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The launch of the first regulated stablecoin in Nigeria, the cNGN, could increase competition in domestic payments and spur financial inclusion in the country. Yet it is unlikely to disrupt the banking sector. We do not expect the cNGN to replace foreign currency-pegged stablecoins that are already used in the country, primarily to protect savings against the volatility of the Nigerian naira and for international transactions.
What's Happening
In February 2025, Wrapped CBDC and the Africa Stablecoin Consortium launched the cNGN, the first regulated stablecoin in Nigeria. The cNGN is pegged to the naira and reportedly 100% backed by naira reserves held at licensed custodian banks. As of Feb. 10, 2025, 66.1 million cNGN tokens circulated among 18 holders. The cNGN can be purchased by licensed users on the cNGN platform and on Busha, a licensed digital asset exchange in Nigeria.
Why It Matters
Higher retail adoption of the cNGN could intensify competition in domestic payments and improve financial inclusion. We think the adoption of the cNGN in Nigeria will increase gradually, particularly for domestic transactions, because of the country's large informal sector, Nigerians' preference for efficient payment solutions, and cash shortages. The cNGN could provide an alternative payment solution for small businesses and individuals who largely operate in the informal sector. Based on estimations by World Economics, the informal sector accounted for about 58% of Nigeria's GDP in 2023. Cash shortages, which have been prevalent in the country since the naira redesign project in 2023, created an opportunity for financial technology companies to provide alternative payment solutions for unbanked or underbanked individuals. Nigeria has one of the highest crypto currency adoption rates globally, which is mainly driven by the younger population. It remains to be seen if the adoption of the cNGN will exceed that of the eNaira, which the Central bank of Nigeria (CBN) launched in 2021. As of March 31, 2024, the eNaira accounted for less than 1% of total currency in circulation. The limited adoption is partly due to relatively low bank penetration rates and the cap on the amount of central bank digital currency that retail users are allowed to hold. The cNGN's promotion by the private sector could support its adoption.
We expect the volatility of the naira and high inflation will hamper the use of the cNGN as a savings product. The exchange rate of the naira against hard currencies has been volatile amid constrained foreign currency supply, considering the significant depreciation of the naira since the exchange rate liberalization in June 2023. This, together with high inflation in the country, contributed to the adoption of foreign currency-denominated stablecoins as a cross-border payment solution, particularly for remittances, and increased the appeal of stablecoins and other crypto assets as a savings product.
We expect the effect of the cNGN on Nigeria's banking sector will be limited. Although the cNGN could increase competition in the domestic payments space, we think banks benefit from their long track record, which fosters client trust, and their access to capital markets, which supports their investments in digital payment solutions. Additionally, banks' investments in digitalization over the past decade spurred digital transactions and contributed to non-interest revenues.
What Comes Next
The regulation of digital assets is a work in progress. The licensing of the cNGN by the Nigeria Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the CBN is another step toward the adoption and regulation of digital assets in Nigeria. We expect further innovations and more regulatory clarity in the digital assets space over the next few years. The SEC already provides an incubation program that enables companies to test new products and services in a regulatory controlled environment. Most of these companies are experimenting with distributed ledger technology to create and trade crypto assets. If their tests are successful, the adoption of crypto assets in Nigeria will likely increase.
Related Research
- Nigeria, Feb. 3, 2025
- Nigerian Banking Outlook 2025: Resilient Performance Amid Macroeconomic Pressures, Jan. 23, 2025
- Banking Industry Country Risk Assessment: Nigeria, Dec. 13, 2024
- Central Bank Of Nigeria's Digital Currency Launch Is An Evolution, Not A Revolution, Oct. 28, 2021
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Secondary Contact: | Mohamed Damak, Dubai 97143727153; |
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