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Seamlessly link and integrate your global data with our Cross Reference Services

Connect all your disparate data to the S&P Global Market Intelligence company ID to make your data work seamlessly across all environments. Our cross-reference services empower you to effortlessly link your company, security, and industry data. And, with Kensho Link's advanced machine learning, even messy and incomplete data without identifiers can be mapped accurately.

Transform data chaos into actionable insights with our Cross Reference Services, providing you with clean, validated, and linked data.

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Robust global cross reference data. Seamless integration.

Business Entity Cross Reference Services (BECRS) – Business Entity Linking

  • Help improve operational efficiencies, mitigate risk, assist with client onboarding, and manage investment restriction guidelines.
  • Easily link the standardized and proprietary IDs for over nine million entities to the primary key, the S&P Capital IQ Company ID.
  • Gain insight on complex company relationships and corporate trees with automated linking capabilities.
  • Link to entity identifiers such as LEI, S&P Ratings, CUSIP6, and more.

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Industry Sector Cross Reference Services (ISCRS) – Industry Sector Linking

  • Leverage extensive industry sector classification linking at the company level for:
  • GICS®
  • ICB Sector Classification (ICB)
  • ETF Style Classification
  • S&P Global Ratings Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)
  • North American Industry Classification System (NAIC)
  • Nomenclature générale des activités économiques dans L'Union Européenne (NACE)
  • Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZIC)

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Global Instrument Cross Reference Services (GICRS) – Global Instrument Linking

  • Access a deep database of global security identifiers cross-referencing over 57 million instruments for reliable linking capabilities.
  • Streamline your operations and create customized data mapping systems for securities and trading items such as mutual funds, equity, municipals, commercials papers, bonds, indices, and floating rate notes.
  • Keep up with the expanding markets and rapid growth of new securities by using this automated service to assist in the effort of linking securities to issuers.
  • Link a security to its ISIN, CUSIP/ CINS, SEDOL, Bloomberg FIGI, Barra, Markit LoanX, and more.

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Entity, Industry and Global Instruments. Powerful linking capabilities.




Unified Company Mapping: Leveraging Cross Reference Services and Kensho Link

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Data Entity Mapping with AI - The Challenges and the Solutions

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Mastering Data Integration: The Importance of Building a Strong Security and Entity Master File

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Eliminate manual processes and enhance your workflow.

Save time with our extensive linked cross reference data and gain valuable perspectives on company relationships.

Case Study: A Large Bank Transforms Stale Payments Data into Vital Insight

  • About
  • Challenge
  • Solution
  • Outcome

The Data Science and Artificial Intelligence team at a large bank discovered a large amount of messy data collected by the payments team, which had the potential to be a valuable asset for cross-selling opportunities if cleaned and standardized. They aimed to efficiently test a subset of this data to determine its potential value for the bank.

Read the full Case Study Here

The payments team had collected a large number of records with various errors and inconsistencies, making the data messy and untapped. However, the DSAI team recognized the potential value of this data for cross-selling opportunities if it could be cleaned, standardized, and linked to other relevant information. They aimed to efficiently test a subset of the data to determine its potential as a valuable asset for the bank.

Read the full Case Study Here

S&P Market Intelligence recommended their Kensho Link solution, which utilizes machine learning models to cleanse and standardize data using a common S&P Capital IQ entity-level identifier.  As another department within the bank had been utilizing S&P Global Market Intelligence ("Market Intelligence") Business Entity Cross Reference Service to link millions of public and private entities using standardized and proprietary identifiers, the solution was integrated smoothly in its testing phase.  With Kensho Link, a common S&P Capital IQ identifier is linked to third-party entity and security-level identifiers, creating a consolidated master hierarchy file for high-quality reference data across asset classes. The solution allows the DSAI team to evaluate and clean discrepancies in the databases, standardize and link data, build company profiles, and leverage Market Intelligence's expertise.

