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'AAA' Is Back For Spanish RMBS


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'AAA' Is Back For Spanish RMBS

S&P Global Ratings recently completed its review of the affected Spanish residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBS) transactions that it rates following its March 23, 2018 upgrade of Spain. Of the tranches placed on CreditWatch positive, we raised more than 77% of ratings (the remainder were affirmed), and as a result of applying our criteria, the maximum potential rating for our rated portfolio is now 'AAA (sf)'. This article summarizes the impact of the sovereign upgrade and subsequent events on our Spanish RMBS ratings, and highlights key rating transitions.

On March 23, 2018, we raised our unsolicited long-term sovereign rating on Spain to 'A-' from 'BBB+'. Following the sovereign upgrade, on April 6, 2018, we took rating actions on several Spanish banks, some of which are counterparties for some of the Spanish RMBS transactions that we rate.

On April 17, 2018, we revised our outlook assumptions for the Spanish residential mortgage market to benign to reflect the improved Spanish residential mortgage and real estate market, and lowered our projected losses at the 'B' rating level for the archetypal Spanish pool (see "Outlook Assumptions For The Spanish Residential Mortgage Market"). At that time, we rated 95 Spanish RMBS transactions comprising 318 tranches.

Following the application of our structured finance ratings above the sovereign criteria, our counterparty criteria, and our European residential loans criteria, on April 24, 2018, we placed on CreditWatch positive our ratings on 217 tranches in 83 Spanish RMBS transactions (68% of the Spanish RMBS tranches that we rated; see "Ratings On 213 Tranches In 82 Spanish RMBS Transactions Placed On CreditWatch Positive" and "Ratings In Spanish Synthetic RMBS Transaction castellana finance Placed On CreditWatch Positive," published on April 30, 2018).

Maximum Potential Rating For Spanish RMBS Transactions Is Now 'AAA (sf)'

Our structured finance ratings above the sovereign criteria classify the sensitivity of these transactions as moderate (see "Ratings Above The Sovereign - Structured Finance: Methodology And Assumptions," published on Aug. 8, 2016). Therefore, after our March 23, 2018 upgrade of Spain to 'A-' from 'BBB+', the highest rating that we can assign to the senior most tranche in Spanish RMBS transactions is six notches above the Spanish sovereign rating, or 'AAA (sf)'.

Additionally, we raised long-term issuer credit ratings (ICRs) on several Spanish banks which are dependent counterparties in the transactions we reviewed. Consequently, this raised some of the counterparty rating caps in some of the transactions.

Our European residential loans criteria, as applicable to Spanish residential loans, establish how our loan-level analysis incorporates our current opinion of the local market outlook (see "Methodology And Assumptions: Assessing Pools Of European Residential Loans," published on Aug. 4, 2017). Our current outlook for the Spanish housing and mortgage markets, as well as for the overall economy in Spain, is benign. Therefore, we revised our expected level of losses for an archetypal Spanish residential pool at the 'B' rating level to 0.9% from 1.6%, in line with our European residential loans criteria, by lowering our foreclosure frequency assumption to 2.00% from 3.33% for the archetypal pool at the 'B' rating level (see "Guidance: Methodology And Assumptions: Assessing Pools Of European Residential Loans," published on April 17, 2018).

Rating actions resulting in ratings between (and including) 'A- (sf)' and 'AAA (sf)', reflected our revised outlook assumptions for the Spanish residential mortgage market and the sovereign upgrade and, if applicable, the bank upgrades.

Rating actions resulting in ratings between (and including) 'B- (sf)' and 'BBB+ (sf)', reflected our revised outlook assumptions for the Spanish residential mortgage market and, if applicable, the bank upgrades, as the tranches were rated below the rating on the sovereign.

Tranches that we rated between (and including) 'D (sf)' and 'CCC+ (sf)' were dependent on favorable business, financial, or economic conditions, rather than being affected by our revised outlook assumptions or the bank or sovereign upgrades.

More Than 77% Of Ratings On CreditWatch Positive Raised; Remainder Affirmed

In July 2018, we completed our review following our credit, cash flow, operational, counterparty, legal, stability and macroeconomic analysis of 80 RMBS transactions (288 tranches), which had at least one rating on CreditWatch positive (of the initial 83 transactions with ratings on CreditWatch positive, three fully redeemed).

Of the 212 tranches that we reviewed that had ratings on CreditWatch positive, we:

  • Affirmed 48 tranches (22.6%): Most (35 tranches) in the 'BBB+' to 'B-' rating category. This reflects that the assets' underlying characteristics and the notes' structural features mitigated the positive impact of our revised outlook assumptions for the Spanish residential mortgage market and the upgrades of rating dependent counterparties and the sovereign.
  • Upgraded 164 tranches (77.4%): 34 were upgraded to 'AAA (sf)', six notches above the rating on the sovereign, and five to 'AA+ (sf)', five notches above the rating on the sovereign because of counterparty rating limitations. Additionally, we upgraded 31 tranches to 'AA (sf)' because they were not the most senior tranches in their capital structures and their maximum potential ratings were constrained by the application of our structured finance ratings above the sovereign criteria.

