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Global Supply Chain Outlook

Supply chains are almost back to normal, yet there are plenty of uncertainties in 2024 as firms start to carry out long-term supply chain restructuring plans. Discover what these key concerns are and learn how to improve supply chain resilience.

Supply chain politics:
National security meets economic growth

Governments' supply chain policies will continue to shift toward national security priorities, while some economic aspects will become less important. Nation-state cooperation and competition for access to critical supply chain inputs are set to heighten as geopolitical conflicts continue. Protectionism and sanctions will remain a key part of nations' policy tool kits and may find new applications.


Supply Chain Research

Semiconductor supply chain outlook

Semiconductor supply chain outlook

Deforestation rules' impact on supply chains

Deforestation rules' impact on supply chains

Trade and Supply Chain Webinars On-Demand

Trade and Supply Chain Webinars On-Demand

Supply Chain Essentials
Stay on top of our latest supply chain insights covering logistics, transportation, inventory management, pricing, sustainability, and more.

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Episode 1: The big picture (econ and country risk)

Episode 2: Operational insights (P&P and country risk)

Episode 3: The supply chain story

Why the Sustainability of your Suppliers' Matter

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, third party risk management has emerged as a crucial focus area for organizations across industries, as they strive to mitigate potential vulnerabilities and safeguard their operations from external threats.

Discover what are the complexities associated with managing external suppliers.


Supplier Financial Health Management: What You Need To Know

Most businesses have critical dependencies on their supply chain. Being able to rapidly and accurately assess and manage the financial stability of your counterparties has never been more urgent.


Get your answers to your end-to-end supply chain challenges.

Explore our suite of maritime, trade, and supply chain solutions to evaluate growth opportunities, increase market share, track competitors, and improve supply resilience.


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