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In a fast-paced and digitally supercharged environment, implementing digital infrastructure, strategies, and frameworks has never been more important for banks. With an even greater push to become digitally resilient and remain competitive, timely access to sector-specific, comprehensive, and reliable intelligence is a key differentiator. From dynamic financial spreading tools to cloud-based storage, get access to a host of capabilities to help streamline and automate your workflow.

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  • Finance
  • Marketing
  • Commercial Lending
  • Retail Banking
  • Treasury
  • Credit Risk
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Balancing profitability and risk requires intelligence that cuts across silos

Community banks have reached a crossroads: Innovate or be left behind. Seize the moment with powerful reporting tools that bring essential insights to the surface, driving your institution’s performance and profitability.

  • Quickly compare yourself against your bank and credit union peers.
  • Model mergers and acquisitions.
  • Monitor and measure drivers of performance in real time.
  • Prepare insightful reports for regulators and boards.
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Align marketing strategies to market demands with demographic intelligence

Personal connections make community banks an essential part of their customers’ lives. And it’s what sets them apart from commercial banks.

  • Optimize revenue growth opportunities by assessing market position and market potential through incisive data and actionable tools.
  • Design marketing campaigns, identify cross-sell opportunities, and set goals to achieve desired results with confidence.
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Opportunities exist at every stage of the lending lifecycle. Let’s find them together.

Community banks play a key role in keeping local economies growing. But today’s lending processes remain highly manual and rely on disparate sources of data, making them repetitive, time-consuming, and error-prone. 

  • Streamline pipeline development, monitor loan concentration exposure, determine resource needs, set sales targets, and manage accountability.
  • Grow your business with qualified leads, pricing insights, industry research, and credit solutions developed for the commercial lender.
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Keep a pulse on your client’s financial behaviors

By taking a customer-centric approach to your retail banking sales, you can build resilient relationships with your customers that drive new and lifelong business. 

  • Maximize returns, drive growth, and mitigate risk across the consumer banking business line.
  • Set and monitor smart goals to maximize performance potential. Maintain competitive market positions, develop compelling packaging, and price products with timely market data.
  • Evaluate the resilience of branch networks using branch lists and competitor branch mapping combined with product demand data and interest rates for deposit and loan products.
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Ground your decisions in essential treasury data

Take the guess work out of your bank’s most critical decisions. Our unparalleled portfolio monitoring and management tools help you:

  • Stay on top of trends and potential shifts within the industry and macro-environment while maximizing returns on investment decisions 
  • Identify high net worth cross-sell opportunities that have a partial relationship with your institution
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The best way to mitigate credit risk is to measure it

When a community bank makes credit risk decisions based on incomplete, inaccurate, or redundant data, business risks can develop. Our credit and risk experts use data, analytics, and default models to build a robust view of what’s happening in the world of credit.

  • Access robust credit models that cover various asset classes and can be used across a variety of workflows including credit administration, counterparty and portfolio risk management, as well as independent loan review.
  • Reveal your credit risk exposure with robust data, analytical models, expert insights, and intuitive workflow solutions for rated, unrated, public, and private companies across the U.S. that provide early warning signals of credit quality deterioration, transparency into drivers of default risk, and indicators to assess potential losses and recovery.
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Access the essential community banking solution

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See how to navigate today’s banking industry challenges

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Featured Content

[Webinar Replay] Demystifying Climate Risk Reporting for US Commercial Banks


[Webinar Replay] Growth Strategies for Loans and Deposits: Tools to Help Commercial Lending Teams Build the Entire Client Relationship

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[Webinar] Q3 Outlook for U.S. Commercial Banks As Rates Remain Higher for Longer


Commercial Lending Lifecycle

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[Podcast] Street Talk Podcast Series


Banking Essentials

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Toolkit for Banks

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[Research] Commercial Real Estate Chartbook – Weathering the Storm


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