Table 1 summarizes the type and number of rating actions taken at each rating level, of the tranches previously placed on CreditWatch positive. For example, of the 10 'A (sf)/Watch Pos' ratings outstanding at the time of our review, we raised seven of the ratings (70%) and affirmed three (30%).

Table 1

Rating Action Type At Each Rating Level (Ratings On CreditWatch Positive)
Number Affirm Upgrade
Total 212 22.6% 77.4%
Rating Number Affirm Upgrade
AA+ (sf)/Watch Pos 28 0.0% 100.0%
AA (sf)/Watch Pos 4 0.0% 100.0%
AA- (sf)/Watch Pos 28 10.7% 89.3%
A+ (sf)/Watch Pos 13 46.2% 53.8%
A (sf)/Watch Pos 10 30.0% 70.0%
A- (sf)/Watch Pos 8 12.5% 87.5%
BBB+ (sf)/Watch Pos 21 4.8% 95.2%
BBB (sf)/Watch Pos 15 13.3% 86.7%
BBB- (sf)/Watch Pos 9 11.1% 88.9%
BB+ (sf)/Watch Pos 13 23.1% 76.9%
BB (sf)/Watch Pos 13 23.1% 76.9%
BB- (sf)/Watch Pos 7 42.9% 57.1%
B+ (sf)/Watch Pos 8 37.5% 62.5%
B (sf)/Watch Pos 8 50.0% 50.0%
B- (sf)/Watch Pos 27 55.6% 44.4%

Of the 76 tranches that we reviewed that did not have ratings on CreditWatch positive, we:

  • Affirmed 64 tranches (84.2%): 52 of them in the 'CCC (sf)', 'CC (sf)', and 'D (sf)' rating categories, and 12 of them were capped by either a dependent counterparty ICR, or by counterparty downgrade language.
  • Upgraded eight tranches (10.5%): Two of them to 'AA- (sf)' and 'AAA (sf)' from 'A+ (sf)' because of a counterparty replacement during the resolution process, one of them to 'CCC- (sf)' from 'D (sf)' as the transaction had repaid all due and previously unpaid interest amounts. We upgraded the other five tranches to within the 'CCC' rating category.
  • Downgraded four tranches (5.3%) to 'CCC- (sf)' from 'CCC (sf)' due to their vulnerability to favorable business, financial, or economic conditions.

Table 2 shows rating transitions at each rating level for the 288 ratings that we reviewed. For example, of the 12 'A (sf)' ratings outstanding at the time of our review, we affirmed five ratings at 'A (sf)', raised one rating to 'A+ (sf)', raised three ratings to 'AA- (sf)', and raised three ratings to 'AA (sf)'.

Table 2

Rating Transition At Each Rating Level
From/To AAA (sf) AA+ (sf) AA (sf) AA- (sf) A+ (sf) A (sf) A- (sf) BBB+ (sf) BBB (sf) BBB- (sf) BB+ (sf) BB (sf) BB- (sf) B+ (sf) B (sf) B- (sf) CCC+ (sf) CCC (sf) CCC- (sf) CC (sf) D (sf) Total
AAA (sf) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
AA+ (sf) 28 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29
AA (sf) 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
AA- (sf) 0 2 23 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28
A+ (sf) 2 0 5 2 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15
A (sf) 0 0 3 3 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12
A- (sf) 0 3 0 1 0 3 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14
BBB+ (sf) 0 0 0 3 2 0 15 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21
BBB (sf) 1 0 2 0 0 0 7 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15
BBB- (sf) 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9
BB+ (sf) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14
BB (sf) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 5 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13
BB- (sf) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7
B+ (sf) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8
B (sf) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 8
B- (sf) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 1 4 17 0 0 0 0 0 29
CCC+ (sf) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 0 0 0 0 6
CCC (sf) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 5
CCC- (sf) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 5 0 0 7
CC (sf) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3
D (sf) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 40 41
Total 35 6 33 12 9 8 31 9 16 7 11 8 11 5 9 20 3 2 10 3 40 288

Spanish RMBS Weighted-Average Rating Rises To 'A+ (sf)' From 'A (sf)'

The current Spanish RMBS portfolio that we rate comprises 91 transactions and 307 tranches, after Bancaja 5, Fondo de Titulización de Activos' July 18, 2018 redemption. Our completed review has resulted in the improvement of our weighted-average rating for the portfolio to 'A+ (sf)' from 'A (sf)'.

Of the portfolio, 34.6% of the outstanding balance of the notes is now rated 'AAA (sf)', 60.8% is rated above the rating on the sovereign (including 'AAA [sf]'), and 23.2% is rated 'A- (sf)', which is in line with the rating on the sovereign.

