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Energy Evolution: Utilities eager to charge a growing US electric vehicle fleet


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Listen: Energy Evolution: Utilities eager to charge a growing US electric vehicle fleet

U.S. utilities are responding to growing demand for electric vehicles by forming new coalitions to build charging infrastructure for their consumers. Energy Evolution spoke with two leaders in the utility space to better understand the trend.

This episode features interviews with Badar Khan, the U.S. President of National Grid and Matthew Forck, the vice president of community economic development and energy solutions for Ameren Missouri. The team also spoke with Kara Kockelman, a professor of transportation engineering at the University of Texas Austin and Amanda O’Toole, a specialist in clean economy investing and portfolio manager for AXA Investment Managers.

Energy Evolution co-hosts Dan Testa, Allison Good and Taylor Kuykendall are veteran journalists with broad expertise covering the utility, oil and gas and mining sectors. Subscribe to Energy Evolution on your favorite platform to catch our latest episodes!

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