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Issuer Ranking: EMEA Transportation Infrastructure Companies


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Issuer Ranking: EMEA Transportation Infrastructure Companies

In this report, S&P Global Ratings ranks the transportation infrastructure companies it rates in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) from strongest to weakest.

We rank the companies by rating, outlook, stand-alone credit profile (SACP), business and financial risk profile, and liquidity assessment. Investment-grade companies (rated 'BBB-' or above) are ranked by business risk profile, then financial risk profile. Speculative-grade companies (rated 'BB+' and below) are ordered by financial risk profile, then business risk profile. We then list companies in alphabetical order if they are not distinguished by these factors.

In line with our corporate rating methodology, the rating may differ from the SACP, where government, group, or rating above the sovereign considerations apply. Where the SACP differs from the anchor, we have applied one or more modifiers, which may include that for liquidity. We have noted the anchor and active modifiers of each company for informational purposes only. For a more detailed analysis of each company, please refer to the company-specific pages on RatingsDirect via the hyperlinks below.

For our sector outlook and analysis, please refer to the related research section at the end of this article.

Table 1

Ranking of EMEA transportation infrastructure companies
Company Country Foreign currency long-term rating Outlook/ CreditWatch GRE SACP Business risk profile Financial risk profile Liquidity Anchor Modifier

Deutsche Bahn AG

Germany AA- Positive Very high (+5) bbb Strong Significant Adequate (0) bbb

Flughafen Zurich AG

Switzerland A+ Positive Moderate (+1) a Strong Modest Strong (0) a

DARS d.d.

Slovenia A+ Positive Extremely high (+5) bbb- Strong Significant Adequate (0) bbb Comparable rating analysis: Negative (-1)

NATS (En Route) PLC

United Kingdom A+ Stable High (+1) a Strong Modest Strong (0) a+ Comparable rating analysis: Negative (-1)

VR-Yhtyma Oyj

Finland A+ Stable High (+3) bbb+ Satisfactory Modest Adequate (0) bbb+

Avinor AS

Norway A+ Stable Very high (+4) bbb Strong Intermediate Adequate (0) bbb+ Comparable rating analysis: Negative (-1)

Societe Nationale SNCF

France A+ Stable Extremely high (+4) bbb Strong Significant Adequate (0) bbb

Royal Schiphol Group N.V.

Netherlands A Positive Moderately high (+2) bbb+ Excellent Significant Adequate (0) a- Comparable rating analysis: Negative (-1)

daa PLC

Ireland A Stable Moderately high (+1) a- Strong Modest Strong (0) a Comparable rating analysis: Negative (-1)

NS Groep N.V.

Netherlands A Stable High (+3) bbb Satisfactory Intermediate Adequate (0) bbb

Societe Nationale des Chemins de Fer Belges

Belgium A Stable Extremely high (+9) b Satisfactory Highly leveraged Adequate (0) b+ Comparable rating analysis: Negative (-1)

SEA S.p.A.

Italy A- Stable Moderate (0) a+ Strong Minimal Strong (0) aa- Comparable rating analysis: Negative (-1), Rating above the sovereign (-2)

Autoroutes du Sud de la France S.A.

France A- Stable N/A a Excellent Intermediate Strong (0) a Entity status within group: Core (-1)


France A- Stable N/A a Excellent Intermediate Strong (0) a Entity status within group: Core (-1)


France A- Stable N/A a- Excellent Intermediate Strong (0) a Comparable rating analysis: Negative (-1)


France A- Stable N/A a- Strong Modest Strong (0) a+ Financial policy: Negative (-1), Comparable rating analysis: Negative (-1)

Aeroports de Paris

France A- Stable Moderate (0) a- Strong Intermediate Adequate (0) a-

Vygruppen AS

Norway A- Negative High (+3) bbb- Satisfactory Significant Strong (0) bb+ Comparable rating analysis: Positive (+1)

Heathrow Funding Ltd. - Class A

United Kingdom BBB+* Stable N/A bbb Excellent Agressive Strong (0) bbb Structural features: (+1)

Gatwick Funding Ltd.