Read the full Case Study Here

After a successful testing phase, the DSAI team subscribed to Market Intelligence's offering, Kensho Link, which allowed them to automate the consolidation and validation of company names in their payments databases. They were able to quickly match and assign thousands of records to a S&P Capital IQ identifier, with the ability to upload up to 500,000 records at once. This enabled them to leverage standardized profiles and connect to additional data, qualifying businesses for cross-selling initiatives and maintaining high-quality reference data across asset classes. The team also considered expanding the use of Kensho Link to other areas of the bank, such as loan applications, savings deposits, and cleansing the customer relationship management system.

Read the full Case Study Here

Connected Data is More Valuable Data

Kensho Link is a machine learning service that maps entities in your database with unique ID numbers drawn from S&P Global’s world-class company database with precision and speed. Link uses an AI algorithm trained to return high quality links, even when the data inputs are incomplete or contain errors.

Once mapped to these unique IDs, a database becomes much more powerful. It is linked and cleaned, making data enrichment and deduplication seamless.

Whether you want to clean and organize your data or enrich it with S&P Global’s data, Kensho Link makes your data more valuable.

Discover Kensho Link

Power your workflow with our extensive linking capabilities.

Access essential intelligence and understand global trends.

  • A world of cross reference data at your fingertips.

  • Streamlined Linking

    Link to a variety of company level data sets like Corporate Relationships and Company Fundamentals.

  • Reporting

    Help meet regulatory reporting requirements that require a specific classification system.

  • Benchmarking

    Pick and choose one or multiple classifications to perform company comparisons and peer analysis.

  • Screening

    Use multiple sector classifications to refine portfolios and sample sets.

  • Analysis

    Map regional and global classifications to measure exposure and assist in managing risk.

  • Select Asset List

    Capture majority owned subsidiaries of sanctioned entities including companies identified by the Office of Foreign Assets Control and European External Action Service, as it pertains to the Russia-Ukraine relationship.

Lance Risi, Director of Cross Reference Services at S&P Global Market Intelligence, discusses the award win with Waters Technology. Watch the video to find out:

  • What the Business Entity Cross Reference Solution offers that similar offerings do not.
  • The most common reference data-related problems and how S&P Global is helping to address those challenges.
  • How the reference data service has been enhanced recently and the significant developments on the horizon.

Watch the video


What are S&P Global’s Cross Reference Services?


Cross Reference Services from S&P Global Market Intelligence help you connect disparate data to the S&P Global Market Intelligence company ID, enabling seamless data integration across all environments. This service allows for effortless linking of company, security, and industry data.

How do Cross Reference Services benefit my organization?


These services help you transform messy and siloed data into actionable insights by providing clean, validated, and linked data. This improves productivity and decision-making by ensuring data consistency and accuracy across your organization.

What is the role of Kensho Link in Cross Reference Services?


Kensho Link uses advanced machine learning to accurately map even messy and incomplete data without identifiers. This AI-powered entity linking technology enhances the accuracy and efficiency of data mapping.

Why is building a robust security and entity master file important?


A robust security and entity master file is crucial for managing complex datasets efficiently. It helps visualize corporate hierarchy structures, identify counterparty exposures, and maintain accurate records of corporate relationships and dependencies.

What are some common challenges in entity mapping?


Entity mapping can be challenging due to limited contextual information and frequent name similarities among entities. Traditional methods like fuzzy matching and rules-based mapping often struggle with these complexities.

How does AI-powered entity linking differ from traditional methods?


AI-powered entity linking considers both the submitted entity and its associated data, along with the content of the target database. This comprehensive approach provides more effective and accurate mapping compared to traditional methods that rely on semantic similarities.

What initiatives can Cross Reference Services support?


Cross Reference Services support various user initiatives such as CRM clean-up, platform integrations, and security master file enhancement. These services ensure that your data is accurately linked and easily accessible for all your business needs.

How long has S&P Global been developing these cross-reference services?


S&P Global has been meticulously developing and refining Cross Reference Services for over 30 years, ensuring they are robust and reliable for managing complex datasets.

Can Cross Reference Services help with visualizing corporate relationships?


Yes, the extensive linking capabilities of Cross Reference Services allow for the visualization of corporate hierarchy structures, providing a clear view of corporate relationships and dependencies.

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