Tranches rated 'D (sf)' now comprise 1.4% of the portfolio due to interest shortfalls that these notes continue to experience. Their interest payments have either been postponed in the priority of payments due to interest deferral triggers being breached, or because reserve funds are being used (asset-backed notes issued at closing to fund the reserve funds).

Chart 1


We did not place our ratings on CreditWatch positive in 12 transactions as:

  • Our ratings on 15 tranches were capped by the downgrade language included in the guaranteed investment contract (GIC) accounts; and
  • Our ratings on seven tranches were speculative grade (rated 'CC [sf]', 'CCC [sf]', or 'D [sf)]').

Since our CreditWatch positive placements of the affected tranches, three transactions fully redeemed before the conclusion of our review:

  • IM Banco Popular MBS 2, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos on June 22, 2018 (two ratings previously on CreditWatch positive).
  • Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos UCI 18 on June 18, 2018 (one rating previously on CreditWatch positive); and
  • Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos, Hipotebansa 11 on May 16, 2018 (two ratings previously on CreditWatch positive).

Tables 3 and 4 list all of the Spanish RMBS ratings that we reviewed.

Table 3

Ratings List: Transactions That Had Ratings On CreditWatch Positive (Now Resolved)
Issuer Class Rating to Rating from ISIN

AyT 11 Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria

A AAA (sf) AA+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0338541008
AyT 11 Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria B B+ (sf) B (sf)/Watch Pos ES0338541016

AyT Caja Murcia Hipotecario I, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos

A AA (sf) AA- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0312282009
AyT Caja Murcia Hipotecario I, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos B BBB+ (sf) BBB (sf)/Watch Pos ES0312282017
AyT Caja Murcia Hipotecario I, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos C B- (sf) B- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0312282025

AyT Caja Murcia Hipotecario II, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos

A AA- (sf) AA- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0312272000
AyT Caja Murcia Hipotecario II, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos B BBB (sf) BBB- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0312272018
AyT Caja Murcia Hipotecario II, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos C B- (sf) B- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0312272026

AyT CajaGranada Hipotecario I Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos

A AA+ (sf) AA- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0312212006
AyT CajaGranada Hipotecario I Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos B B+ (sf) B+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0312212014
AyT CajaGranada Hipotecario I Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos C D (sf) D (sf) ES0312212022
AyT CajaGranada Hipotecario I Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos D D (sf) D (sf) ES0312212030

AyT Colaterales Global Hipotecario FTA CCM I

A AAA (sf) AA (sf)/Watch Pos ES0312273248

AyT Colaterales Global Hipotecario FTA Sa Nostra I

A AA (sf) AA- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0312273123

AyT Genova Hipotecario II Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria

A AAA (sf) AA+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0370139000
AyT Genova Hipotecario II Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria B AA (sf) A+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0370139018

AyT Genova Hipotecario III Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria

A AAA (sf) AA+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0370143002
AyT Genova Hipotecario III Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria B AA (sf) A (sf)/Watch Pos ES0370143010

AyT Genova Hipotecario IV Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria

A AAA (sf) AA+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0370150007
AyT Genova Hipotecario IV Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria B AA- (sf) A (sf)/Watch Pos ES0370150015

AyT Genova Hipotecario IX Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria

A2 AAA (sf) AA+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0312300017
AyT Genova Hipotecario IX Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria B A+ (sf) BBB+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0312300025
AyT Genova Hipotecario IX Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria C BBB+ (sf) BB+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0312300033
AyT Genova Hipotecario IX Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria D B (sf) B (sf)/Watch Pos ES0312300041

AyT Genova Hipotecario VI Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria

A2 AAA (sf) AA+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0312349014
AyT Genova Hipotecario VI Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria B AA (sf) AA- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0312349022
AyT Genova Hipotecario VI Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria C A- (sf) BBB+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0312349030
AyT Genova Hipotecario VI Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria D BB- (sf) B (sf)/Watch Pos ES0312349048

AyT Genova Hipotecario VII Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria

A2 AAA (sf) AA+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0312343017
AyT Genova Hipotecario VII Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria B AA- (sf) AA- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0312343025
AyT Genova Hipotecario VII Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria C BBB- (sf) BB+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0312343033

AyT Genova Hipotecario VIII Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria

A2 AAA (sf) AA+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0312344015
AyT Genova Hipotecario VIII Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria B AA (sf) AA- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0312344023
AyT Genova Hipotecario VIII Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria C BBB (sf) BB+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0312344031
AyT Genova Hipotecario VIII Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria D B (sf) B (sf)/Watch Pos ES0312344049

AyT Genova Hipotecario X Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria

A2 A- (sf) A- (sf) ES0312301015
AyT Genova Hipotecario X Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria B A- (sf) A- (sf) ES0312301023
AyT Genova Hipotecario X Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria C A- (sf) BBB+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0312301031
AyT Genova Hipotecario X Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria D B- (sf) B- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0312301049

