table below summarizes the tasks Admins and Users can execute. It is organized in sequential order by each stage a company will go through when completing the CSA: 1) Getting Ready 2) Completing the Questionnaire and 3) Reviewing Your Results.


Getting Ready






With Authorization

Confirm company’s participation in the CSA


Create, edit and delete Admin or User accounts  



Manage other Admins, Users, contact information and company details  



Manage own contact details and notification settings / preferences


Manage company subscriptions and services  



Manage anyone’s notification preferences




Completing the Questionnaire






With Authorization

Access “Questionnaire” and “Documents” tabs in the online portal  


Pre-fill the entire questionnaire from the most recent assessment data available  



Pre-fill a question within the assessment from the most recent assessment data available  


Upload documentation and supporting evidence  


Restrict or allow access to Users to sections within the online portal



Edit any questions within the questionnaire (“Not Started” or “In Progress” stage) when access has not been restricted


Designate and revoke User access to specific CSA questions / criteria. *Please note: Users that have NOT been granted access to a question will still be able to access any document linked to it unless marked “Confidential” in which case only Admins will have access.



Edit assigned questions within the questionnaire (“Not Started” or “In Progress” stage) when access has been restricted



Push a question from “In Progress” to “Completed”


Push a question from “Completed” back to “In Progress”


Push a question from “Completed” to “Approved”



Submit the questionnaire  




Reviewing Your Results






With Authorization

Download company benchmarking scorecard (a User can only do this if they have been granted access to the Benchmarking Database)


Access “Reports” from the Benchmarking tab



Need Help? 

If you have any questions about adding a new Admin or User, contact the CSA Helpline at csa@spglobal.com