United Kingdom BBB+* Stable N/A bbb Strong Significant Adequate (0) bbb Structural features: (+1)

Aeroporti di Roma SpA

Italy BBB Stable N/A a Strong Modest Strong (0) a+ Comparable ratings analysis: Negative (-1), Entity status within group: Highly strategic insulated (-3)

Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane

Italy BBB Stable Extremely high (-1) bbb+ Strong Intermediate Adequate (0) bbb+

Indigo Group S.A.

France BBB Stable N/A bbb Strong Significant Strong (0) bbb

Renfe Operadora Entidad Publica Empresarial

Spain BBB Stable Very high (+4) bb- Satisfactory Highly leveraged Adequate (0) b+ Comparable rating analysis: Positive (+1)

Holding d'Infrastructures de Transport S.A.S.

France BBB- Stable N/A bbb Strong Intermediate Strong (0) bbb+ Financial Policy: Negative (-1), Entity within group: Highly strategic (-1)

Abertis Infraestructuras S.A.

Spain BBB- Stable N/A bbb- Strong Significant Strong (0) bbb Comparable rating analysis: Negative (-1)

Autostrade per l'Italia SpA

Italy BBB- Stable High (0) bbb- Satisfactory Significant Adequate (0) bbb-

Mundys SpA

Italy BB+ Stable N/A bb+ Strong Significant Adequate (0) bbb Comparable rating analysis: Negative (-1), Group cash flow restrictions (-1)

Mersin Uluslararasi Liman Isletmeciligi A.S.

Turkey BB Stable N/A bbb- Satisfactory Intermediate Adequate (0) bbb- Rating above the sovereign (-2)


France BB Stable N/A bb+ Strong Aggressive Adequate (0) bb+ Group cash flow restrictions (-1)

MEIF 5 Arena Holdings S.A.

Spain BB Stable N/A bb Satisfactory Aggressive Adequate (0) bb

Kazakhstan Temir Zholy

Kazakhstan BB Stable Very high (+2) b+ Fair Aggressive Less than adequate (-1) bb-

ContourGlobal Ltd.

United Kingdom BB- Stable N/A bb- Satisfactory Highly leveraged Adequate (0) b+ Comparable rating analysis: Positive (+1)

EP Bco S.A.

Netherlands BB- Stable N/A bb- Satisfactory Highly leveraged Adequate (0) b+ Comparable rating analysis: Positive (+1)

Georgian Railway JSC

Georgia BB- Stable Very high (+2) b Weak Highly leveraged Adequate (0) b

Q-Park Holding I B.V.

Netherlands BB- Stable N/A bb- Strong Highly leveraged Adequate (0) bb Comparable rating analysis: Negative (-1)

TAV Havalimanlari Holding AS

Turkey BB- Developing N/A b+ Satisfactory Highly leveraged Less than adequate (0) b+ Entity status within group: Moderately strategic (+1)

Ukrainian Railways JSC

Ukraine CCC- Negative N/A ccc- - - - -
*Refers to the Class A Senior Secured issue credit rating. N/A--Not applicable. Source: S&P Global Ratings.

The table and charts in this publication provide an overview of the 38 entities we rate in the EMEA infrastructure transportation industry. We rate 27 entities as investment-grade and 11 entities as speculative-grade.

Chart 1


About 82% of outlooks are stable; 10% are positive, relating to the airports sector; 5% are negative, relating to the rail sector; and 3% are developing (see chart 2).

Chart 2


Our business risk profile assessments mirror our view of each entity's competitive position in this sector and is mainly distributed among the strong and satisfactory categories (see chart 3). Where they diverge, it is usually because we consider country risk is high, which constrains the business risk profile.

Chart 3


The financial risk profile assessments in this sector are distributed mainly among the intermediate, significant, and aggressive categories (see chart 4).

Chart 4


Roughly 50% of the ratings incorporate one or more modifiers. This mainly stems from the comparable ratings analysis (which we use to consider credit factors that we have not already factored into the ratings), the effect of the entity status within its group, and structural features.

Of the rated issuers, the liquidity position is adequate for 65% and strong for 30% (see chart 5). This reflects the sector's good access to debt markets.

Chart 5


Related Criteria

Related Research

This report does not constitute a rating action.

Primary Credit Analyst:Gonzalo Cantabrana Fernandez, Madrid + 34 91 389 6955;
Secondary Contacts:Karl Nietvelt, Paris + 33 14 420 6751;
Luca Deslondes, Paris;

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