AyT Hipotecario Mixto V, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos

A AA (sf) AA- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0312252002
AyT Hipotecario Mixto V, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos B A- (sf) BBB (sf)/Watch Pos ES0312252010
AyT Hipotecario Mixto V, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos C BB (sf) B- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0312252028

AyT ICO-FTVPO Caja Murcia Fondo De Titulizacion de Activos

A(G) AAA (sf) BBB (sf)/Watch Pos ES0312287008
AyT ICO-FTVPO Caja Murcia Fondo De Titulizacion de Activos B AA (sf) BBB (sf)/Watch Pos ES0312287016
AyT ICO-FTVPO Caja Murcia Fondo De Titulizacion de Activos C AA (sf) BBB (sf)/Watch Pos ES0312287024

AyT Kutxa Hipotecario I, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos

A AA (sf) AA- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0370153001
AyT Kutxa Hipotecario I, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos B A- (sf) BBB+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0370153019
AyT Kutxa Hipotecario I, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos C BB+ (sf) BB+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0370153027

AyT Kutxa Hipotecario II, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos

A AAA (sf) AA (sf)/Watch Pos ES0370154009
AyT Kutxa Hipotecario II, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos B A- (sf) BBB (sf)/Watch Pos ES0370154017
AyT Kutxa Hipotecario II, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos C CCC+ (sf) CCC+ (sf) ES0370154025

Bancaja 10, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos

A2 AAA (sf) AA+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0312872015
Bancaja 10, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos A3 AA (sf) AA- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0312872023
Bancaja 10, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos B CC (sf) CC (sf) ES0312872031
Bancaja 10, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos C D (sf) D (sf) ES0312872049
Bancaja 10, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos D D (sf) D (sf) ES0312872056
Bancaja 10, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos E D (sf) D (sf) ES0312872064

Bancaja 11, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos

A2 AAA (sf) AA+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0312867015
Bancaja 11, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos A3 AA (sf) AA- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0312867023
Bancaja 11, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos B D (sf) D (sf) ES0312867031
Bancaja 11, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos C D (sf) D (sf) ES0312867049
Bancaja 11, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos D D (sf) D (sf) ES0312867056
Bancaja 11, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos E D (sf) D (sf) ES0312867064

Bancaja 5 Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos

A AAA and Redeemed AA (sf)/Watch Pos Redeemed
Bancaja 5 Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos B BB+ (sf) and Redeemed BB+ (sf) Redeemed
Bancaja 5 Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos C B+ and Redeemed B- (sf) Redeemed

Bancaja 6 Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos

A2 AAA (sf) AA+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0312885017
Bancaja 6 Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos B AA (sf) AA- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0312885025
Bancaja 6 Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos C AA (sf) AA- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0312885033

Bancaja 7 Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos

A2 AAA (sf) AA+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0312886015
Bancaja 7 Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos B AA- (sf) A+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0312886023
Bancaja 7 Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos C BBB- (sf) BB+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0312886031
Bancaja 7 Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos D B (sf) B- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0312886049

Bankinter 10, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos

A2 AAA (sf) AA+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0313529010
Bankinter 10, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos B A+ (sf) A (sf)/Watch Pos ES0313529028
Bankinter 10, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos C BBB+ (sf) BB+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0313529036
Bankinter 10, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos D B- (sf) B- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0313529044
Bankinter 10, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos E CCC- (sf) CCC- (sf) ES0313529051

Bankinter 11 Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria

A2 AAA (sf) AA+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0313714018
Bankinter 11 Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria B AA (sf) AA- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0313714026
Bankinter 11 Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria C A- (sf) BBB+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0313714034
Bankinter 11 Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria D B- (sf) B- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0313714042

Bankinter 13, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos

A2 AAA (sf) AA+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0313270011
Bankinter 13, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos B A+ (sf) A+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0313270029
Bankinter 13, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos C BBB (sf) BBB (sf)/Watch Pos ES0313270037
Bankinter 13, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos D BB- (sf) B+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0313270045
Bankinter 13, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos E D (sf) D (sf) ES0313270052

Bankinter 4 Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria

A AAA (sf) AA+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0313919005
Bankinter 4 Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria B AA (sf) AA- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0313919013
Bankinter 4 Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria C BB (sf) B- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0313919021

Bankinter 5 Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria

A AA (sf) AA- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0313920003
Bankinter 5 Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria B AA (sf) A+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0313920011
Bankinter 5 Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria C A+ (sf) BBB+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0313920029

Bankinter 6 Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos

A AAA (sf) AA+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0313546006
Bankinter 6 Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos B A+ (sf) A+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0313546014
Bankinter 6 Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos C A+ (sf) A+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0313546022

Bankinter 8 Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos

A AAA (sf) AA+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0313548002
Bankinter 8 Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos B A+ (sf) A+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0313548010
Bankinter 8 Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos C BBB+ (sf) BBB (sf)/Watch Pos ES0313548028

BBVA RMBS 10, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos

A A- (sf) A- (sf) ES0369994001
BBVA RMBS 10, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos B BBB- (sf) BB (sf)/Watch Pos ES0369994019

BBVA RMBS 11, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos

A A- (sf) A- (sf) ES0369995008
BBVA RMBS 11, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos B A- (sf) BBB+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0369995016
BBVA RMBS 11, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos C BB (sf) BB (sf)/Watch Pos ES0369995024

BBVA RMBS 12, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos

A A- (sf) A- (sf) ES0308935008
BBVA RMBS 12, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos B A- (sf) BBB+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0308935016

BBVA RMBS 13, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos

A A (sf) A (sf) ES0305036008
BBVA RMBS 13, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos B A- (sf) BBB (sf)/Watch Pos ES0305036016

BBVA RMBS 14, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos

A A (sf) A (sf) ES0305050009
BBVA RMBS 14, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos B BB (sf) B- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0305050017

BBVA RMBS 2, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos

A2 AAA (sf) A+ (sf) ES0314148018
BBVA RMBS 2, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos A3 AA- (sf) A+ (sf) ES0314148026
BBVA RMBS 2, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos A4 A- (sf) BBB+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0314148034
BBVA RMBS 2, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos B BBB (sf) BB (sf)/Watch Pos ES0314148042
BBVA RMBS 2, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos C B- (sf) B- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0314148059

BBVA RMBS 5, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos

A A- (sf) A- (sf) ES0310003001
BBVA RMBS 5, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos B A- (sf) BBB+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0310003019
BBVA RMBS 5, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos C BBB (sf) BB (sf)/Watch Pos ES0310003027

CAIXA PENEDES 1 TDA, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos

A A- (sf) BBB+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0313252001
CAIXA PENEDES 1 TDA, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos B BB- (sf) B+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0313252019
CAIXA PENEDES 1 TDA, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos C B- (sf) B- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0313252027

CAIXA PENEDES 2 TDA, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos

A A- (sf) BBB+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0347598007
CAIXA PENEDES 2 TDA, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos B A- (sf) BBB+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0347598015
CAIXA PENEDES 2 TDA, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos C BBB (sf) BB- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0347598023

castellana finance. ltd.

B1 BBB+ (sf) BBB (sf)/Watch Pos XS0301921846
castellana finance. ltd. B2 BBB+ (sf) BBB- (sf)/Watch Pos XS0307416098
castellana finance. ltd. C1 B+ (sf) B+ (sf)/Watch Pos XS0301922224
castellana finance. ltd. C2 B- (sf) B- (sf)/Watch Pos XS0307416684

Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos Santander Hipotecario 1

A AAA (sf) AA+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0309364000
Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos Santander Hipotecario 1 B AA (sf) AA- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0309364018
Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos Santander Hipotecario 1 C AA (sf) AA- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0309364026
Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos Santander Hipotecario 1 D A- (sf) BBB (sf)/Watch Pos ES0309364034

Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos Santander Hipotecario 2

A AA- (sf) A (sf)/Watch Pos ES0382042002
Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos Santander Hipotecario 2 B BBB (sf) BBB- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0382042010
Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos Santander Hipotecario 2 C B (sf) B- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0382042028
Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos Santander Hipotecario 2 D B- (sf) CCC+ (sf) ES0382042036
Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos Santander Hipotecario 2 E CCC- (sf) CCC- (sf) ES0382042044
Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos Santander Hipotecario 2 F D (sf) D (sf) ES0382042051

Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos Santander Hipotecario 3

A1 BB- (sf) BB- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0338093000
Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos Santander Hipotecario 3 A2 BB- (sf) BB- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0338093018
Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos Santander Hipotecario 3 A3 BB- (sf) BB- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0338093026
Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos Santander Hipotecario 3 B CCC+ (sf) CCC+ (sf) ES0338093034
Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos Santander Hipotecario 3 C CCC- (sf) CCC- (sf) ES0338093042
Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos Santander Hipotecario 3 D D (sf) D (sf) ES0338093059
Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos Santander Hipotecario 3 E D (sf) D (sf) ES0338093067
Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos Santander Hipotecario 3 F D (sf) D (sf) ES0338093075

Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos UCI 11

A A (sf) A (sf)/Watch Pos ES0338340005
Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos UCI 11 B BBB- (sf) BB- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0338340013
Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos UCI 11 C BB- (sf) B- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0338340021

Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos UCI 14

A BBB (sf) BBB (sf)/Watch Pos ES0338341003
Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos UCI 14 B B+ (sf) B+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0338341011
Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos UCI 14 C B- (sf) B- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0338341029

Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos UCI 15

A BBB (sf) BBB- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0380957003
Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos UCI 15 B B (sf) B (sf)/Watch Pos ES0380957011
Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos UCI 15 C B- (sf) B- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0380957029

Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos UCI 16

A2 BBB (sf) BB- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0338186010
Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos UCI 16 B B (sf) CCC+ (sf) ES0338186028
Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos UCI 16 C CCC (sf) CCC (sf) ES0338186036
Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos UCI 16 D CCC- (sf) CCC- (sf) ES0338186044
Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos UCI 16 E D (sf) D (sf) ES0338186051

Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos UCI 17

A2 BB+ (sf) B+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0337985016
Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos UCI 17 B CCC (sf) CCC- (sf) ES0337985024
Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos UCI 17 C D (sf) D (sf) ES0337985032
Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos UCI 17 D D (sf) D (sf) ES0337985040

Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos UCI 18

A Redeemed B- (sf)/Watch Pos Redeemed
Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos UCI 18 B Redeemed CCC+ (sf) Redeemed
Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos UCI 18 C Redeemed CCC- (sf) Redeemed
Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos UCI 18 D Redeemed D (sf) Redeemed

Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos UCI 9

A AAA (sf) AA+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0338222005
Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos UCI 9 B BB (sf) BB (sf)/Watch Pos ES0338222013
Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos UCI 9 C B (sf) B (sf)/Watch Pos ES0338222021

Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos, Hipotebansa 11

A Redeemed AA+ (sf)/Watch Pos Redeemed
Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos, Hipotebansa 11 B Redeemed B- (sf)/Watch Pos Redeemed

Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria UCI 10

A BBB- (sf) BBB- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0338146006
Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria UCI 10 B B- (sf) B- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0338146014

Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria UCI 12

A A+ (sf) A+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0338147004
Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria UCI 12 B BB (sf) B+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0338147012
Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria UCI 12 C B- (sf) B- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0338147020

Fondo de Titulizacion RMBS Prado II

A AAA (sf) AA+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0305123004

Fondo de Titulizacion, RMBS Prado III

A AA (sf) AA- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0305192009

GC Pastor Hipotecario 5, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos

A2 B+ (sf) B- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0332235011
GC Pastor Hipotecario 5, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos B CC (sf) CC (sf) ES0332235029
GC Pastor Hipotecario 5, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos C D (sf) D (sf) ES0332235037
GC Pastor Hipotecario 5, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos D D (sf) D (sf) ES0332235045

GC SABADELL 1, Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecario

A2 A- (sf) BBB+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0316874017
GC SABADELL 1, Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecario B BBB (sf) BBB- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0316874025
GC SABADELL 1, Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecario C BBB (sf) BBB- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0316874033

Hipocat 10, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos

A2 BBB (sf) BB+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0345671012
Hipocat 10, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos A3 BBB (sf) BB+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0345671020
Hipocat 10, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos B D (sf) D (sf) ES0345671046
Hipocat 10, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos C D (sf) D (sf) ES0345671053
Hipocat 10, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos D D (sf) D (sf) ES0345671061

Hipocat 7, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos

A2 AAA (sf) AA+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0345783015
Hipocat 7, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos B AA (sf) A (sf)/Watch Pos ES0345783023
Hipocat 7, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos C BBB+ (sf) BB+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0345783031
Hipocat 7, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos D B (sf) B- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0345783049

Hipocat 8, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos

A2 AAA (sf) AA+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0345784013
Hipocat 8, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos B AA (sf) A (sf)/Watch Pos ES0345784021
Hipocat 8, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos C BB- (sf) B- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0345784039
Hipocat 8, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos D B- (sf) CCC- (sf) ES0345784047

Hipocat 9, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos

A2a A- (sf) BBB- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0345721015
Hipocat 9, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos A2b A- (sf) BBB- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0345721023
Hipocat 9, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos B BBB- (sf) BB- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0345721031
Hipocat 9, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos C CC (sf) CC (sf) ES0345721049
Hipocat 9, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos D D (sf) D (sf) ES0345721056

IM Banco Popular MBS 2, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos

A Redeemed AA+ (sf)/Watch Pos Redeemed
IM Banco Popular MBS 2, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos B Redeemed BBB+ (sf)/Watch Pos Redeemed

IM PASTOR 2, Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria

A AAA (sf) AA+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0347861009
IM PASTOR 2, Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria B AA (sf) AA- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0347861017
IM PASTOR 2, Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria C AA- (sf) BBB+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0347861025
IM PASTOR 2, Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria D BBB (sf) BB (sf)/Watch Pos ES0347861033

IM PASTOR 3, Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria

A B- (sf) B- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0347862007
IM PASTOR 3, Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria B CCC- (sf) CCC (sf) ES0347862015
IM PASTOR 3, Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria C CCC- (sf) CCC (sf) ES0347862023
IM PASTOR 3, Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria D D (sf) D (sf) ES0347862031

IM PASTOR 4, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos

A B- (sf) B- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0347854004
IM PASTOR 4, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos B CCC- (sf) CCC (sf) ES0347854012
IM PASTOR 4, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos C CCC- (sf) CCC (sf) ES0347854020
IM PASTOR 4, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos D D (sf) D (sf) ES0347854038

MADRID RMBS I, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos

A2 A- (sf) BBB+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0359091016
MADRID RMBS I, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos B A- (sf) BBB (sf)/Watch Pos ES0359091024
MADRID RMBS I, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos C BB- (sf) B- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0359091032
MADRID RMBS I, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos D B- (sf) CCC+ (sf) ES0359091040
MADRID RMBS I, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos E CCC- (sf) CCC- (sf) ES0359091057

MADRID RMBS II, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos

A2 AAA (sf) AA (sf)/Watch Pos ES0359092014
MADRID RMBS II, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos A3 AA (sf) A+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0359092022
MADRID RMBS II, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos B A- (sf) BBB+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0359092030
MADRID RMBS II, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos C BBB- (sf) BB (sf)/Watch Pos ES0359092048
MADRID RMBS II, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos D CCC+ (sf) CCC+ (sf) ES0359092055
MADRID RMBS II, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos E D (sf) D (sf) ES0359092063

MADRID RMBS III, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos

A2 AA (sf) AA- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0359093012
MADRID RMBS III, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos A3 AA- (sf) BBB+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0359093020
MADRID RMBS III, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos B D (sf) D (sf) ES0359093038
MADRID RMBS III, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos C D (sf) D (sf) ES0359093046
MADRID RMBS III, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos D D (sf) D (sf) ES0359093053
MADRID RMBS III, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos E D (sf) D (sf) ES0359093061

MADRID RMBS IV, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos

A2 A (sf) A (sf)/Watch Pos ES0359094010
MADRID RMBS IV, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos B A (sf) A (sf)/Watch Pos ES0359094028
MADRID RMBS IV, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos C BB+ (sf) BB (sf)/Watch Pos ES0359094036
MADRID RMBS IV, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos D B (sf) B- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0359094044
MADRID RMBS IV, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos E B- (sf) B- (sf) ES0359094051

SOL-LION, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos

A AAA (sf) AA+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0317104000
SOL-LION, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos B AA (sf) AA- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0317104018
SOL-LION, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos C AA- (sf) A (sf)/Watch Pos ES0317104026

TDA Cajamar 2, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos

A3 AA (sf) AA- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0377965027
TDA Cajamar 2, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos B AA- (sf) AA- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0377965035
TDA Cajamar 2, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos C A+ (sf) A+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0377965043
TDA Cajamar 2, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos D BBB+ (sf) BBB+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0377965050

TDA CAM 7, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos

A2 AAA (sf) AA+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0377994019
TDA CAM 7, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos A3 AAA (sf) AA+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0377994027
TDA CAM 7, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos B CCC- (sf) D (sf) ES0377994035

TDA CAM 8, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos

A AAA (sf) A+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0377966009
TDA CAM 8, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos B D (sf) D (sf) ES0377966017
TDA CAM 8, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos C D (sf) D (sf) ES0377966025
TDA CAM 8, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos D D (sf) D (sf) ES0377966033

TDA CAM 9, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos

A1 AA+ (sf) A- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0377955002
TDA CAM 9, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos A2 AA+ (sf) A- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0377955010
TDA CAM 9, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos A3 AA+ (sf) A- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0377955028
TDA CAM 9, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos B D (sf) D (sf) ES0377955036
TDA CAM 9, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos C D (sf) D (sf) ES0377955044
TDA CAM 9, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos D D (sf) D (sf) ES0377955051

TDA Ibercaja 1 Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos

A AA (sf) AA- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0338450002
TDA Ibercaja 1 Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos B A- (sf) BBB+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0338450010
TDA Ibercaja 1 Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos C BBB (sf) BB+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0338450028
TDA Ibercaja 1 Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos D BB+ (sf) B (sf)/Watch Pos ES0338450036

TDA Ibercaja 2 Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos

A AA (sf) AA- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0338451000
TDA Ibercaja 2 Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos B A- (sf) BBB (sf)/Watch Pos ES0338451018
TDA Ibercaja 2 Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos C BB+ (sf) BB (sf)/Watch Pos ES0338451026
TDA Ibercaja 2 Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos D BB- (sf) B+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0338451034

TDA Ibercaja 3 Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos

A AA (sf) A+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0338452008
TDA Ibercaja 3 Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos B BB+ (sf) BB+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0338452016
TDA Ibercaja 3 Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos C BB+ (sf) BB (sf)/Watch Pos ES0338452024

TDA Ibercaja 4 Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos

A1 AAA (sf) AA+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0338453006
TDA Ibercaja 4 Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos A2 AA (sf) A+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0338453014
TDA Ibercaja 4 Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos B AA- (sf) BBB+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0338453030
TDA Ibercaja 4 Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos C BBB+ (sf) BB+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0338453048
TDA Ibercaja 4 Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos D BB+ (sf) BB+ (sf)/Watch Pos ES0338453055
TDA Ibercaja 4 Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos E BB+ (sf) BB (sf)/Watch Pos ES0338453063
TDA Ibercaja 4 Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos F D (sf) D (sf) ES0338453071

TDA Ibercaja 5, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos

A1 AA (sf) AA- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0377967007
TDA Ibercaja 5, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos A2 A- (sf) A- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0377967015
TDA Ibercaja 5, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos B BB+ (sf) BB (sf)/Watch Pos ES0377967023
TDA Ibercaja 5, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos C BB (sf) B (sf)/Watch Pos ES0377967031
TDA Ibercaja 5, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos D B- (sf) B- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0377967049
TDA Ibercaja 5, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos E D (sf) D (sf) ES0377967056

TDA Ibercaja 6, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos

A AA- (sf) A- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0377968005
TDA Ibercaja 6, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos B A (sf) A- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0377968013
TDA Ibercaja 6, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos C A- (sf) BBB (sf)/Watch Pos ES0377968021
TDA Ibercaja 6, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos D BB- (sf) B- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0377968039

TDA Ibercaja 7, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos

A AA+ (sf) AA+ (sf) ES0377849007
TDA Ibercaja 7, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos B BB (sf) BB (sf)/Watch Pos ES0377849015
TDA Ibercaja 7, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos C D (sf) D (sf) ES0377849023

TDA IBERCAJA ICO-FTVPO, Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria

A(G) AA+ (sf) AA- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0377936002
TDA IBERCAJA ICO-FTVPO, Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria B D (sf) D (sf) ES0377936010

TDA Tarragona 1, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos

A A (sf) A- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0338455001
TDA Tarragona 1, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos B A (sf) A- (sf)/Watch Pos ES0338455019

Table 4

Ratings List: Transactions That Did Not Have Ratings On CreditWatch Positive
Issuer Class Current rating ISIN


A A- (sf) ES0312192000

AyT Genova Hipotecario XI Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria

A2 A- (sf) ES0312302013
AyT Genova Hipotecario XI Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria B A- (sf) ES0312302021
AyT Genova Hipotecario XI Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria C A- (sf) ES0312302039
AyT Genova Hipotecario XI Fondo de Titulizacion Hipotecaria D A- (sf) ES0312302047

AyT Goya Hipotecario III Fondo De Titulizacion De Activos

A A- (sf) ES0312274006
AyT Goya Hipotecario III Fondo De Titulizacion De Activos B A- (sf) ES0312274014


A A (sf) ES0312980008

BBVA RMBS 9, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos

A A- (sf) ES0313199004

Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos RMBS Prado I

A AA (sf) ES0305073001

Fondo de Titulizacion, RMBS Santander 4

A A+ (sf) ES0305078000
Fondo de Titulizacion, RMBS Santander 4 B CCC (sf) ES0305078018
Fondo de Titulizacion, RMBS Santander 4 C D (sf) ES0305078026

Hipocat 11, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos

A2 CCC (sf) ES0345672010
Hipocat 11, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos A3 CCC (sf) ES0345672028
Hipocat 11, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos B D (sf) ES0345672036
Hipocat 11, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos C D (sf) ES0345672044
Hipocat 11, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos D D (sf) ES0345672051

HT Abanca RMBS I, Fondo de Titulizacion

A AA (sf) ES0305136006

MADRID RESIDENCIAL I, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos

A A (sf) ES0358968008

MADRID RESIDENCIAL II, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos

A A (sf) ES0358969006


A A (sf) ES0361745005

We will continue to closely monitor the Spanish RMBS transactions that we rate. To do this, we periodically review the performance and attributes of the underlying portfolios, and monitor the ratings on the supporting counterparties and sovereign and evaluate the outlook of the mortgage market. If any of these variables change, we would assess the impact on our rated portfolio.

Note: The press releases for all of the rating actions taken in our review are available on RatingsDirect.

Related Criteria

  • Criteria - Structured Finance - General: Methodology And Assumptions: Assessing Pools Of European Residential Loans, Aug. 4, 2017
  • Criteria - Structured Finance - General: Ratings Above The Sovereign - Structured Finance: Methodology And Assumptions, Aug. 8, 2016
  • Criteria - Structured Finance - General: Counterparty Risk Framework Methodology And Assumptions, June 25, 2013
  • Criteria - Structured Finance - General: Global Derivative Agreement Criteria, June 24, 2013
  • General Criteria: Methodology: Credit Stability Criteria, May 3, 2010

Related Research

  • Spanish RMBS Index Report Q1 2018, May 24, 2018
  • Ratings On 213 Tranches In 82 Spanish RMBS Transactions Placed On CreditWatch Positive, April 24, 2018
  • Ratings In Spanish Synthetic RMBS Transaction castellana finance Placed On CreditWatch Positive, April 30, 2018
  • Outlook Assumptions For The Spanish Residential Mortgage Market, April 17, 2018
  • Guidance: Methodology And Assumptions: Assessing Pools Of European Residential Loans, April 17, 2018
  • Reduced Funding Risks Lead To Upgrades At Several Spanish Banks, April 6, 2018

This report does not constitute a rating action.

Primary Credit Analyst:Soledad Martinez-Tercero, Madrid (34) 91-389-6954;
Secondary Contact:Isabel Plaza, Madrid (34) 91-788-7203;

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